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General discussion about CM:SF

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Max size of battles?

How is airpower done? Like in CM1?


Ability to airlift troops?


Night? How does nightvision work? Dynamic lights Im assuming, but will the not-so-technically-developed-side be allowed/able to shoot at muzzleflashes etc?

Any chance of special units like SEALs or SAS?

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Originally posted by Battlefront.com:

MD, how do you know this is a fictional setting? :D What you saw me reacting against was rewriting of history (i.e. a Cold War that never happened) or future scenarios that have about as much chance of happening as I have of being the Queen of England :D It is no accident that we picked this setting rather than inventing a country (like Full Spectrum Warrior) or a pure fantasy scenario (BF2). What we chose is entirely possible and therefore about as real as can be without actually having it happen.

In that light, the OPFOR is based on forces that exist today, or are very likely to exist by the time 2007 comes along. We are not taking creative license to invent things that aren't likely to happen. That is the big difference in what we are doing vs. some of the ideas that have been floated on this Forum (France vs. Germany for example).


No comment!

I will still be modding my jpgs from ACU to CADPAT so nyah nyah. tongue.gif

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The "codpiece" is quite common, along with upper arm armor (not included yet). It's about time the family jewels were protected! There is also Kevlar underwear in use, but we're not directly simulating that :D

Yes, that is dynamic lighting at work. Check out the front left tire of the Stryker for the best example.

(ignoring questions that have obvious answers smile.gif )

NBC will not be a feature in CM:SF. The only one that is relevant is Chemical. As impractical and probably ineffecitve as it would be, I would in theory like to simulate it. But its the sort of thing that would be good for a scenario or two only, and yet the amount of effort to support it would be rather huge. Plus, the release of a chemical agent would likely stop a tactical battle in its tracks. Not all that fun from a game standpoint.


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Well, Steve has been preaching for months that CMx2 is not going to be a dressed up version of CMx1, and from the brief description of what Shock Force is, I'd have to say he wasn't kidding! I'm very surprised BFC went 'modern' and I'm surprised how story driven CM:SF appears to be.

In all honesty, modern warfare isn't my cup of tea, and I am/was a little dissappointed... But I am going to give it a chance. I'm glad Steve made a special point to say that this is not going to be a US turkey shoot game. In a small way, maybe it's good that the new engine isn't WWII, the game will have to win me over - I can't go straight to petty bitching like I could with a WWII setting ;)

To sum up, I'm slightly disappointed in the setting, but I'm not howling at the moon either. The story driven aspect can be unsettling, but I'm sure I'll get over that. My main concern is setting up QBs (The biggest strength of CM, IMHO), pitting a first world army against a third world army just doesn't have much appeal... :(

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Originally posted by Battlefront.com:

We are not taking creative license to invent things that aren't likely to happen. That is the big difference in what we are doing vs. some of the ideas that have been floated on this Forum (France vs. Germany for example).

But for those of us who think Germany vs. France would be a hoot, I see hope. You said that future modules may add forces from other NATO counties. You also said there would be the option for blue vs. blue scenarios.... smile.gif
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Battles size is whatever we feel the hardware can handle. We're hoping for a near battalion sized force for at least one side, hopefully both. But we'll just have to see.

CAS (Close Air Support) will be handled more directly than CMx1. You need to call it in on a specified target.

No airmobile/para deployments. I think hot LZ type helo ops are out of the picture, thanks to Somalia proving the skeptics of the tactic right. Deployment via this method would likely be outside of the scope of a CM engagement. Like my answer about NBC the amount of coding effort to model the few times it would be used is simply a bad use of development resources.

Special forces might make an entry :D

Night combat will hopefully be as detailed as you guys expect it to be. We'll just have to see about that.


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Sounds great, can't wait. My main question is: with unconventional warfare being so important in this theater, subterfuge and disguise are paramount. How will this be dealt with? Obviously the car bombs can't look like car bombs long before they blow up or else they wouldn't be effective. Will there be civilians?

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Put this in on "Who's dissappointed" but I'll add it here

Firstly I am not, and secondly What about Turkey and Israel, both Neighbours with there own interests and potentially able to be involved on either side.

