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The Peng Challenge Thread ... Now "Other Recognized" FREE

Joe Shaw

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That's right lads and lasses and all the ships at sea, the Peng Challenge Thread, the Mutha Beautiful Thread, the CessPool has finally provided what all right thinking people have been yearning for ... a Peng Challenge Thread without those obnoxious Others Recognized.

If you don't know what in the hell I'm talking about ... best just leave now, it'll save you a lot of crying into the pillow at night and feelings of inadequacy ... well ... MORE feelings of inadequacy that YOU can't join in the rib tickling and side splitting hilarity that goes on day after day after day but if you're not one of us then you're probably not GOING to be one one us and it's best just to shelve those lofty ambitions and strive to fit in on the outerboards.

Yes, yes, I know what you're saying ... "But, but people like Michael Emrys and Abbott and Grog Dorosh are here ... SURELY I can fit in if they can?

But you see, there's the rub ... they don't.

They're here and tolerated because one of the Olde Ones, Seanachai by name, decided that they COULD be here and so accorded them this or that odd title and what were we to do eh? He's an Olde One after all.

Not for them, Seanachai said, the trials of a NORMAL SSN (Scum Sucking Newbie). Not for them to be held to the rigourous standards of the CessPool. No, THEY didn't have to post here long enough to attract the attention of a Knight of the CessPool and be elevated to the rank of Serf to the CessPool, that vital first step on the ladder to becoming a Knight of the CessPool in their own right. NO, said Seanachai, THEY can just join in and be RECOGNIZED! THEY WERE SPECIAL ... or so he said.

I'm surprised that he didn't waive the normal rules for joining here. I'm shocked, in fact, that they still have to have an email address and general location in their profile so that challenges can be issued and met. I'm stunned that he requires them to show proper deference to the Ladies of the Pool. I'm amazed that they must still sound off as if they had a pair without actually sounding off ABOUT their pair.

The only thing he DIDN'T require is that they actually challenge someone of their own station to a game and provide us with the AARs for our amusement.

Well no more, say I. For this one thread at least I recommend that the members of the CessPool shall IGNORE the Others Recognized! Think of it as a mini-Coventry if you will. Let them post, we can't control that ... BUT WE DON'T HAVE TO RESPOND! Let us show them their TRUE place in the scheme of things with a disdainful sniff and a toss of the head as we CUT THEM DEAD in the metaphorical street!

I propose that we respond to them with TWO WORDS ... EVERY POST THEY MAKE SHOULD HAVE A RESPONSE OF ... <big><big>SOD OFF!</big></big> if ANY response is made to them. In fact let's see who can be the MOST creative in their response whilst keeping to the staple response.

And, of course, in the process we'll also be protecting the purity of our precious bodily fluids.


[ September 15, 2007, 06:06 PM: Message edited by: Joe Shaw ]

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er, Pshaw!?

I'm almost certain that Dorosh got a free pass because he is such an insufferable swine, such a bloody-minded, slave to posting, such a wretched, mewling, self-important blowhard that to deny him entry was impossible on general principles. I mean, ask yourself this question: Were I (meaning you), to be so utterly self-aggrandizing yet so pathetically worthless as a human to society in general and the Cesspool as a hole and a whole, wouldn't I (meaning you) deserve, by dint of utter uselessness; such complete, mind-bendingly craptastic and utter USELESSNESS, that I (meaning you) have been rejected by humans of all spots and stripes (even those of corporal stripes) and therefore the very deepest pit of complete and utter reject filled (meaning the cesspool)... oh damn, I've lost the thread of where I was going...


Anyway, Wot I am driving at, as you may have gleaned, is that of all the misfits, rejects, pathetic wastrels and slugs there are in the world, and the cesspool, there has to be a person who fits the bill as the absolute worst - that'd be Dorosh. So he's allowed here simply because he, by being the worst of all possible people in this worst of all possible worlds, gets the booby prize of being a sort of creme de la scum.

So, Shut your officious cheese pipe, stop your belly-aching, dry your eyes and blow your nose (and for gawds sake please get rid of that filthy hankie you've had in your pocket since 1972 and trade it in for boxes of nice sanitary disposable tissues)and get on with it. Isn't there a clogged drain down here for you to admonish for its clogginess or somfink?

Oh, and if I am not dead or fired or have found a new job by the first week of November there is a very good chance I will be in Chi-town for a few days. I'd be happy to buy the first round, and maybe the last, for any Chicago Poolers.

More about that later.

