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SC2 Patton Drives East announced!

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Battlefront.com and Fury Software are thrilled to announce the second Expansion Pack for "Strategic Command 2: Blitzkrieg" titled "Patton Drives East". A new game section with 14 hot new beta screens has just been opened at:

SC2 Patton Drives East web section

"Patton Drives East" allows players to explore the historically possible what ifs of WWII such as:

What if the Western Allies and the Soviet Union went to war after defeating the Axis?

Could America liberate a Europe subjugated by the Axis?

What if the Western Allies had accepted a surrender from Germany and together they would fight against the USSR?

This expansion incorporates a list of new features including:

a new and bigger map, now 172x46 tiles,

a much larger North America stretching from Florida and the Gulf of Mexico all the way to the Rocky Mountains,

enhanced and unpredictable AI via new decision events and global variables,

new unit graphics to reflect equipment that would become available post WWII,

campaign scorecards

and much, much more...

"Patton Drives East" is scheduled to be completed this summer, 2008, and will be released, as usual, for download and/or mail-order only at www.battlefront.com. The exact release date as well as pricing are still to be announced.

Strategic Command 2 Patton Drives East will require the original Battlefront.com version of Strategic Command 2 Blitzkrieg to be installed and licensed on your computer in order to run!

Patton Drives East Campaigns

* 1944 Shattered Alliance - Germany surrenders to the Western Allies following the debacle of the Battle of the Bulge and together, under the leadership of General George S. Patton, they turn their focus on the USSR in order to wipe Communism from the face of Europe forever.

* 1945 Patton Drives East - Following the surrender of Germany, Patton is given the green light to lead the Western Alliance in an attack on the USSR and push the Communists back across the Oder and all the way to the gates of Moscow.

* 1945 Stalin Drives West - With the defeat of the Axis powers Communist Russia and the Western Allies go to war against each other. Allied forces in Europe must starve off conquest by Russia until American reinforcements arrive from across the Atlantic.

* 1947 Russians Are Coming - Following the end of WWII and after much demobilization of its armed forces in Europe, the United States and its Western Allies were shocked by a sneak attack from the Soviets that saw it overrun the Western occupation zones, conquer Belgium and reach the coasts of France within 2 weeks. The UK isle stands alone and is all that separates the USA from a full scale invasion of American shores.

* 1948 Berlin Crisis - Having failed to successfully blockade Berlin Stalin was not about to let the Western Allies control what had been paid for in Russian blood. If the Americans and their Capitalist partners thought they could keep the Communist Party from dominating all of Europe, they were wrong.

Bonus Alternate WWII History Campaigns

* 1941 Seelowe - Having swept the English Channel of mines and successfully dealing a series of critical blows to the Royal Navy as well as the RAF, German military planners put to work their original plan for the invasion of England. Can the remnants of the Royal Armed Forces stop the German war machine or will there be goose stepping in London before the year is out?

* 1943 Sledgehammer - The Western Allies, having forgone reinforcement in North Africa and canceling Operation Torch, are prepared to launch D-Day a year earlier than planned but with the intention of capturing a major port, either Cherbourg or Brest, from the outset. Is it a port too far?

* 1946 Case Neptune - After Germany had performed a successful Sealion in '41 and subsequently forced Russia to the bargaining table in '44, the United States and the remnants of the Royal Navy and British Expeditionary Forces launch a bold invasion to retake the British Isles. On the Eastern front the Soviets break their armistice with Germany and attack from the Urals in hopes of reversing their earlier humiliation on the battlefield.

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Initially there was some thought to including work on the older campaigns, i.e. 1939 Fall Weiss etc. but since this expansion differed in focus on the post WWII period (or the various alternate history what ifs?) it was decided to leave the older campaigns out for now so as to limit/eliminate the confusion. That being said it does not mean that an official patch or future mod that includes an updated 1939 campaign will never see the light of day (using the updated included to the PDE engine) but if so this is likely to be post release.

Either way I am very glad to hear there is some excitement regarding this new expansion smile.gif

For some more background on the project I should mention that the concept for this one has actually been in the works for quite some time and essentially the brainchild of Edwin P. so I think you guys will be very happy with the end result as he finally got his way with the inclusion of Global Variables and linked Decision events... so expect an even more devious and capable AI ;)

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I can see it now. This event linkage is getting pretty sophisticated and that is good.

Here's the future of SC. Think operational, think scenario linkage as per Panzer General. Your core force continues on through an entire campaign with diplomatic events that may throw you into different theaters dependent upon your decisions, conquests, objective obtainment.

This could get very interesting.

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Originally posted by Hyazinth von Strachwitz:

@ Hubert:

Good to hear, I`m fine with that.

When you speak of an "even more devious and capable AI", I hope it is capable of noticing that sending 7 amphibs in a row straigth into the Tirpitz is not the proper way to invade the beaches of the Normandy :)


This has been greatly improved for Patton Drives East and I am now incorporating the changes to Weapons and Warfare as well. Expect to have an even more challenging time at sea versus the AI as the improvements update all aspects of naval movement and combat smile.gif

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volcatius, we're not sure just yet. It depends mainly on what our German distribution partner wants to do. We will certainly not offer a version for download from Battlefront directly, that much is certain, but there *might* be a German retail version made.

If there isn't, then we will offer a bundle (BFC original version base game + PDE) at a special price, just like we did with SC2WAW.


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I am delighted that there will soon be another expansion / scenerio pack. The subject matter looks very interesting. Also, it still leaves room for a "Global Warfare" expansion somewhere on down the line, which would give you a truly comprehensive World War 2 strategic level gaming system.

I do hope that "Patton Drives East" will build further on "Weapons and Warfare" by including all the improvenents and new units that add so much to gameplay, and also increase realism somewhat.

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Pretty much anything you make I will buy, for some very simple reason:

1) Immensely playable games!

2) AI is not an afterthought. Sure, it is AI, but if you were my dad, I would tell other kids, "My dad's AI can beat up your dad's AI!"

3) Beautiful head to head action. Even if the games are weighted one way more than the other, you are not too far from balance, and major changes don't need to be made.

So, bring on your post World War II, Cold War, nuclear bomb era games!

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I've been too-busy with 'Pre-Commissioning & Start-Up' at a new 'Tar-Sands-Plant' to keep up with all the latest happening's!.

After reading this Posted Topic and a few other's, i see nothing but further development and long-life for this game!.

I agree with most of the comment's given by the great host of contributer's and as well...greatly look forward to experiencing the new "Patton Drives East" expansion!.

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Glad to see that SC2 is succesful enough to merrit a 2nd expansion.

Still it seems more like a map pack . Any new additions to the game engine like : 3 player game..spectator modus...replay function ...world map for Multiplayer?

HAve to admit that I didnt touch till now the scenarios for single player in WaW

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Does this mean that sometime post release Patton Drives East we will get a proper division level map of Europe to use with Fall Weiss? I have not played SC2 WAW since the original release as the map scale is too large. Commander: EAW has an excellent map size but moddability and the AI suck!

I had grand plans to adapt my Honch Expanded mod to WAW but will wait for a division level map.(Or really anything smaller scale than the current)

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  • 3 weeks later...

Hi Frost,

Looks like I missed these posts but to quickly answer your questions there will be no atom bomb in the scenarios and for infantry sprites, yes these have been updated for a few countries and for the applicable campaigns, i.e. the US have more of a Khaki green pattern and the Soviet and Allied minors have been updated appropriately.

For the 1948 campaign the end date is September 1st 1952.

Hope this helps,


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