Also. om urban warfare, in syria as most of the Med countries, what you get a lot of is Brush, waste ground that is overgrown with grass and various weeds , often to about 2m high.

Add to that drainage ditches, irrigation and humps bumps and dips, and what looks flat in a photo or from a few miles away becomes an infantry nightmare, where you can't actually see more than a couple of dozen yards when you are on the gound.

Oh and at the risk of being accused of being a PYro again, fire in this terrain is easily started and can change everything, and you can expect to meet people with SHMEL....


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OK, some brief Question(s) I just thought up:

I realise urban combat will be a big part of the game, but what sort of armored enemy units will make an appearence?

Will the fictional Syrian foe have access to only relatively old Soviet equipment (t-72's) or more modern armor (t-90's)?

Will they be outfitted with reactive type armor (despite what Steve said about such armor in a recent thread)?

Will the Syrians be alone in their struggle against NATO or are any other possible nationalities modeled?

Don't all jump on me for failing to realise some groggish detail about what was exported to what country or not, I still have to get into the habit of visiting more modern-warfare news sources...

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Put this in on "Who's dissappointed" but I'll add it here

Firstly I am not, and secondly What about Turkey and Israel, both Neighbours with there own interests and potentially able to be involved on either side.

Also. om urban warfare, in syria as most of the Med countries, what you get a lot of is Brush, waste ground that is overgrown with grass and various weeds , often to about 2m high.

Add to that drainage ditches, irrigation and humps bumps and dips, and what looks flat in a photo or from a few miles away becomes an infantry nightmare, where you can't actually see more than a couple of dozen yards when you are on the gound.

Oh and at the risk of being accused of being a PYro again, fire in this terrain is easily started and can change everything, and you can expect to meet people with SHMEL....


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First of all, I'm thrilled with the setting of the intitial CMx2 game. The WWII grogs have an unlimited number of games to satisfy themselves. This will be the only 3d modern wargame I've seen.

Now some questions

Campaign - will the player play the role of a Stryker company commander, meaning you'll always command A/1-24 Inf with support assets that come and go? Battalion commander? Any commander within the Stryker brigade? Will the player have any say in his drive on Damascus (like a tactical map and movement screen?) How will it be dynamic? Do you fight randomly generated forces each battle? Do you fight with randomly generated forces each battle?

Will all systems slated for fielding in the SBCT be included? I'm thinking the MGS...

I'm totally jumping the gun, but will you guys produce a vehicle list for the game?

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Steve --

I'd be curious as to whether you're going to something with secenario design & scoring to allow simulation of ROE. Such stuff would seem to me to be really important for a modern combat simulation.

For example, will a MOUT scenario be able to be designed so that the Blue force has large amounts of Artillery and Air Support, but can't use it over large sections of the map due to concern about collateral damage and civilian casualties?

Looking forward to more details. So far, looks great, though!



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Originally posted by Battlefront.com:

CAS (Close Air Support) will be handled more directly than CMx1. You need to call it in on a specified target.


This was one thing I hoped would be improved from Cm1 so thank you for making one of my "dreams" come true.

On other topic I said that I'm WW II-fan but then again, how many modern computer (non-rt) strategy games cover the modern warfare? TacOps, Steel Panthers II...? Hmm, now I have a quite realistic possibility to put my theory learned in the army to practise, heh. I'm looking Very forvard to this game (and of course those WW II games/modules after this)!

Hope this wasn't written with too "brown tongue"...But then again, I'm have drunk 'bout xx cowberry-vodkas by now and I have lost the sens of realism...

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Steve...thanks for the replies. But what about helicopter gunships? That was what I meant with helicopters. Do we get to order them around on the map, or do we order them around like CAS, and then just watch them move around?

[ October 08, 2005, 01:55 PM: Message edited by: Leutnant Hortlund ]

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Originally posted by Ivan Drago:

Looks real great, Im more then satisfied.

Wonder if the military might take an interest in it as an officer-training tool once the word gets out more...?

Seems to be aiming for better realism then anything else out there, both visually and game-play wise.

Already looking at it, Where I work at (CGSC) we will be looking at it when the demo comes out.


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