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Death Animations?

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Now that the game is nearly done, I was wondering if units had death animations when they got deaded? As opposed to CMx1's snap to death pose system when a squad was lost.

Also will hit effects (not necessarily blood puffs or any blood at all) be shown when a unit is hit?

Also, I'm going a bit OT with this but will vehicles have cool visual damage models (like shell hit holes, scorch marks, bits getting blown off or the whole unit getting tipped over)?

Thanks I was just wondering about stuff since I'm excited and stuff.

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Sam Peckinpah's estate unfortunately hasn't released its copyright on Slow-Motion Death Animations™. Luckily the Snap-To-Death animation is still considered public domain. You can enjoy it in such fine games as Avalon Hill's Squad Leader™, Barbie's™ Hallowe'en Gross-Out, and Skateboard Cruisin' Toxic Waste Butthole Surfers: The Awakening Part III (Pat. Pend.).

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It's great to see the old classics like 'can the blood and entrails be turned up to 11' coming up again. Nothing makes me feel more light-hearted and reassured about mankind than the eventual demand for gorier representations of death in the Game.

Because, you know, it's simply not possible to get your minimum daily requirement of graphic images of death from movies or the evening news or the internet. Doesn't matter that their only purpose in the game, especially given that they don't even represent individuals in a specific, pinpoint location, is to give the viewer that shuddery little rubber glove/proctal exam moment of either pathos or sadism.

I imagine that one jackal or another will now be by, as inevitable as the dawn, to begin the argument about how 'the enhanced graphical realism of death and mutilation helps bring home the gruesome reality of war', while another hyaena makes inane remarks about the 'coolness factor of watching the little dudes get hammered into jelly', and some sententious halfwit pulls a long face and remarks that 'having the death of your small warriours represented more poignantly makes you more chary of their virtual lives, while seeing the righteous destruction of your enemies fills you with a glow of satisfaction'.

For me? It's a unit elimination marker. It signifies a tactical resolution. For everything else, there's touching yourself.

Oh, not that I don't gloat and glory in those elimination markers. It's just that I don't need the game makers to provide porn while I do so.

Personally, I just keep some print-outs of Hakko Ichiu's "Grog Porn" classics by the machine, in case I have trouble achieving a happy ending.

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No 'Hollywood' death animations in the game, The guy gets shot, the guy goes down.

1:1 represented deaths can be disturbing enough in the game even without the gore. Be unlucky enough to drop your rear ramp with a Syrian mg team facing you in a nearby building and the result can be something like the opening scene of 'Saving Private Ryan'! Your reflexes aren't quick enough to whisk your men to safety so you watch in realtime horror as the dead pile up at the foot of the ramp. Plus dead soldiers are designated in-game by a red circle beneath them that does have a somewhat disturbing connotation. The thought flashes through your mind that if this wasn't just a game what happened in those few seconds at that offramp would make graphic front page headlines around the world! Though CMSF isn't 'graphic' it certainly isn't 'sanitized' either.

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CMSF is good enough in it's depiction of death and vehicle damage. It may not look like a movie, but you get the picture.

I've honestly had a few rough moments in the last few weeks since a friend of mine was killed by an IED. Something about the reality of his death and the "play" factor of the game when a vehicle is hit by a IED is very blurred.

But for those who enjoy the chaos of virtual combat, you will not be disapointed by the HUGE IED.

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SGT_56M, I just started reading a new book "Odysseus in America, Combat trauma and the trials of homecoming" by Shay. The book starts out discussing that very topic. It begins with the telling a 2,500 year old tale of a veteran's torn reaction when confronted by his hosts unsuspecting use of 'his' war for entertainment purposes - in that case a bard at a party singing tales of the then-ten year old Trojan war. Sounds like over the last 2 1/2 millenia things haven't changed much for the returning G.I.

[ June 26, 2007, 07:27 PM: Message edited by: MikeyD ]

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if you've ever read 'the Illiad' (not that sucky Brad Pitt movie TROY - yuk!) you'd know they got MORE than their share of dismemberments out of that story! :eek: Shay's previous book was the very highly regarded "Achilles in Vietnam", using Homer's 'the Illiad' to shed light on Vietnam vets combat trauma. Says something about the Illiad that it was able to keep up with Vietnam horror-for-horror.

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Originally posted by MikeyD:

if you've ever read 'the Illiad' (not that sucky Brad Pitt movie TROY - yuk!) you'd know they got MORE than their share of dismemberments out of that story! :eek: Shay's previous book was the very highly regarded "Achilles in Vietnam", using Homer's 'the Illiad' to shed light on Vietnam vets combat trauma. Says something about the Illiad that it was able to keep up with Vietnam horror-for-horror.

For sure. The Illiad is a gorefest. I believe that some English coloquilisms, such as 'bite the dust' originated in the Illiad. That's food for thought. And ruminate on the fact that Akhilles would be excluded from our current day military due to 'don't ask, don't tell.' :=) OTOH, I guess he'd probably end up working for Blackwater or something.

It's a terrific read in any case. Just skip the chapter where it enumerates each and every Akhaian host. Holy 3300 year old boredom batman!

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Originally posted by Steiner14:

War without blood, is like life without death.

A realistic tactical wargame should be full of gore and splatter elements.

How about a 18+ module?

I'm glad you're not designing the game. smile.gif

Although, I bet the game would sell more copies if 'gore and splatter elements' were included.

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