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Battlefront is now Slitherine ×

Shock !!!!!

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Well I don't normally post negative comments but I am disgusted at the quality of this so called finished product! There are just so many things wrong with it I refuse to go into debate - I was looking forward to this game for ages and thought it would be a new age in Wargaming but have recived a extreamly badly coded pile of %££^.

The only shock force here is that I was suckered into buying this mess! What ever happened? How could something so good go so wrong!!!!!!! redface.gif:rolleyes:

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Kind'a makes me wonder why I'm having so much fun playing the game! I've read posts from board members having apoplectic seizures over bits I scarcely even notice. I'm especially amused by a post I read somewhere proclaiming top-down board play was prefereable to realtime play. Whew, hard to argue with that one. I don't have the least urge to 'throw the baby out with the bathwater'.

funkster, you weren't 'suckered into' buying anything. Did you download the demo first, read the manual, confirm the system specs?

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funkster, you weren't 'suckered into' buying anything. Did you download the demo first, read the manual, confirm the system specs?

Firstly no I didn't play the demo as I pre ordered! Yes I read the F'ing Manual - I'm not an idiot! My system is WELL above the specs - again I am not an idiot! :mad:

Thank you for your pedantic comments Mikey "fan Boi" D !!

So, merely out of morbid curiosity, what is your post, and what do you expect to come of it?

Good question, not really any productive reason (and not my normal style as stated) but just wanted to express my disappointment in a game I had such high hopes for (Thus the no debate comment - Sad but true I’m afraid. :(

At the end of the day the actually standard of the released code is well below par! No matter what type of game it is!! I love the background coding and realism (One of the many reasons I wanted to buy the game and followed the other BFC titles but I still expect a certain level of polish! I mean without entering the debate - The AI is laughable, The LOS abysmal, The UI is a joke compared to anything produced in the last 5yrs! (Contextual Menu's anyone?) The list of game play flaws is a long one and that’s before we get to the BUGS and Game Engine. I mean I have AMD2 5000 (dual core) with Nvidia 7900 gtx card, "gb Memory and would consider it well above the necessary specs to play a game of this nature. After all it's not the most graphically demanding now is it but graphics isn't why we play these games is it and that’s not my grumble. But as stated I would assume I could run this on Full Graphics without any issue!!!! = Bad coding and totally unpolished product (full stop)!!!!!

I have read many many post here prior to release and afterwards and it seems to me that there are a lot of people who just can't admit that this game should be a lot further down the road. Is asking for a polished, usable game to much to ask!

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Benpark - That is a rather broad question is it not? - I have many different favourites of many different types.

However my personal taste is not applicable here - we are talking about quality control , Integrity of product release, Beta Testing (Even the tested claim they were ignored - Posted in forums somewhere). I want this game to be good but I am afraid I am not just going to ignore the blinding truth that this game is FULL of Bugs, Incomplete and coded extremely badly!

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Funkster - you raise valid concerns. My advice to you is to separate out your technical issues and post them in the tech support forum. There are many issues being examined right now and likely if there are show stoppers, they can be addressed. You won't know until you ask.

Gameplay issues are being addressed in multiple threads here. The TacAI is being reviewed for the 1.02 patch due late next week. Other fixes are also being discussed, devised, and tested.

Steve has discussed why the game was released in its current state - check out the latest posts by "battlefront.com" and these posts may help alleviate some of your concerns.

I don't think anybody is happy you are not satisfied. It will be easier to address your concerns though if you can

a) search through some recent posts to see if your problems have already been addressed, and if not,

B) state your concerns in specific terms

Bearing in mind the game will simply not be everyone's cup of tea, either. From your comments it is hard to tell if you are in that category or not. I've had buyer's remorse many times - bought THE MOVIES last year on the recommendation of the forum, it lasted a day before I lost interest. Your concerns with the UI, for example, don't seem to be commonly held. Other concerns are definitely valid, as I've indicated.

I can understand your anger; we've all been there. Hopefully you can help others help you by being more specific in your comments.

Welcome to the forum, by the way. Sorry we had to meet like this. smile.gif

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Originally posted by Michael Dorosh:

Funkster - you raise valid concerns. My advice to you is to separate out your technical issues and post them in the tech support forum. There are many issues being examined right now and likely if there are show stoppers, they can be addressed. You won't know until you ask.

Gameplay issues are being addressed in multiple threads here. The TacAI is being reviewed for the 1.02 patch due late next week. Other fixes are also being discussed, devised, and tested.

Steve has discussed why the game was released in its current state - check out the latest posts by "battlefront.com" and these posts may help alleviate some of your concerns.

I don't think anybody is happy you are not satisfied. It will be easier to address your concerns though if you can

a) search through some recent posts to see if your problems have already been addressed, and if not,

B) state your concerns in specific terms

Bearing in mind the game will simply not be everyone's cup of tea, either. From your comments it is hard to tell if you are in that category or not. I've had buyer's remorse many times - bought THE MOVIES last year on the recommendation of the forum, it lasted a day before I lost interest. Your concerns with the UI, for example, don't seem to be commonly held. Other concerns are definitely valid, as I've indicated.

I can understand your anger; we've all been there. Hopefully you can help others help you by being more specific in your comments.

Welcome to the forum, by the way. Sorry we had to meet like this. smile.gif

Who are you and what have you done with Grog Dorosh?


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I suppose would be the gist of what I was asking was to name a few games that have lived up to your expectations as solid computer wargames.

I guess it does come down on some level as a question of "personal taste", as I see the glass in this case more than half full.

