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Peng Challenges all Other Threads to Fisticuffs on Boxing Day

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ahhh, there is the MBT we all know and love, makes me all misty it does, oh never mind, that is because Nidan took off his shoes.

On a side note, Stewardesses get mighty pissed when a plane full of GI's coming back from a desert environment all do that at once on the plane.

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Originally posted by Seanachai:

</font><blockquote>quote:</font><hr />Originally posted by Slapdragon's Ghost:

I had a vision yesterday of Abbottsitting around the house in his underwear thinking he was celebrating a British holiday. Took 16 ounces of Scotch to drive the vision from my mind.

l drank 16oz. of single malt once in the late 90s, and I remembered where I left my car in 1983. When I got back to it, there was ticket on it. </font>
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Well, since Joe Shaw gets all persnickety when I preview any details from our battles before he's had a chance to see them for himself, I'll just keep mum about the 85-15 drubbing I just gave him.

No, I won't say a word about the TOTAL VICTORY I had, demolishing all but one of his pitiful Stuarts... and that one was down to nothing but HE.

No, you won't hear it from me how I just laid in wait, allowing him to rush over the desert toward my carefully plotted positions and how, even though many of my Panzers had sustained gun damage, I was still able to turn his tanks into smoking lawn ornaments.

Nope. I'll not say a word.

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Originally posted by Boo Radley:

No, I won't say a word about the TOTAL VICTORY I had, demolishing all but one of his pitiful Stuarts...

Tha's akin tae sayin', "Look a' mae, Ah kin stand oop!". As there wun haggis-haid an thas whole stankin' place tha' haes played an' didnae whup Joe mah bag needs emptyin' Shaw?

Ah go' a 100 tae 0 win o'er tha hapless tosser, wi' tha print-screen tae prove at. Ah kin see wha ye didnae play agin real competition, cos Ah beat ye lak a rainted mule on many occaishun. Perhaps ye kin find a baseball bat an' take on a frog ain a bucket naixt.


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Originally posted by Boo Radley:

Well, since Joe Shaw gets all persnickety when I preview any details from our battles before he's had a chance to see them for himself, I'll just keep mum about the 85-15 drubbing I just gave him.

No, I won't say a word about the TOTAL VICTORY I had, demolishing all but one of his pitiful Stuarts... and that one was down to nothing but HE.

No, you won't hear it from me how I just laid in wait, allowing him to rush over the desert toward my carefully plotted positions and how, even though many of my Panzers had sustained gun damage, I was still able to turn his tanks into smoking lawn ornaments.

Nope. I'll not say a word.

Ah yes ... thanks for not PREVIEWING the final result as you constantly did for the movie turns throughout.

And they were HONEY'S not Stuarts ... get the terminology right.

Of course he NEGLECTED to mention that said HONEY'S were up against an equal number of MK IIIs and MK IV's IN THE FREAKING DESERT! ZIP COVER, NADA CONCEALMENT and my ONLY hope was to somehow get within popgun range before those massive 50mm and 75mm guns reached out and turned my HONEY'S into flaming wrecks.

AND THEN, not content with being able to demolish me before I could even get within range, HE POPS SMOKE whenever I manage to land a shell in his neighborhood.

Some victory ... some "victor" ...

OGSF you've clearly hacked that screenshot ... uh ... if you ever post it that is ... they you'll have hacked it ... if it ever shows up that is.


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Hey Abbott!

Turn sent, sorry for the delay, been in the land of wood-stoves and 'Alberta Premium' Rye. Oh and Red Breast, Baileys, Butterscotch Liqueur, Stella, Lucky Lager, boxed wine and when all else failed, Coors Light.

My liver is glad to be home...

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Originally posted by Joe Shaw:

Ah yes ... thanks for not PREVIEWING the final result as you constantly did for the movie turns throughout.

No problem. I always striver for affability.

And they were HONEY'S not Stuarts ... get the terminology right.

Potatoes, poTAHtoes...

Of course he NEGLECTED to mention that said HONEY'S were up against an equal number of MK IIIs and MK IV's IN THE FREAKING DESERT! ZIP COVER, NADA CONCEALMENT and my ONLY hope was to somehow get within popgun range before those massive 50mm and 75mm guns reached out and turned my HONEY'S into flaming wrecks.

And how well did that work for you, Joe?

Maybe, MAYBE if you had grouped your tanks together, you could have massed your fire on my isolated positions.

It's called tactics.

AND THEN, not content with being able to demolish me before I could even get within range, HE POPS SMOKE whenever I manage to land a shell in his neighborhood.

See above.

Some victory!!! Some victor!!!!!111!!ONE!!


Thank you, Joe.
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Originally posted by Boo Radley:

...{snipped} ...

And how well did that work for you, Joe?

Maybe, MAYBE if you had grouped your tanks together, you could have massed your fire on my isolated positions.

