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If A Peng Falls in the Forest and None Hear Him, is He Still Challenged?

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Originally posted by Joe Shaw:

Be it hereby known to one and all that the Serf Bunyip (spelt but not bolded) is hereby reduced to the status of SSN by decree of the Olde Ones (unless Seanachai and Peng vote against you and I can't see that happening ... well, Seanachai maybe with his soft heart for strays).

p.s. Oh dear, I'm afraid this may upset rune ... what a pity that would be.

Well, hell, I don't give a rip about a Bunyip, but I deeply hate Rune and unlike strangers, his tears are more than just water.

On the other hand, I'd only take the piss out with Berli if Peng did too, or the lout had shown real promise, or there was money involved, or I needed leverage with Satan.

So, what to do, what to do...

Oh, hell, these sorts of situations aren't all that freaking difficult. You just stand in the Wasteland, taking a piss on an open patch of nothingness, and ask for a Sign.

Bunyip, if you're still around here and reading this ****e (can't tell, I'm still getting caught up), provide us with a poem. Versify for us, or sing a bit of gibberish, or do something that would cause me to roll onto one cheek long enough to pass wind in judgement.

Otherwise, if Rune is willing to get all strident about it, he's got to justify why I should intervene on his behalf, along the lines of 'You come to me, on this day, and you ask me for a favour, but what respect are you willing to show me?' sort of thing.

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Originally posted by rune:

I was one of the first Senior Knights, obviously the high altitude has confused Berli

Apologies accepted.


He's got the right of it, there. Or at least, he was granted some sort of special status. The Truth is rarely pretty, and almost never palatable.
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Originally posted by Bunyip:

</font><blockquote>quote:</font><hr />Originally posted by MrPeng:

I most strenuously object to new bunnyboy-yipdog stick thingamabob being made anything other than chum for sharks. I read a couple of his posts. Dint make me laugh. Not one of em. Not even a quiet smile to myself. Nothing. So rune no serfer boy for you bucko. That's two Olde Ones agin it - Me and Berli- so it is now LAW by our Iron Whim.

Bunny-boy yip-dog is still a whole lotta nuthin and will stay that way until our whimsy dictates elsewise.

Got it?


MrsPeng not putting out? </font>
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Originally posted by NG cavscout:

So, there I am, trying to relax after a hard week of writing tickets and oppressing random minorities and out of the blue I get an Email from the UK...

Apparently lord and master of my noble house has afflicted me with this, this, this ... brit... No sooner am I shed of 37mm (AKA 9mm), than another hanger on, post colonial delinquent, tea drinker is again knocking at my virtual door.

What, oh what Lord of the great house of RUIN, have I done to deserve this?

Well, the feck showed more initiative than many in writing to NG Cavscout directly. It's a mixed bag.

I think NG Cavscout (how you doing, bucky?!) should have some serious input into this matter. He's a Knight, and I figure hanging out in freaking Iraq while your kids are wondering where you are qualifies you for a take on stupid ****e like this. Man ought to get something for all that other than not having his arse blown off.

What says NG Cavscout?

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Originally posted by Speedy:

I just had a Seanachai overload, I need to lie down.

Well, have I done enough to let you all know that I'm back?

Shaw! You posture and pose, but what have you delivered? What is the State of the Thread?!

Actually, I'm pretty sure I'm sober, so I'll make it easy for you. Do I currently have any Serfs I'm responsible for? Any Squires? What, other than the clown Bunyip, should engage my attention? Fast up with it, dammit. This is the height of the kayaking season. Which means it's the height of the season for God to be screwing with my health.

I remain, however, as indestructible as a cockroach and three times as intelligent and amusing as any six of you lot put together. The Olde Ones and Ladies of the 'Pool, of course, being raised far above you, and left out of the accounting.

Berli! Peng! Isn't there something we should be doing to these idjits? I mean, occasionally I go over and get Dalem drunk and send him forth to post on the Thread ("My Laser Horn aches to pierce the bowl of Night"?; Jesus to Jesus and eight hands around, someone get me a taser). But it seems like there should be more... pain. They're about as engaged with the concept of the Thread as a bunch of Lotus Eaters complaining that the opium is harshing their buzz by making them constipated.

Turns have been sent to MrSpkr and Dalem. Boo must do penance and send me a setup. A round of adoration of my own fine self would be appropriate. Rleete should send me some pictures of the child I begat upon his wife by means of my intellect. Joe must answer my call upon his Stewardship. NG Cavscout and Rune must address the alleged Diprotodon. Mace must consider whether he'll continue to drink Fosters for free, or buy a shout.

And finally, I will tell you a brief Tale of Small Emma.

Recently Small Emma was introduced to the concept of what a 'brat' was, in her mother's attempt to head-off an interest in the Bratz Dolls that she was inadvertently exposed to. If you don't know what the 'Bratz Dolls' are, think 'skeevy hooker dolls aimed at very young children'.

Emma was told that a 'brat' was a bad thing. It was a person who was naughty, and mean, and icky. So, of course, ever since then she's been fascinated with, and trying to come to grips with the whole 'brat' concept. On the one hand, to her it looks like dolls that wear a lot of pink, purple and black, and have a lot of accessories. On the other hand, her Mom, the Law-giver (and therefore a figure that must, for some reason, be questioned), tells her that they are horrible creatures.

So, the other night we are playing with her dolls. She gets the real, Trademark Barbie, and I get the hideously cheap 'knock-off from China' doll that should probably be called 'Babie'. My doll seems to be looking slightly down with a fixed expression and mouth-splitting grin that is the last thing that some scuba-divers ever see. And she, in the roll of 'speaking for her doll', tells me: "Grandma Steve...my doll is...a brat".

And, mindful of my duty to her and her mother, I tell her "But Emma, we know that brats are naughty, and icky."