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Peng it's only because I have imbibed alcohol with you that I refrain from jumping in my car and driving to whatever Gawdforsaken corner of Pennsyltuky that you call home and ... DAMN ... now I'VE lost my train of thought (odd too, trains are such BIG damned things you'd think you could find them easily).

Howsomever I am persuaded by your argument and grant a waiver on the basis of sheer incompetence and uselessness ...es ... whatever, to Grog Dorosh should he be able to pry his eyelids open enough to see the keyboard and respond here.


[ September 15, 2007, 05:39 PM: Message edited by: Joe Shaw ]

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Originally posted by Joe Shaw:

... now I'VE lost my train of thought (odd too, trains are such BIG damned things you'd think you could find them easily).

Great Britain lost an empire, and that was a bloody big thing too. Bigger than a train even.

Anyway...I read the title of this thread as claiming that OTHERS RECOGNIZED were being included at no extra cost. Which would be the bargain of the millennium if you ask me (and you really should, you know).


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Originally posted by Michael Emrys:

</font><blockquote>quote:</font><hr />Originally posted by Joe Shaw:

... now I'VE lost my train of thought (odd too, trains are such BIG damned things you'd think you could find them easily).

Great Britain lost an empire, and that was a bloody big thing too. Bigger than a train even.

Anyway...I read the title of this thread as claiming that OTHERS RECOGNIZED were being included at no extra cost. Which would be the bargain of the millennium if you ask me (and you really should, you know).

Michael </font>

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Originally posted by Boo Radley:

</font><blockquote>quote:</font><hr />Posted by that complete and utter feck, Noba in the last incarnation:

Oh, that and Boo's regional 'twang'. Horrible.

I do NOT have a regional twang. I have a very soothing and mellifluous voice.

You, on the other hand, sound like a gerbil in a blender. </font>

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Originally posted by CommC:

Can't the forum moderators shut these kinds of threads down? Please.

CommC huh ... sounds suspiciously like CommieSee if you ask me ... that'd be just like the Commies, they'd LIKE to see the FREEDOM LOVING Peng Challenge Thread done away with.



p.s. No, it's been tried before by MUCH better men than you. We're an institution that goes back, literally, for more than seven years. For more than seven years there has always been one incarnation or another of the Peng Challenge Thread on the BFC forum. YOU'VE been around for ... oh my ... one month!

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Originally posted by MrPeng:

I will be in Chi-town for a few days. I'd be happy to buy the first round, and maybe the last, for any Chicago Poolers.

More about that later.

And I would be happy to take free drinks from you. Hopefully my 15 hour days teaching and planning will narrow to a more manageable 10-12 hour day.
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Originally posted by Joe Shaw:

</font><blockquote>quote:</font><hr />Originally posted by CommC:

Can't the forum moderators shut these kinds of threads down? Please.

CommC huh ... sounds suspiciously like CommieSee if you ask me ... that'd be just like the Commies, they'd LIKE to see the FREEDOM LOVING Peng Challenge Thread done away with.



p.s. No, it's been tried before by MUCH better men than you. We're an institution that goes back, literally, for more than seven years. For more than seven years there has always been one incarnation or another of the Peng Challenge Thread on the BFC forum. YOU'VE been around for ... oh my ... one month! </font>

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Originally posted by bauhaus:

Joe you're slipping in with the ole "email address in the profile of those who post in this thread" duty. You made the mistake of responding to a bloody SSN who has no email in the profile. So I say to both of you, SOD OFF!!!

Bauhaus, bauhaus and yet again... bauhaus.

Joe is the Justicar FOR LIFE of the Peng Challenge Thread. He may post to whom he likes (or in your case, tolerates) whenever he likes!

Confused? Buy a program. (I have many and they normally sell for $11.95, but for you, they're only two for $25. Such a deal!)

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Originally posted by bauhaus:

</font><blockquote>quote:</font><hr />Originally posted by MrPeng:

I will be in Chi-town for a few days. I'd be happy to buy the first round, and maybe the last, for any Chicago Poolers.

More about that later.

And I would be happy to take free drinks from you. Hopefully my 15 hour days teaching and planning will narrow to a more manageable 10-12 hour day. </font>
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Originally posted by Abbott:

</font><blockquote>quote:</font><hr />Originally posted by bauhaus:

</font><blockquote>quote:</font><hr />Originally posted by MrPeng:

I will be in Chi-town for a few days. I'd be happy to buy the first round, and maybe the last, for any Chicago Poolers.

More about that later.

And I would be happy to take free drinks from you. Hopefully my 15 hour days teaching and planning will narrow to a more manageable 10-12 hour day. </font>
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