It's called tactics. ...{snipped}...

HAH! And, by so doing, I'd have forfeited what little protection there was from the minor dips and hills there WERE and presented you with a nice fat target to chew apart at long range.

But then YOUR idea of tactics was abandoned after Lord Cardigan led the Light Brigade.

No, the fact that I was able to salvage 15 points is a tribute to MY tactical ability ... you should have decimated my force long before, but you were too busy hiding behind your smoke like a frightened child hiding behind momma's skirt.


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Originally posted by Joe Shaw:

</font><blockquote>quote:</font><hr />Originally posted by Boo Radley:

...{snipped} ...

And how well did that work for you, Joe?

Maybe, MAYBE if you had grouped your tanks together, you could have massed your fire on my isolated positions.

It's called tactics. ...{snipped}...

HAH! And, by so doing, I'd have forfeited what little protection there was from the minor dips and hills there WERE and presented you with a nice fat target to chew apart at long range.

But then YOUR idea of tactics was abandoned after Lord Cardigan led the Light Brigade.

No, the fact that I was able to salvage 15 points is a tribute to MY tactical ability ... you should have decimated my force long before, but you were too busy hiding behind your smoke like a frightened child hiding behind momma's skirt.

Joe </font>

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Originally posted by Boo Radley:

</font><blockquote>quote:</font><hr />Originally posted by Joe Shaw:

</font><blockquote>quote:</font><hr />Originally posted by Boo Radley:

...{snipped} ...

And how well did that work for you, Joe?

Maybe, MAYBE if you had grouped your tanks together, you could have massed your fire on my isolated positions.

It's called tactics. ...{snipped}...

HAH! And, by so doing, I'd have forfeited what little protection there was from the minor dips and hills there WERE and presented you with a nice fat target to chew apart at long range.

But then YOUR idea of tactics was abandoned after Lord Cardigan led the Light Brigade.

No, the fact that I was able to salvage 15 points is a tribute to MY tactical ability ... you should have decimated my force long before, but you were too busy hiding behind your smoke like a frightened child hiding behind momma's skirt.

Joe </font>

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I guess you can tell who of those among us have absolutely no life outside of this awful little internet community.

Some of us lack a life more than others, but you can see that there is a hard corps of useless individuals frequenting this thread.

Happy New Year to those who are interested.

[ January 01, 2007, 06:41 AM: Message edited by: Nidan1 ]

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Originally posted by Sir 37mm:

Happy New Year gits!

Sir Sir 37mm I was ready to doff my hat to you and admit your technical brilliance in light of the video AAR you posted. It was, I thought, a tour de force and I was to be forced to acknowledge such in public.

Then I noted with relief that you had simply taken the work of BETTER men and adapted it to your purpose ... which is likely as close as you could have come to actually achieving something.

That being said it was well done on your part ... if derivative.

Frankly I thought it would have benefited from a love interest ... harem girl, skimpy costume, brave allied officer rescuing her from the clutches of the evil Nazi horde intent upon ravishing her ... and then, of course, gaining his reward.

Didn't care for the music either ... and the set decoration ... whose sand mod were you using?


[ January 01, 2007, 07:07 AM: Message edited by: Joe Shaw ]

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I know what you mean Joe , after all he was relegated to the same Youtube category which included Nazi war footage set to Rammstein.

You can see the potential here though...even someone as thick as you Joe, what about video interviews of MBT personnas? You could call it the Cesspool Idol, think of the fame and fortune you could achieve.

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Originally posted by Nidan1:

I know what you mean Joe , after all he was relegated to the same Youtube category which included Nazi war footage set to Rammstein.

You can see the potential here though...even someone as thick as you Joe, what about video interviews of MBT personnas? You could call it the Cesspool Idol, think of the fame and fortune you could achieve.

Well that would be a bit silly Nidan1 ... everyone knows that I'M the CessPool Idol.


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Originally posted by flammenwerfer:

</font><blockquote>quote:</font><hr />Originally posted by Nidan1:

But,think of it Joe , a video of you doing a soft shoe with the dulcid tones of Rammstein singing.. "du darf mein bestrafe sein" in the background.

That would have all the class and dignity of the Saddam execution. </font>
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Originally posted by Nidan1:

</font><blockquote>quote:</font><hr />Originally posted by flammenwerfer:

</font><blockquote>quote:</font><hr />Originally posted by Nidan1:

But,think of it Joe , a video of you doing a soft shoe with the dulcid tones of Rammstein singing.. "du darf mein bestrafe sein" in the background.

That would have all the class and dignity of the Saddam execution. </font>
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I was wondering whether or not to bring my AAR to the attention of the non-Cesspoolers but I hate leaving the One Thread at the best of times and at the moment the silly grogs seem real cranky, I mean have you seen some of the arguments currently going on?

I must say I like the idea of Cesspool Idol... but who gets to be Simon Cowell?

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