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Gain Power & Domination with Mojo Peng Challenge Gris-Gris

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Or not.


The rules are as follows, you horrible, little mincing twit.

We don't like you or your little dog, too.

We don't care about your opinions, even if you have any.

We will never, ever like you, but kiss up all you want.

Go away. Go far away. Let not the night find you where the day left you. Seek ye far horizons where we aren’t. And then keep going.

Still here? Damn. Very well, if you must post, try to show some wit and vinegar. Challenge someone. Operative word is ONE. Single one person out and construct a creative taunt to entice them to the field of battle. Anything less will be met with scorn, derision and more scorn. And derision. Don’t bother the Olde Ones or the Knights or even the squires, for that matter. Challenge either an SSN like yourself, or a serf.

Sound off like ya got a pair. NOT about your pair, because we really couldn’t care less about minor matter like that.

The Ladies of the Pool are sacrosanct. Don't go there or you'll discover Coventry fast. Coventry you ask? It's our special way of dealing with those we really don't like.

Leave your personal hang-ups and prejudices at the door. We have no use for your mind numbing ignorance here.

If you do not have an E-mail address or a general location in your profile, you ain’t tall enough to ride this ride.

Now, if you understand and agree to all that’s been said here... SOD OFF!

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The liquor store near my house is still having a sale. Today I walked out with 5 bottles of wine, 2 of good bourbon, a cognac (what the hell is cognac anyway and why do I need it?), and a couple of bottles more of rum.

For $125.

Now my cabinet is full to bursting. What do I do?

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Gautier looks on the up and up. Hell, they even SOUND like Frenchies. Full product line here.

I have never developed a taste for cognac. Prefer my liquors of the Scotch or Tequila variations. Unless it is warm out, then it is gin and tonic, with bit of lime to ward off scurvy.

The proof is in the glass so pour yourself a bit and see what all the fuss is about.

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Originally posted by mike_the_wino:

Gautier looks on the up and up. Hell, they even SOUND like Frenchies. Full product line here.

I have never developed a taste for cognac. Prefer my liquors of the Scotch or Tequila variations. Unless it is warm out, then it is gin and tonic, with bit of lime to ward off scurvy.

The proof is in the glass so pour yourself a bit and see what all the fuss is about.

Cool, I done okay, ma!

And yeah, most of the stuff I have is for guests (i.e Seanachai), but I am eager to try some of the Bulleit bourbon I got today - I've read good things about it. Of course, with a sniffly nose I'm not sure I should drink anything more expensive than Bacardi tonight.

Although a buddy of mine has always said his cure for a cold involves red meat and Pussers...

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Originally posted by dalem:

Of course, with a sniffly nose I'm not sure I should drink anything more expensive than Bacardi tonight.

Ah, I remember one evening in college when I was coming down with a chest cold. My roommate said the best thing for a chest cold was a shot of bourbon, so he opened up a brand spanking new bottle of Jack Daniels and poured me a generous shot. And since he didn't like to see me drink alone, he poured himself a shot.

Well, that shot went down mighty smooth, so we both thought another was in order.

About two hours later, the bottle was empty and we both staggered off to bed.

I woke up about an hour later, realizing that what went down was going to come up. Real soon. So I staggered my way to the bathroom and almost made it there.

A half hour later, after I had finished mopping the floor, I fell back into bed and awoke the next morning with a horrible chest cold that almost matched my horrible hang over.

Moral of the story?

Don't do that.

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We use the word "holiday" as a politically correct catch all phrase when we fear to offend anyone not celebrating a particular event or commemoration that you are celebtrating.

Example "Happy Holiday" instead of "Merry Christmas"

In other uses it means one day off in a work week, a "vacation" is usually the whole week or more.

I hope that helps you non English speaking, English speakers.

Language murderers. Even the French love to include English phrases in their language. But not the American versions.


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Originally posted by dalem:

The liquor store near my house is still having a sale. Today I walked out with 5 bottles of wine, 2 of good bourbon, a cognac (what the hell is cognac anyway and why do I need it?), and a couple of bottles more of rum.

For $125.

Now my cabinet is full to bursting. What do I do?

If you ax Berli there's no such thing as "good bourbon" but wtf does that rat bastard know?

I was a big fan of Knob Creek and Blanton's back in my drinking days. Good times, good times.

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Originally posted by dalem:

The liquor store near my house is still having a sale. Today I walked out with 5 bottles of wine, 2 of good bourbon, a cognac (what the hell is cognac anyway and why do I need it?), and a couple of bottles more of rum.

For $125.

Now my cabinet is full to bursting. What do I do?

Invite me over. BTW, cognac is horrible stuff. Don't even open the bottle. Send it to me for safe disposal. Really. You don't want to mess with it. It'll ruin you for life.


