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What the hell!!!! HC is this a hint that there will be official SC2 scenarios that are on a smaller scale than the original SC version? Can you say North Africa?

Uhhhh.....can I see a little closer of that Cherbourg setup or perhaps Le Havre...detail those fortifications/infrastructure?

And ...and could there be a link to the operational and strategic scale? If those icons represent units, we're talking battalion/regiment scale.

Ahh Oh! Just thought of something. HC if this scale is going to viable, we're going to need some roads, with the corresponding movement enhancements. Maybe you'd better leave this scale alone.

Belay that request!!! If operational movement will be limited from city to town(or surrounding tiles), allowable only when enemy ZoC tiles do not interrupt the paths, then we have our abstract roads. What a brain fart. Can you tell, I haven't been playing SC.

[ June 06, 2005, 05:09 PM: Message edited by: SeaMonkey ]

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Call me Mr Picky, buuuuuuuuuuut........

The screen shots look great, but there are a few inaccuracies which are eating away at my soul:

1. in the first screenshot the Polish Air Force is represented by a Polikarpov I-16, which would definitely not have been the aircraft of choice for the fiercely anti-bolshevik Poles. I realise you have to use a generic aircraft to represent minor countries, but outside of the Spanish Republicans I can't think of any country in Europe that got I-16s from the USSR.

A better choice of aircraft for Level 0 minor air forces might be the Morane Saulnier MS 406.


Foreign users included:

Lithuania (never delivered)


Poland (en route to Poland when war broke out)



2. In the second screenshot French units are represented by an RAF roundel. For most Frenchmen that alone would be grounds for instantly dissolving the Entente Cordiale.

3. This is where I get really sad. smile.gif

In the last two screenshots the crown used to depict the British and Imperial forces is the St Edward's Crown, which has only been in use by the UK's armed forces since Queen Elizabeth was crowned in 1953.


From 1910 to 1953 the King's Imperial Crown was used .


There. Said it now. Feeel much better. Think I'll go and lie down now...

[ June 06, 2005, 11:25 PM: Message edited by: Archibald ]

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Archibald, thanks for the feedback and good catch wrt the French roundel. For the Crown, looking at it a little more carefully it actually looks like a cross between the St. Edwards and the King's Imperial Crown. Either way I'll forward this info to Fernando, thanks!

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On second thoughts, the Hawker Hurricane might be a better candidate as the mount of choice for minor countries.


Foreign users included:





Poland (although only one ever got there)



[ June 07, 2005, 03:49 AM: Message edited by: Archibald ]

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You want even better choice than the Hurricane? What about the Gloster Gladiator?


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A few even ended up as target tugs in the Luftwaffe, having been captured from the Soviets in 1941, who in turn had taken them from the Latvians in 1940.

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Originally posted by SeaMonkey:

What the hell!!!! HC is this a hint that there will be official SC2 scenarios that are on a smaller scale than the original SC version? Can you say North Africa?

I think there is a very good chance a North Africa scenario will be included in the official release ;)

And ...and could there be a link to the operational and strategic scale? If those icons represent units, we're talking battalion/regiment scale.
No link currently planned and wrt the scale for the Overlord scenario, I currently have a regiment/division scale modelled

Belay that request!!! If operational movement will be limited from city to town(or surrounding tiles), allowable only when enemy ZoC tiles do not interrupt the paths, then we have our abstract roads. What a brain fart. Can you tell, I haven't been playing SC.
Actually this is already the default behaviour of Operational movement and in addition to this, as an option for scenario creation, you can actually turn Operational movement off via the editor. That and a few other options to help manage various scales for custom campaigns/scenarios
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Yep, Archibald,

You know yer stuff when it comes to

Biplanes and the apt Crown of Royalty,


Just for fun,

Do you happen to know?


1) Which real-life photo-journalist the character on the left (... in the pic above) is based on?

2) What writer, who wrote the only best book on VN, and served as advisor on the film that provides your "sig line," was a very good friend of that photo-journalist?

3) What happened to the photo-journalist, finally? ;)


Oooops, the topic is... "tired?"

OK, I can say this,

Having played the game

Up to date, for awhile now,

Boy o Boy!

NONE of those old tried

And true strategies just ain't gonna work

So good anymore!

Now, nobody will be "tired" UNLESS

It's from... TRYING to figure out how to BEST

Enjoy! the employ & deploy

All those old and new SC-2 units!

It's... at once - and at the same time,

Simple AND complex.

How can you beat that? :cool:

[ June 07, 2005, 08:40 PM: Message edited by: Desert Dave ]

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Originally posted by Desert Dave:

Yep, Archibald,

You know yer stuff when it comes to

Biplanes and the apt Crown of Royalty,


Just for fun,

Do you happen to know?


1) Which real-life photo-journalist the character on the left (... in the pic above) is based on?

2) What writer, who wrote the only best book on VN, and served as advisor on the film that provides your "sig line," was a very good friend of that photo-journalist?

3) What happened to the photo-journalist, finally? ;)

1 - Tim Page

2 - Michael Herr

3 - Last I heard he was still alive and living in Australia. I think you might have confused Tim Page with Sean Flynn, who is probably the most flamboyant character in Herr's Dispatches. Flynn is reported to have been executed in Kampong Chan Province, Cambodia, in 1971.

Here's my favourite Tim Page quote from Dispatches. He'd been asked to author a book to "take the glamour out of war":

“Take the glamour out of the war?! I mean, how the bloody hell can you do that? Go and take the glamour out of a Huey, go take the glamour out of a Sheridan … Can you take the glamour out of a Cobra or getting stoned on China Beach? … Oh war is good for you, you can’t take the glamour out of that. It’s like trying to take the glamour out of sex, trying to take the glamour out of The Rolling Stones … I mean, you know that, it just can’t be done.”
Now for my questions!:

1 - What toy company produced the figures used to represent corps, armies and HQs in the SCII screenshots?

2 - What set of figures does the HQ unit's officer with his arm raised come from?

3 - What set of figures do those used to represent corps and HQs come from? ;)

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Whooooo, DD, looks like you've bitten off a little more than you can chew?

Thanks HC for the response, I'm overwhelmed. Never thought we'd see smaller scale scenarios as official releases.

Never was there a doubt, this will be an awesome game.

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Whooooo, DD, looks like you've bitten off a little more than you can chew?

Well, SeaMonkey, it now & then happens

Like that.

Only thing to do is hitch the broken Levis,

Spit a bit, and hike on along. ;)

It's just that Archibald has the best

Sig line I've ever seen on a forum board,

And so,

I'm always tempted to ask him 60's stuff.

Apocalyptic sorts of stuff.

I ever assumed that Coppola meant to model

The Dennis Hopper character on a composite

Of... Page AND Flynn.

Maybe a few others not so known.

Sean Flynn was the son of the famed actor

Errol Flynn,

In case anyone is curious.

And yes, and unfortunately, he was a casualty

Of that crazy mistaken war.

Lots of us were, some not so dire,

And each a mite differently.

IMO, Coppola & Herr both got it down... tight.


To answer yer questions,

Archibald, 1, 2, 3, lickety split:

The figures are original works of Art

By a guy I only know as Fernando,

Who is very patient, what

With all the endless requests & suggestions,

And also very good. :cool:

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