There are quite a few new and vocal people that are seeing it differently. I'm just curious as to what would be a another game that they find "perfect", to take the personal taste analogy a bit further.

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Originally posted by funkster319:

[QB] Benpark - That is a rather broad question is it not? - I have many different favourites of many different types.

However my personal taste is not applicable here

Actually it would help me understand the rage you've displayed a bit better. Grog rage? My platform only rage? My video card won't work rage, or just plan ol' troll rage? Or is it something else that makes you not use your normal posting style? MikeyD as a Fan Boi...Really that was actually a bit of a hoot...but well off the mark, chum.

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Originally posted by benpark:

I suppose would be the gist of what I was asking was to name a few games that have lived up to your expectations as solid computer wargames.

I guess it does come down on some level as a question of "personal taste", as I see the glass in this case more than half full.

There are quite a few new and vocal people that are seeing it differently. I'm just curious as to what would be a another game that they find "perfect", to take the personal taste analogy a bit further.

Maybe it's time for an offical, unendorsed Personal Anecdote? ;)

Many years ago I used to buy a new PC game every month or so. Just to see if they were good. And most of them weren't. The vast majority really sucked. Buggy as the day is long, not "deep" enough, hard to use, stated features missing, gameplay boring, etc. I remember (for whatever that is worth) that I just accepted that as the norm.

Then CM came out and it was darned-near perfect in all those areas. Things that WERE problematic were acknowledged and fixed, or added if missing where feasible and where not in conflict with the design. So the release was rocky (as all releases are) but good.

So I kinda-sorta got used to that kind of release from BFC. IF the game play is as I'm reading about, and if the bugs are as prevalent, then it's just that perfect storm of higher-than-average expectations, greater-than-expected hardware issues, and farther-than-expected departure from the core design.

All this makes it look more like an average ho-hum game release as opposed to the Super Awesome Happy Fun Time Monster Good Release that was expected.

So maybe it's nothing more than a few separate curves all peaking at the same time and amplifying each other?


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Originally posted by dalem:

</font><blockquote>quote:</font><hr />Originally posted by benpark:

I suppose would be the gist of what I was asking was to name a few games that have lived up to your expectations as solid computer wargames.

I guess it does come down on some level as a question of "personal taste", as I see the glass in this case more than half full.

There are quite a few new and vocal people that are seeing it differently. I'm just curious as to what would be a another game that they find "perfect", to take the personal taste analogy a bit further.

Maybe it's time for an offical, unendorsed Personal Anecdote? ;)

Many years ago I used to buy a new PC game every month or so. Just to see if they were good. And most of them weren't. The vast majority really sucked. Buggy as the day is long, not "deep" enough, hard to use, stated features missing, gameplay boring, etc. I remember (for whatever that is worth) that I just accepted that as the norm.

Then CM came out and it was darned-near perfect in all those areas. Things that WERE problematic were acknowledged and fixed, or added if missing where feasible and where not in conflict with the design. So the release was rocky (as all releases are) but good.

So I kinda-sorta got used to that kind of release from BFC. IF the game play is as I'm reading about, and if the bugs are as prevalent, then it's just that perfect storm of higher-than-average expectations, greater-than-expected hardware issues, and farther-than-expected departure from the core design.

All this makes it look more like an average ho-hum game release as opposed to the Super Awesome Happy Fun Time Monster Good Release that was expected.

So maybe it's nothing more than a few separate curves all peaking at the same time and amplifying each other?

-dale </font>

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Thanks Michael Dorosh, I agree 95% with your comments. As stated it was just venting and not meant to be a debatable post. I have read many posts here and acknowledge that many of my concerns are felt throughout the board, however I was simply exercising my right to air a comment - No more, No less and thus I stated such in my first post.

In answer to several replies my position is - I do LOVE tactical wargamming and although I haven't posted before I have been a keen reader of this board for a LONG LONG time. I so wanted CM2 to be the start of the next gen real wargame evolution , as there are all to many shallow COH types out there (IMO) thus the explanation for my "rage" when I found so many issues with the release.

As for technical issues I really should not have to be resetting CPU Affinity, Priority, rolling back drivers, reconfiguring graphics card settings and generally messing about to get games working. I am extremely PC savvy so it’s not a huge problem but still it certainly detracts from the game experience and should not be “Accepted” no matter how good we want the game to be.

I know BFC are pretty good at supporting the fan base with patches etc but I would suggest that they rethink there release strategy and not release clearly unfinished products as it just detracts from there otherwise excellent profile.

In a nutshell - I love ALOT of aspect of this game but feel hugely let down by the lack of polish, missing features and poorly implemented game engine.

I really didn’t want to get into a debate – I just wanted to voice my opinion for future readers.

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Originally posted by MikeyD:

Kind'a makes me wonder why I'm having so much fun playing the game!

That is exactly my point,,even the famed World of Warcraft was released with stability issues

PCGamer review:"Some stability issues immediately following launch Player-versus-player elements not complete. " and it has been patch alot and look what it is now. Players kept on on playing while the issues were fixed.

I for one am very happy with game and am having loads of fun. And with time it will only get better when patched and U scenario builders out there start making great addons. My 2 cents ,,Mitchell

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There are patches / unstability issues and then there are unfinished products.

If this attitude of "it's ok it will be patched in a few weeks / months" prevailed in the Car bying forum then we would all buy cars and have to wait for a patch to make them run!

My point being that - Patches are fine but there is a certain level of intial release quality expected.

[ August 03, 2007, 12:56 PM: Message edited by: funkster319 ]

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