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Originally posted by dalem:

The liquor store near my house is still having a sale. Today I walked out with 5 bottles of wine, 2 of good bourbon, a cognac (what the hell is cognac anyway and why do I need it?), and a couple of bottles more of rum.

For $125.

Now my cabinet is full to bursting. What do I do?

Dalem, I say this not merely as a friend, nor as a fan of huge purchases of alcohol, nor as someone who can look forward to coming over to your house and drinking until your Neo-Con Whore friends say 'Dude, you better slow down; I can't keep up'.

But man, you gotta slow down. You're running close on the $500 mark. I've been there, I've done a quick total, complete with 'Moving Our Business' discount. And there is, without a doubt, no more lightening calculator of everything to do with liquor than myself.

Look, man, I don't want to arrive there one night to tip a glass of rum with you, and smoke some cigars, and find you dead on the floor of the living room with your starving dog & cat gnawing on your face, because the sheer weight of alcohol in your place moved you to immolate yourself.

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Originally posted by MrPeng:

</font><blockquote>quote:</font><hr />Originally posted by dalem:

The liquor store near my house is still having a sale. Today I walked out with 5 bottles of wine, 2 of good bourbon, a cognac (what the hell is cognac anyway and why do I need it?), and a couple of bottles more of rum.

For $125.

Now my cabinet is full to bursting. What do I do?

If you ax Berli there's no such thing as "good bourbon" but wtf does that rat bastard know?

I was a big fan of Knob Creek and Blanton's back in my drinking days. Good times, good times. </font>

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Originally posted by Noba:

</font><blockquote>quote:</font><hr />We use the word "holiday" as a politically correct catch all phrase when we fear to offend anyone not celebrating a particular event or commemoration that you are celebtrating.

Example "Happy Holiday" instead of "Merry Christmas"

In other uses it means one day off in a work week, a "vacation" is usually the whole week or more.

I hope that helps you non English speaking, English speakers.

Language murderers. Even the French love to include English phrases in their language. But not the American versions.

Noba. </font>

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Originally posted by mike_the_wino:

Gautier looks on the up and up. Hell, they even SOUND like Frenchies. Full product line here.

I have never developed a taste for cognac. Prefer my liquors of the Scotch or Tequila variations. Unless it is warm out, then it is gin and tonic, with bit of lime to ward off scurvy.

The proof is in the glass so pour yourself a bit and see what all the fuss is about.

Good. You're not dead, Mike the Wino.

I wondered. Briefly.

I will give you lot a short story about 'cognac'.

My Mum and Step-Dad got tickets, a couple of years ago, for 'The Pirates of Penzance' at the Guthrie, the major theater in town.

I'd wanted to get tickets for it, but it was too rich for my blood. And my good friend Jen (Mom of Small Emma), also wanted tickets, but couldn't get good ones, so she passed, but regretted it.

So, my Mom and Step-Dad couldn't use theirs, so they gave them to me. And I had to ask myself: Who would totally appreciate these? And asked my friend Jen.

It was her big night out. She was determined to enjoy it to the max. She dressed up, and no one can dress up better than her. We had dinner at the best Greek restaurant in Minneapolis.

So, when the intermission comes, we get in line to buy drinks. She's in line forever. She asks me what I want, and I ask for a glass of Aussie Shiraz. She buys a glass of that, and a glass of Remy Martine cognac for herself. The bartender looks at her beautiful face, long, dark, flowing hair, and ample bosom, and pours her a triple shot. As he gives her her change, the lights flash, and trumpets ring out to mark the five minute call before the Production begins again.

And as I looked at her, I raised my glass of red wine, and said: Here's looking at you, kid. We've got five minutes. Let's see who finishes first.

I then shot my glass down in about two minutes. When they flashed the lights for final call before the next actl, she had to chug down about 2 ounces of cognac.

She told me later that she put it down, but that it was all she could do for the first 20 minutes of the next act not to heave it up on the suburban matron in front of her.

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Originally posted by Seanachai:

</font><blockquote>quote:</font><hr />Originally posted by Noba:

</font><blockquote>quote:</font><hr />We use the word "holiday" as a politically correct catch all phrase when we fear to offend anyone not celebrating a particular event or commemoration that you are celebtrating.

Example "Happy Holiday" instead of "Merry Christmas"

In other uses it means one day off in a work week, a "vacation" is usually the whole week or more.

I hope that helps you non English speaking, English speakers.

Language murderers. Even the French love to include English phrases in their language. But not the American versions.

Noba. </font>

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Originally posted by Seanachai:

Boo. I think you are too large and immensely caucasian and Ohioan to use the term 'gris-gris'.

Plus, the only way to even get gris-gris in Ohio is to know someone who knows someone who is smuggling it in from one of the poorer neighborhoods of Chicago. If Boo has those kinds of connections, I say we appoint him to the Entertainment Committee of the Peng Challenge Thread.


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