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Emergency CPR - Challenge-Peng Resuscitation


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Originally posted by Croda:

I do believe that Diceman (permanent name bolding to be determined) is now in need of a squirely joust. Are there any other Squires around? If not, I shall have to take one at which point they can both truly learn to suffer.

Croda do TRY not to more of an idiot than Gawd intended. If there are SQUIRES around, they have, by definition, already been taken and therefore may not be taken again. You are trying, in your own bumbling, drooling fashion, to refer to SERFS I do believe. Frankly I find the rest of the SSN pool to be extraordinarily shallow and hardly worthy of being elevated to Serfdom.

Diceman lad, I approve of your quest and give you my blessing to go forth and do battle. Keep in mind however, that we still have books to buy, cloaks to rent and tuition on which to arrange financing ... bring your VISA card, they don't accept Mastercard.


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Originally posted by Diceman:

....buy a translation book to go with yer bleedin Holt 'cause he won't understand yer. Oh, if all fails, and it will, amuse him by jumping in the air, and retract yer legs while flapping yer elbows in a frantic manner... oh, silly me, forgot.. yer probably do this anyway.

Idjit Yeknod

Translation:Joe has taken on a quire. Oh, well, suppose its the liberal fashion these days

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Originally posted by Diceman:

What, in the name of all that is Berlibub, do you think you are doing with those smilies, mister? Do you want all of the inhabitants of the Mutha Beautiful Thread with Peng the Father Confessor who sees all to kick you in the seat of your pants? Here is a dollar, buy a clue.

Who is your knight sponsor? I'll have to have a word with him. Get out of my sight until you've repented of smilie usage.

Edited because of the red haze that clouded my vision when I saw those little smilie bastards taunting me and shaking their little smilie bottoms at me. I stab repeatedly at the monitor with my favorite pencil but they continue to mock me.

[ February 27, 2002, 08:53 AM: Message edited by: Hiram Sedai ]

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Originally posted by Sledge59:

Poor old Joe: Blind in one eye and can't see out of the other.

You mean all this time we've been in the presence of Blind Lemon Joe, the famous bluesman who sang "I've got those ole timey, rotten down, safe-sex Justicar blues."?

Wow, I've got all his albums, but I never realized he played CM and hung out here. I guess I should have gotten a clue when I saw that Elvis plays CM too (well, sort of tries to play anyway). Has anybody seen Jim Morrison or John Lennon here?

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Originally posted by Hiram Sedai:

</font><blockquote>quote:</font><hr />Originally posted by Diceman:

What, in the name of all that is Berlibub, do you think you are doing with those smilies, mister? Who is your knight sponsor? I'll have to have a word with him. Get out of my sight until you've repented of smilie usage.

I stab repeatedly at the monitor with my favorite pencil but they continue to mock me.</font>

Justicar, where's the Justicar? Discipline for the quire and his, er.. ahem sponsor... oh dear, oh deary me... erm... he sure picks 'em. ICS for second quire.

Translation: BWAAAAAAAHAHAHAHAHAHA....bwabwbwbwabwahaaaahahahahahahahaaaaaaaaa, eeyaw, eeeeeeeeeyaaaaawww *honk* *honk*

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Originally posted by Hiram Sedai:

Edited because of the red haze that clouded my vision when I saw those little smilie bastards taunting me and shaking their little smilie bottoms at me. I stab repeatedly at the monitor with my favorite pencil but they continue to mock me.

Ummm Hiram, maybe you're taking this just a little bit personal...I don't know how to tell you this but...the smilies aren't real...they're just animated gifs...they have no mind of their own.


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I still haven't received any files from Joe, Elvis and espically from that layabout Speedy, who is holding onto the last turn of a 40-turn battle in which I beat him like he was a girl in my stable.

As I sit here waiting for battle, my hunger has increased. Visions of Lizard-on-a-stick are becoming more and more appealing. Yes, that's right GoAnna, you Gecko, I'm talking to you. Your posturing in the last few weeks has annoyed me. Like most slow, dumb lizards you sit and hiss at the nearest rock before you slowly move your waddling mass to the nearest sunbeam, hoping against hope that someone will come along and pet your scaly underbelly.

