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CMSF vs MBT, aka "Peng Challenges Again"!

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Originally posted by MrPeng:

Oh rooo-une! runie-boy! c'mere ol' rune. Atta boy. Ok rune go an fetch me an Boo a nice 2 tousant pointer. Go on, fellah, FETCH!!!

You can't have him running around like that! He'll only make a mess of the nature strip, leaving little 'barker's eggs' for people to step on accidently.

And I suggest you have him spayed.

PS Hiya Runey!

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I don't believe I've ever challllllllllenged Mace to the ultimate Persiflagitamicaceacueuos challllllenge.

I hereby Do So on behalf of House Persiflage.

Send Me Setup, blah bhah blah.

If you can work in that Red Rock or Ediacaran Aussie Thang, so much the Better.

Blah blah blah blah...


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Originally posted by Leeo:

</font><blockquote>quote:</font><hr />Originally posted by Seanachai:

During the month of October, I think any advertiser who uses the term 'Spooktacular' should be repeatedly sodomized with a plastic fork.

I believe a spork would prove more rectifying. </font>
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Whew, I was about to post something just full of bile, and anger, and all it totally serious. Wow, glad I caught that before hitting the add reply button. Maybe if the thread that got me all worked up hadn't been locked I would of posted it there, but, oh well.

Ok you vile crew of reprobates. I currently have 4 PBEM games going, and I am still forced to spend literally hours a day sitting here twiddling my thumbs. Leutnant Hortlund I think you need to send me a setup, feel free to make it a night battle if you wish, since from your picture, it is obvious that coming out in daylight just isn't quite your thing. And hey, I get to drink coffee too..... Unfortunately I can't spice it up with a little Irish Cream or a wee dram of whiskey.

[ October 16, 2005, 12:33 PM: Message edited by: NG cavscout ]

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Im sorry NG but I cant run CM on my laptop, and this ol laptop is all Ive got now since I moved to another town and changed jobs and all. Soo either we wait until I buy a new computer sometime next year, or you'll have to try your luck against me in some other type of game. Like chess.

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Originally posted by Leutnant Hortlund:

Howcome you earned the title Spanker of the Swedish anyway?

And howcome Ive never been spanked by you? (Now there is a nice mental image for the rest of you sods)

because you aren't a saucy little wench!!!

I used to play alot of games against a Swede, when I was still a SSN. Can't remember his handle right now though.

Ah Ha, Sir Real was his name. Here is his website describing me spanking him, well once or twice anyway. http://www.linkdata.se/cmbb/Cavscout/Battle-3/aar.html

[ October 16, 2005, 02:06 PM: Message edited by: NG cavscout ]

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Originally posted by NG cavscout:

Ah Ha, Sir Real was his name. Here is his website describing me spanking him,

Quoted from your link...

The AI would have won this one as the germans without breaking into a sweat

... I mean come on the guy bought 6 flamethrower tanks for defence!

I reckon you should be stripped of your title until you find a proper* Swede to challenge

* I mean naked, beardful & blonde

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Originally posted by Sir 37mm:

</font><blockquote>quote:</font><hr />Originally posted by NG cavscout:

Ah Ha, Sir Real was his name. Here is his website describing me spanking him,

Quoted from your link...

The AI would have won this one as the germans without breaking into a sweat

... I mean come on the guy bought 6 flamethrower tanks for defence!

I reckon you should be stripped of your title until you find a proper* Swede to challenge

* I mean naked, beardful & blonde </font>

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Originally posted by NG cavscout:

bah, this from the guy who has me attacking in the desert, across pretty much open terrain, except for a few gullys and some rocks, against a ridgeline defended by fortified position after fortified position. Tell you what 37mm after this little monstrosity we are playing ends, we can do a CMBB QB, 1943, Axis Assault just like the one in the AAR, and I will defend as the russians, We will see who is a gamey bastiche. I challenge you. 1500 points per side should do it I think.

I haven't 'got you' attacking across anything, blame the rock polishing quasi-Justicar for the damned game!

And you call that a challenge?

You didn't insult my integrity, nationality, intelligence or... well anything.

I mean even 2v4blow could do better & that git runs a mile every time I challenge him!

