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Originally posted by Boo Radley:

Neither do I know or care. Why should you?

The picture that the damned Finn brought in here triggered a memory… that’s a special moment for me

No I didn't. Why in the hell would I do that? I didn't ask you to invite any of them in here anymore than I would invite you into any place where humans might possibly congregate.

You did, you did TOO!

You told me to raise rednecked dollar AND you told me it was for the good of the ' Pool… at least I think you did… and in the end, isn’t that what counts anyway?

So, in Britain, is "honour" a euphanism for underwear?
You cur… you know naught about underwear!
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Originally posted by Sir 37mm:

The picture that the damned Finn brought in here triggered a memory… that’s a special moment for me

You once bathed in a toilet? I can understand why it's a special moment for you... it was probably the cleanest you'd ever been.

You told me to raise rednecked dollar

Please... keep your disgusting sexual fantasies to yourself. Unless they're more amusing than this.

You cur… you know naught about underwear!
And again... please. I HAVE underwear older than you. And in better shape.

Which reminds me that it's time for a jolly sing song!


"Oh Senanchai, the pipes, the pipes are calling you..."

Oh, wait... no. The toilet's backed up again!

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Originally posted by Joe Shaw:

</font><blockquote>quote:</font><hr />Originally posted by stikkypixie:

</font><blockquote>quote:</font><hr />Originally posted by Lars:

</font><blockquote>quote:</font><hr />Originally posted by Abbott:

Fear no fish!

What about killer whales? </font>
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Originally posted by Boo Radley:

</font><blockquote>quote:</font><hr />Originally posted by Joe Shaw:

</font><blockquote>quote:</font><hr />Originally posted by stikkypixie:

</font><blockquote>quote:</font><hr />Originally posted by Lars:

</font><blockquote>quote:</font><hr />Originally posted by Abbott:

Fear no fish!

What about killer whales? </font>
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Originally posted by Boo Radley:

You once bathed in a toilet? I can understand why it's a special moment for you... it was probably the cleanest you'd ever been.

Why, you drooling, white-flag waving girly-girl, would a picture of a pig remind me of a toilet?

It wouldn’t, would it?

… unless I’d once flushed a piglet down the loo or sumfink… but what would the chances of that really be?

Heck I don’t even reckon a piglet would get round the u-bend, so the whole idea is just implausible… laughable really.

So look here Mister I’m a smelly think I know-it-all when I don’t and everybody damn well knows it, I categorically deny ever flushing piglets down anybody’s loo!

And as for Fantasies! Fantasies! Who’s talking about fantasies?

I’ll tell you who… you, ya great big feckwit!

If you’re fantasising about me fantasising about me getting it on with rednecked dollar then that only tells me one of two possible things is going on here…

(Yankeedoodle) You fantasising about me fantasising about me getting it on with rednecked dollar is really just your way of transferring your own fantasies about you getting it on with rednecked dollar over me… I mean onto me

(Bisto) You fantasising about me fantasising about me getting it on with rednecked dollar is just another example of how sad & pathetic you've become (or, I suppose, always bloody been) for you're unable to even put up with youreslf in your own fantasies... you’re only able to watch kinda thing. So you fantasise about me getting it on with rednecked dollar as an acceptable surrogate for your own fantasies.

Either way accept this, you rock rubbing deviant… rednecked dollar is way outa your league!

And another bleedin thing, I KNOW you have underwear older than me… remember how many times I’ve had to run your bloody bath?

And still nobody believes me when I say that I found the best way to clean your undergarments was with uranium hexafluoride.

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Unless FISA gets an immediate report, from either rleete or Seanachai, on stoat’s status I propose that we do indeed make stoat a squire of Mace.

Boo Radley, Juan_gigante & NG Cavscout... your opinions please?

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Originally posted by Sir 37mm:

Unless FISA gets an immediate report, from either rleete or Seanachai, on stoat’s status I propose that we do indeed make stoat a squire of Mace.

Boo Radley, Juan_gigante & NG Cavscout... your opinions please?

I too have requested updates on the Seanachai-rleete-stoat situation, both on April 24th and again on May 11th after a similar information request by Boo Radley. On neither occasion was the requested information provided, to my knowledge.

rleete must be held accountable to the power of the F.I.S.A. court, and Seanachai must be, to the degree that an Olde One can be held accountable to anything.

However, I feel that awarding the lad to Mace is a poor idea. After all... it's Mace. And though stoat is a bad enough serf to warrant little coddling, throwing him to the Oddstralians is just cruel.

There are a few other options available. We could award stoat's squireship to the Justicar himself, to ensure a proper Justicarlicious upbringing for the lad - if the Justicar were willing to accept. The boy could also be made a joint squire of the F.I.S.A. court. Though non-traditional, it is an option. I'm sure that my fellow court members also have ideas.

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Originally posted by juan_gigante:

However, I feel that awarding the lad to Mace is a poor idea. After all... it's Mace.

A valid point, but only if your opinion counted for something here! Afterall we're not your typical democracy where everyone's vote counts.

Besides, rank doth hath its privileges.

*goes back to marking the hours, minutes and seconds off on the wall* Oh looky there, 3 days to go.

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I never thought I would say this, but I am inclined to agree with Sir Sir 37mm... That makes me sad way down deep inside. The boy may not be able to defend against my Heroes of the Motherland very well, if at all, but he has a point here, and not the one on top of his lopsided head. Poor Stoat is drifting, with no guidance, no firm hand directing his growth. (Down Sturmsebber, Down).

If both Rleete and Seanachai continue to neglect their duties, I see no choice but to cast about for a suitable replacement. I also, sigh, agree that Mace would be a likely choice. After watching "Wolf Creek", and considering how Stoat treated me during our last completed PBEM, I can think of nothing he deserves more than the close, personal, loving attention of someone from Down Under.

Sorry I haven't posted in so long. Missions had been coming fairly regularly, and now I am waiting for my laptop to return from being repaired by Mr. Peng. Some good news though, less than 3 months to go in this garden spot. We should really send Lars here. He would fit right in with the lizards and biting flies.

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Well the FISA panel has clearly shown the way

Two of us say fling him to the ozzies & be done with it.

One of us is a brownnosing little creep… Justicarlicious, yuk!

And one of us, unfortunately, is a Boo & matters little.

2-0-0... the Ozzies get to keep him

So Joe why don’t you be a good little Justicar, perform your ceremonial duties & sort stoat out pronto?

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