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What benefit do I get for having a former liege with the title of Senior Kniggett ?

Since we are all jumping on the band wagon of titles here, I want to know if there is anything in it for me? This way I know which side of this issue to get on.

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Originally posted by Boo Radley:

Once again, Stuka-Nuka-Puka-Pants shows himself to be a large, hooting orangutan with all the observational skills of a used band aid.

Yeknodathon was made a Senior Kanniget something like three years ago just for being extremely bizarre.

Papa Kahn was made a Senior Kanniget two years ago or so, for whatever reason. All I can assume is that large amounts of booze and money must have changed hands.

So, once again, you are wrong, wrong, wrong! The sun may continue to rise in the East and set in the West, for Stuka is still wrong.

I AM the Justicar for Life of the Peng Challenge Thread and tasked with, among other things, upholding and interpreting the traditions of the CessPool. You can think of me as either an extremely odd and "legislating from the bench" Supreme Court (albeit with one Justice ... not that I'd mind having 8 others as long as met my rigid requirements ... blond, redhead or brunette, doesn't matter provided they're female and HUMAN ... though I admit to a fondness for redheads) OR a universally beloved and respected reb interpreting the Talmud.

As such it is my DUTY to agree with Boo Radley that Seniour Knights can be created at the will (or, more likely, whim) of the Olde Ones ... how else to explain Yeknodathon?

That's not to say that I SUPPORT such elevation, not least because he intends to TEAR THIS CESSPOOL APART with his Partisan and Politically motivated investigations into the LONG DEAD and FORGOTTEN so-called "Silverwaregate". Let all TRUE sons (and daughters) of the Mutha Beautiful Thread join with me in CONDEMNATION of this capricious and willful misuse of the power of the Justicariate of the Peng Challenge Thread.

CONDEMN, CONDEMN, CON ... I SAID JOIN WITH ME damnit, all together this time, key of "C" ...


p.s. My dear Lady Patch, far be it from me to suggest that a Lady of the Pool might somehow be incorrect in anything, but absent a recording of the event in question we MUST take into account the fact that you were DRINKING BOOZE before I even arrived.

NOT THAT THERE'S ANYTHING WRONG WITH THAT ... unless you do it like Lars did ... how can he do that upside down and all ... anyway, it has been scientifically proven that alcohol consumption can play HAVOC with memory ... I'm just saying ...

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Originally posted by Stuka:

Mind, your post merely confirms you have coveted the 'Seniour' title for some considerable time and are merely milking poor Seanachai, preying upon his kind and gentle nature, feeding on his trust with evil intend and malice aforethought in order to further your climb up the ranks of this brother/sister/undefined-hood ranks.

Yah? You got a point here, Sparky?
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Originally posted by Joe Shaw:

p.s. My dear Lady Patch, far be it from me to suggest that a Lady of the Pool might somehow be incorrect in anything, but absent a recording of the event in question we MUST take into account the fact that you were DRINKING BOOZE before I even arrived.

Let me get this straight... now you're accusing A Lady Of The POOL of either lying or being a drunk.

Ya know... I could rent you a backhoe, but you're digging your grave quite well, all by yourself.

Just admit you were wrong and we can move beyond this Silverwaregate towards something more productive.

Like seeing if rleete can actually produce a spit bubble that will engulf his entire head.

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So I should be a Senior Knight too, just because I'm older than most of you blokes?

Or I can ply Seanachai with cheap booze or top shelf sterno, and get him to declare it so in a drunken display of verbosity.

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Originally posted by Joe Shaw:

p.s. My dear Lady Patch, far be it from me to suggest that a Lady of the Pool might somehow be incorrect in anything, but absent a recording of the event in question we MUST take into account the fact that you were DRINKING BOOZE before I even arrived.

NOT THAT THERE'S ANYTHING WRONG WITH THAT ... unless you do it like Lars did ... how can he do that upside down and all ... anyway, it has been scientifically proven that alcohol consumption can play HAVOC with memory ... I'm just saying ...