And she tells me "It's just 'pretend' brat, Grandma Steve". So I tell her, "Okay, Emma. Is your doll naughty?" And she says, "Yes".

So, as an anthropologist of Toddler America, I ask her "How is she naughty, Emma?"

And she tells me (remember, she's speaking for 'the naughty doll' at this point), slowly and with some thought: "Well..sometimes I pull people's hair" (a thing she has recently experienced, brutally, with her younger, year-old sister). And I tell her, "Well, Emma, that is naughty".

And she tells me "And sometimes, if someone takes my toy, I bite them". And I tell her, "Yes, Emma, that's very naughty".

And then, waggling the doll around gently while looking at me, she says "And sometimes, I like to kill people."

And 'Whoa, Doggies!', I rear back and tell her "Emma Sine Bunny-Ears, that's very naughty, even if we're pretending!" I have a vision of being on-camera, saying 'She was a quiet child, and kept to herself' while the bodies are being gurneyed out in the background.

It's all silliness, of course. At four years old she has no more idea of what death or killing someone means than she does of entropy and the end of the universe.

But I told her Mom, just to be sure. And her Mom looked a bit non-plussed, and said "As long as she doesn't actually try to kill her younger sister, again, I'm not too worried."

After that, we played 'Cinderella' again. It was the basic, Disney story. This time, she added, all on her own, the fact that the Evil Stepmother shouts at the wicked step-sisters, Cinderella, and Barbie: "You insignificant fools!" I, as the voice of the the 'wicked step-sisters' (played by two soft toy dogs), and 'Barbie'(whose role is yet to be determined), that we were not 'insignificant fools, but were, in fact, extremely significant fools'.

Her Mom told me: You know, you're not impressing her with your wit by those remarks.

And I told her, Yeah, but I make them for my own amusement. It's the only way I can keep playing these strange, repetitive, weird-ass games over and over again without going mad.

It's a lot like the way I play with you lot on the Peng Challenge Thread.

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Originally posted by dalem:

I don't know where else to post this.

I'm not really sure how to handle it.

But I know that y'all are the right crowd to help me understand what has happened:

Seanachai has left his pork loin in my refrigerator.

You've got two choices. You can either pretend it never happened, and put it in your freezer, or you can eat it.

Whatever you choose, I'm not going to be the one to call you a cheap neo-con whore.

Even though you are.

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Some people have way to much time on their hands. I am doing well Seanachai, how are you? You and Peng should come down for some more tex mex, or maybe breakfast at the local strip joint.... This month is shot, but August might work. I have Wednesdays and Thursdays off. Don't you owe me a turn or somefink?

So far, Bunyip is relatively good at returning turns in a timely manner, but his repartee needs some work.

The message included in his latest missive follows

"Hmmm rain in africa, do they have daisies there?"

wow, kind of takes your breath away doesn't it?

He did defer to my great mastery of all things and begged me to choose the scenario, so, he is somewhat knowledgeable of his place at the bottom of the food chain.

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Originally posted by Seanachai:


Messenger? Oh, right... Messenger.

I lost that when my hard drive had it's melt down last month. Haven't reinstalled it as of yet.

Now I think I know why.

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Originally posted by Seanachai:

</font><blockquote>quote:</font><hr />Originally posted by Boo Radley:

That's because you didn't specify which take-out.

So don't blame me for your lack of specificity!

Lies, trickery and deceit. Is that what it's come down to? I demand that Boo undertake a Quest as Penance. Justicar! Shuffle your aged and decrepit self to the fore, and bring the full weight of your feeble wits to bear upon this matter of import.


Nothing major, perhaps a 1,000 point set-up, nothing in the fecking desert on some sandy pool table, and the tip of the pinky finger from his off hand (from the first knuckle on).

Oh, and Boo, send it with dry-ice in the package. It's summertime, and the mailman freaks out if the package smells of rotting flesh. </font>

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Originally posted by Seanachai:

</font><blockquote>quote:</font><hr />Originally posted by dalem:

I don't know where else to post this.

I'm not really sure how to handle it.

But I know that y'all are the right crowd to help me understand what has happened:

Seanachai has left his pork loin in my refrigerator.

You've got two choices. You can either pretend it never happened, and put it in your freezer, or you can eat it.

Whatever you choose, I'm not going to be the one to call you a cheap neo-con whore.

Even though you are. </font>

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rleete seems to be driving his girlie car all over northwesterh New York and has thus insulated himself from my ridicule for a short period of time. I would feel a tinge of dejection at this if it were not for the fact that I have some kind of life and have not had to put up with Roger for a while.

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Seanachai I am a busy busy busy man and am, at this very moment in time, posting this from my WORK computer while ensonsced in the dread Regional Headquarters in Denver.

THAT'S how much I contribute to this thread ... I READ it ... ALL of it ... ALL the time.

Were YOU to follow my lead in this matter you might have noticed that BOTH Berli and Peng formally served up notice on the thread that bundrips is NOT a Serf but merely an SSN with a name that just SCREAMS to be mangled. YOUR opinion, therefore, is meaningless ... okay MORE meaningless than usual. The change has been made and rune is annoyed and, therefore, it seems to me that all is right with the world since I never thought the lad showed much promise ... rune that is ... well and bundrips as well.

As to the State of the Thread, I'm working on it ... you DO want my best effort I'm sure. Also I'm waiting for a photo from MrSpkr.

Why do I need a photo of MrSpkr? Never you mind that's why.


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Originally posted by Seanachai:

</font><blockquote>quote:</font><hr />Originally posted by Mace:

</font><blockquote>quote:</font><hr />Originally posted by Seanachai:

He is the current Eldest Australian for a reason.

Free beer, loose women and great health insurance? </font>
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