But sure after we've finished 'a ridge too far' or whatever the feck it’s called we can do the whole '43 Eastern front 'thing'… hopefully my AFV’s will face tougher opposition than flamethrower tanks & snipers

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I was just sitten here thinking about Hogzilla and wonderin if that Hog really weighed 2,000 pounds? As you probably know all hogs have a mean side, they are meaner then a stepped on rattler if you cross em. Some folks say Hogzilla don’t exist but I am thinking that what if on a stormy night a group of some smart Hogs orchestrated an escape? What if Hogzilla’s mother escaped from a farm and mated with a huge wild Hog? That could be where Hogzilla come from. Stuff like that happens down in Georgia all the time. I think Hogs have abilitys we are just beginning to fathom. I have seen em leave in a truck and weeks later all of a sudden like, show up back out in the yard like the prodigal pig. I don’t think the Hogzilla threat is confined to one monster hog either. I think some of em they are smarter then the average guy. Who else thinks Hogs should get credit for being pretty smart? I am wonderin how many Hogzillas are out there and where they stay.

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Good Christ, but I hate Cracker rednecks.

Of course, the list of things I don't hate is a very short list indeed, headed off by Small Emma, so this may not be the sweeping condemnation it should be.

Now, it is interesting to note that I primarily hate large, sweeping concepts of humanity, as opposed to individuals. Generally, I get along with individuals rather well, even though I may, in fact, hate everything about them.

But I am not sure about this 'Red Necked Dollar' creature. Generally speaking my hatred of Cracker rednecks has been applicable to every individual that fits that description, as well.

However, I have my doubts. For one thing, this 'Red Neck Dollar' thing claims to be living in the Cascades. Now, while I know that there are, in fact, many halfwit rednecks living in the Cascades, none of them are Crackers, and this lad has 'Cracker redneck' written all over each and every post. In fact, it's scrawled so broadly over every post that it fills me with doubt.

For one thing, he can spell (most of the time). Therefore, I think him a sham. Not to mention that his colourful colloquialisms swing between 'Southern', 'Western', and general, all-purpose 'Every Redneck'.

So what am I getting at? I have no idea. But what am I to make of a man who, in the very same sentence misuses the plural of the word 'abilitys', and then uses the word 'fathom'.

I think we are after having a poseur foisted upon us.

I, for one, am not willing to simply accept the 'profile'. I think that in a contested and conflicted identity such as this, we need an actual Bio.

I refuse to accept a concept masquerading as an individual. or vice versa. Here on the Peng Challenge Thread, we are all about individuals.

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Originally posted by Elijah Meeks:

Never woulda happened if it had been my thread that survived the Split. No sir, never woulda happened.

Ye can tak a wee dump an' fall back ain at. Hiram were tha ainly wun tae follow ye tae ye Heretical Thraid an' hae's noo aboot as hae? An neither are yoo laddie, sae hoo aboot a wee dram o' shut tha feck oop?

Ah still hate ye stankin' guts fer tha setoop ye had mae play agin Hiram fer tha Kannigethood. Feckin conscripts at night. Bastaarrrd tosser.

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Originally posted by Seanachai:

However, I have my doubts.

Well who did ya think would post in a thread about MBT’s? I luv Tanks and those Abrams do jumps! Expectin rednecks not to like that would be like yellin’ “Hey its Jimmy Johnson” at Denny’s and expectin no one to look!

I think we are after having a poseur foisted upon us.

Posuer? Its sad but I ain’t really showin off except maybe sometimes down at the bog when my truck is sportin a new set of shoes. Those Goodyear RT/S 30.5 Wranglers can kick up a rooster tail as high as south bound goose’s ass when 400 small block horses start putting them through their paces. But I had to sell that truck due to a family crycees.

we need an actual Bio.

I think they gave my little brother Billy a bio and some pharmaceuticals at the hospital when he accidently set off the watermelon cannon.

I’ll tell you bout it.

It was a Monday morin and no one was really payin much attention because it was getting close to happy hour. Well just before breakfast everybody was gathered around the keg on the porch and no one noticed Billy Bob wasen’t thar right off. Then there was a loud bang and a scream, we all froze for a second then we saw my little brother Billy come flying across the front porch and he went right through the screen door into the house rump first. He busted up the front room pretty good until he stopped movin. It took me a minute but then I realized that loud bang was from the watermelon cannon going off. Billy knew he shoulden’t be messin with it, as it is an adult toy my wife ain’t even allowed to play with.

I refuse to accept a concept masquerading as an individual. or vice versa. Here on the Peng Challenge Thread, we are all about individuals.

Zey I am an individual and I am proud to say I was on the ball enough to not miss out on registering such a fine name as Red Necked Dollar. Shucks the day CM:SF is released with its jumpin tanks and all will probably bring a tear to this old long haired redneck's eye.

Edit: because talking about my dearly departed little brother Billy brought a tear to my eye. I might tell ya about that sometime but I am to chucked up about it tonight.

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