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With Rambo--- Patton anywhere, he could motivate troops...

Either side in the Desrt war of North Africa, last gentleman's war...

Flying Biplanes in WWI would have been very exciting.

Would have been neat to fly SR-71 on a spy mission.

Along side the "Old Guard" in Napoleon's Grand Armee.

Wiht most of the generals of the Civil war either side, both had their share of bold and daring leaders.

Nice call by Arado 234, an ME262 with nothing but prop planes around would have been neat to say the least...

Could probable go on for hours with this subject, Hannibal, Caesar, Frederick the Great, Washington, Alexander the Great, ..... smile.gif

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Originally posted by jon_j_rambo:

5) w/ Patton, anytime, anywhere

In Tunisia Patton sent one of his aides to a forward post for a couple of days. He was advised to shift him around a bit, but didn't....the Germans identified the post from radio trafic and dropped a bomb on it killing the man, who was a favourite of the general, despite over 300 allied fighter sorties that day.

Patton blamed everyone else, especially the allied airforce commander Conningham.

I don't know much about the man except the hollywood hype, the gung ho, and the general mythologic regard he is held in by many Americans - did he ever become less careless?

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I was wondering if you'd have been happy to be that aide....you did say anytime,anywhere after all....?

also I wonder why the adoration?

It seems to me he had good points, but also plenty of bad ones, and overall his major success in France was 'cos he was hte commander who got the easiest job - racing through the Germans where they weer weakest.

Certainly that could ahve ben screwed up, but pretty much anyone could have done it.

Is gruff manner could be endearing too of course ...unless you were black or Jewish and reading what he really thought of you after the war....

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Well, that's an interesting comment that most apply to success. "Well, anybody could have done it". Same could be said for all those Buntas crushing Poland & other weaklings. I agree, level of difficulty does come into mind.

If we are going with the best Commander, rather than where I'd want to be...then my vote for the best is Robert E. Lee. But I'm a Yankee, not a Rebel.

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I think that old Bobbie Lee has been highly over rated. Great yes, but not as great as his supporter like to claim.

Anyone remember Pickett's Charge??

Actually Patton wasn't careless about his men's lives, but he believed that constant offense and movement saved lives in the long run and practiced that principle consistently.

He wasn't perfect either, but I think that history is being kinder to him that it is to Ike, Monty and Bradley.

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@AZGungHo --- Pickett was going for the win, the entire battle & possibly the war if they break the middle. South was on a timetable. Just because you die...well, you gotta fight eventually.

@Kevin K. --- How about being Slim Pickens & riding the nuke all the way down?

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Originally posted by AZGungHo:

I think that old Bobbie Lee has been highly over rated. Great yes, but not as great as his supporter like to claim.

Anyone remember Pickett's Charge??

Actually Patton wasn't careless about his men's lives, but he believed that constant offense and movement saved lives in the long run and practiced that principle consistently.

He wasn't perfect either, but I think that history is being kinder to him that it is to Ike, Monty and Bradley.

Patton is hard to judge as he almost allways fought against a weaker german counterpart.
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