Slip me another bottle and I forget all about silverware.
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I am invoking the Catch 22 clause of the Peng Challenge Thread bylaws. Boo cannot be made a Senior Knight untill he no longer wants the position. Granted, he is the Klinger of our unit, but Klinger never got to go home, so why should Boo be a Senior Knight? OK, granted he looks divine in the red slinky dress, but that is more for our missing Belgian then for any of us.

If Boo becomes a Senior Knight, I demand to be made an Olde One.


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Originally posted by Joe Shaw:

... how else to explain Yeknodathon?

How else indeed.

And with this mutual admiration I at once knit the Justicker Radley and Boo Shaw to embrace the void; to dip into the universal sub-conscious that laps around their meagre and fleeting existence, swelling this way and that, waxing and waning to crash upon their bitter shores...

[hoof pointing towards the metaphysical roaring waves]

... a beach so profoundly desolate that in me minds eye one can only make out mishaped dunes, fallen sea gulls and a solitary thistle patch.

Did you say something?

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Originally posted by Yeknodathon:

And with this mutual admiration I at once knit the Justicker Radley and Boo Shaw to embrace the void; to dip into the universal sub-conscious that laps around their meagre and fleeting existence, swelling this way and that, waxing and waning to crash upon their bitter shores...

[hoof pointing towards the metaphysical roaring waves]

... a beach so profoundly desolate that in me minds eye one can only make out mishaped dunes, fallen sea gulls and a solitary thistle patch.

Gee. That was...almost...poetical. But..."knit"???



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Originally posted by Michael Emrys:

That was...almost...poetical. But..."knit"???

Yes, knit. I regard the Justicrab as a wooly jumper.. something that is a bit scratchy on the skin yet providing a layer of insulation and warmth after good cardiovascular exercise.
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Originally posted by Nidan1:

So I should be a Senior Knight too, just because I'm older than most of you blokes?

No. You should be put in a Home just because you're older than most of us blokes.

Or I can ply Seanachai with cheap booze or top shelf sterno, and get him to declare it so in a drunken display of verbosity.

Now there's a thought. Treat it gently, it's in a strange place.
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Originally posted by Stuka:

I believe all holders of the status of 'Seniour Kniggett' had to have posted wayyyy back in the original MBT.... or sumfink???

Nope, you can be elevated to the rank. I, personally, think Boo should be elevated... not to Senior Knight mind... more strung up by his balls, but elevated none the less
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Originally posted by Berlichtingen:

I, personally, think Boo should be elevated... not to Senior Knight mind... more strung up by his balls, but elevated none the less

Ah didnae think a piece o' thin cotton wid hold haes bulkish weight, mon. Whuch means haed crash tae tha groond lak a sack o' spoiled turrnips whain tha thraid snapped.

Alrrreeet thain, wha's tha cotton spool?

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Originally posted by Yeknodathon:

</font><blockquote>quote:</font><hr />Originally posted by Michael Emrys:

That was...almost...poetical. But..."knit"???

Yes, knit. I regard the Justicrab as a wooly jumper.. something that is a bit scratchy on the skin yet providing a layer of insulation and warmth after good cardiovascular exercise. </font>
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Originally posted by Boo Radley:

You call them mushrooms, but we call them magic.

I went to school down at Ohio University in Athens. At the time (Early 70's) it was a huge party school and my feeling was, if the school ever got nuked, it would remove 75% of all the drugs in the state.

Maybe they've still got some pretty good ****e down there.

Well, your tenure there managed to remove 75% of your brain cells I would wager.

This new revelation about your educational backround certainly answers a lot of questions that I've had.

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I have been quit for 1 Year, 1 Week, 9 hours and 22 minutes (372 days). I have saved $3,723.89 by not smoking 14,895 cigarettes. I have saved 1 Month, 3 Weeks, 17 hours and 15 minutes of my life. My Quit Date: 3/31/2005 5:09 AM

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