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A quick question

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Hi all,

I've managed to get SF running on my 8600GT. Its slow, infact very slow, but usable. I'm now in the process of starting a SF email game with a friend.

Thing now is unit selection. In previous versions of CM games you had the option of building your army prior to any email battle. This added much more tactics to the game and didn't restrict either side to a set, preselected army.

Can anybody tell me if I'm missing something or I need go about things in a different way to achieve the same result?

I'd be very disappointed if the option has been taken out.


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It gets worse!!! Not only do all of my Combat mission games play rubbish if at all (ok its supposed to be a Nvidia problem), Battlefront have removed one of the greatest features the Combat Mission series has. Why for god sake?

I think that's the final straw for me. I'll be paying Matrix games a visit for some new titles, funded by the sale of my Combat mission games.

A sad day. :(

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Originally posted by downhillmonkey:

Hi all,

I've managed to get SF running on my 8600GT. Its slow, infact very slow, but usable.

Really??? Nvidia 8600GT video card?

I run it on my 6600GT just fine. Yes, no way for me to run the really big scenarios or with everything in max. But it runs fine with lower settings.

In the latest patch I had a problem with the intro video not showing but after downloading the latest driver from NVidia that was fixed.

Also I was seriously thinking of buying a Asus 8600 card. Now reading this I guess it might be a waste of my money.

I know this is OT but, what is the configuration of your computer?


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Originally posted by downhillmonkey:

Hi all,

I've managed to get SF running on my 8600GT. Its slow, infact very slow, but usable. I'm now in the process of starting a SF email game with a friend.

Thing now is unit selection. In previous versions of CM games you had the option of building your army prior to any email battle. This added much more tactics to the game and didn't restrict either side to a set, preselected army.

Can anybody tell me if I'm missing something or I need go about things in a different way to achieve the same result?

I'd be very disappointed if the option has been taken out.


You running 1.05? I'd be very surprised if you were having problems if you've got a half-way decent CPU and that card.

Runs like butter for me.

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Hi all,

Yep sorry to say but the 8xxx series cards don't run this game properly. I've spent hours and hours trying to get this and all of the other CM games to work properly and they don't.

I'm running the said card with vista, 2gb ram, and a 2.2 dual core. This is well enough to play this game but the performance is pants.

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Ahhh - Vista -- well that could be the culprit for the CM1 type games.

I am still using XP so all mine work just great. I will not be changing over to Vista anytime soon.

Not many programs that worked well in XP will run in Vista. My dad had a heck of time with it. Ended buying new software that could run with Vista.

As for CMSF and Vista and I can't help you with any ideas.

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Hell, I run CM:SF with nearly all the video options on 'high' on a Geforce 6600. That's with 2G RAM and an AMD processor I put in there so long ago that I can't remember exactly what it is. I've run the biggest scenarios I can find, and the most graphics-intensive maps I can find, and the game runs smooth and quick. Since the 1.04 patch, anyway. Before that it was pretty rough.

Of course, I run a WinXP system - and I tell you something else that helps a lot. I have a user account created on this machine that I use for nothing except games. I keep it stripped down with no bells and whistles in the OS and virtually no processes operating in the background to hog resources. When I want to play a game I log off of the standard user account, log onto the gaming account and play. Saves me a lot of headaches.

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Originally posted by 'Card:

I have a user account created on this machine that I use for nothing except games. I keep it stripped down with no bells and whistles in the OS and virtually no processes operating in the background to hog resources. When I want to play a game I log off of the standard user account, log onto the gaming account and play. Saves me a lot of headaches.

Pure genius! I wish I'd thought of doing that. Next time I have a virgin PC with nothing installed on it I'll create a game account just as you suggest. In fact, I might even try adding a new account and see if that works.
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I have the Vista 64bit operating system and an Nvidea 8600GT graphics card and Shock Force runs just fine for me. I have all the graphics settings maxed out and I can play some pretty big scenarios with those settings. However, I CAN'T run any CM1 games on my desktop so if you want to upgrade to Vista, say goodbye to CM1. (I still have my 4 year old trusty Dell Inspiron laptop with XP to play CM1 though)

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After several months of trying to figure out the 8xxx series cards we gave up :( The range or problems was vast and inconsistent. Most of the time someone found something else to do and then the game ran fine for them. But even that was inconsistent! We had tons of posts like "I reverted to x driver and it works 60fps now" and then someone, with the same symptoms, would install the same driver on a similar system and have no improvements.

Unfortunately for you gamers, it is not just CM that the 8xxx family of cards is fussy with. There are some articles out there that describe, in detail, why there are so many problems with the cards. Making matters worse, Vista can be a problem too.


Your system should be running CM better than it apparently is. All I can do is suggest that you triple check that you are running Vista with the latest service packs, running the latest drivers from nVidia, and trying to run with some of the lower quality settings (check the Options screen before starting a new game). Oh, and make sure the splash screen of CM says you are running v1.05.


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