Oh, how I remember the times we used to catch Gila Monsters, put them in a box and then poke at them with sticks. Watching them hiss and bite at the stick, all the while too stupid to look up and bite the fleshy appendage that was holding the stick. I will enjoy placing you in the CM box and then pokeing at you will 'spoldy things, and sharp bayonets. The tire of life is approaching, GoAnna, just lie down in the road and take it like the Gecko you are.

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Originally posted by Persephone:

Ummm Hiram, maybe you're taking this just a little bit personal...I don't know how to tell you this but...the smilies aren't real...they're just animated gifs...they have no mind of their own.

HA! You'd like us to believe that, but we know they are devious little bastards bent on world domination!
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Originally posted by Persephone:

</font><blockquote>quote:</font><hr />Originally posted by Hiram Sedai:

Edited because of the red haze that clouded my vision when I saw those little smilie bastards taunting me and shaking their little smilie bottoms at me. I stab repeatedly at the monitor with my favorite pencil but they continue to mock me.

Ummm Hiram, maybe you're taking this just a little bit personal...I don't know how to tell you this but...the smilies aren't real...they're just animated gifs...they have no mind of their own.


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Originally posted by Wildman:

I still haven't received any files from Joe, Elvis and espically from that layabout Speedy, who is holding onto the last turn of a 40-turn battle in which I beat him like he was a girl in my stable.

Whoops, must have missed that one. Go check your inbox now, I think your panzerschreck team may need some eyedrops.
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No, Mace, I wasn't brought in on the soles of your shoes, I wandered in after watching this thread befoul the main board for the past year. It held a certain fascination for me, a temptation like the weird desire ya get to jump off a tall building or touch a hot iron (or, in your case, wear women's clothes to work). So if you smell something "unpleasurable" I'd start by washing your upper lip, and if the problem persists you've probably been hit by something flung by a monkey. Diceman , I've decided not, after all, to beat the pants off of you, because I think that would just give Joe Shaw ideas. And what happened to Phallus Minimus? He deserves a good taunting for not getting his setup back to me.

PS -- smile.gif:(redface.gif:D;)tongue.gif :cool: :rolleyes:

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{sigh}Hiram has the right of it I'm afraid. I'd hoped that I could at least get through a day without having to administer the boot but one must do one's duty for the good of the thread.

Diceman lad, this is your first lesson in CessPool etiquette ... please extend the little finger of your right hand in ever so delicate a manner whilst grasping the tea cup handle (don't let it spill on your clothes, that stuff'll eat right through) and assume an expression of world wise cynical detachment and savior faire ... now turn around ...


Oh ... didn't spill a drop ... I tell you the lad's a natural!


[ February 27, 2002, 01:13 PM: Message edited by: Joe Shaw ]

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Originally posted by Joe Shaw:


Ouch! Joe, I'm sure glad I wasn't your squire...the Überlizard is a lot more forgiving than you are...I never had to experience "the boot". (Of course I was smart enough to never use any smilies.)


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Originally posted by Hiram Sedai:

That is what they want you to believe. They pretend to smile while tearing apart the fabric of society. Since email and message forums are so predominant in our modern communication processes, we have become dependant upon written words to convey emotions. When apathy reigns, the smiley faces are there to help. Or, so it seems. The English language is replete with words to convey depth of emotion. I have used some to show my every growing hatred for all things Croda. Imagine if I were to let smilies move into my prose when I verbally expectorate upon him. How many would it take? Would it be a really big smiley face with entrails spilling out? I would be compromising my principles by relying upon the animated demonspawn to inform the public at large that Croda should be bludgeoned and eviscerated.

Like crack cocaine to a fiend, the first smiley is free of charge. The next couple are easier to use. Soon, posts consist of only smilies. An email to a family member mourning the loss of a relative would only have an unhappy smiley face. The final outcome to their nefarious plan is to have a mute population that cannot communicate unless a smiley is present. Do you really want that to happen, Lady Persephone? Say it isn't so.

Our Father Confessor which art in Pennsltucky did chide us with this warning plenty of times. It was his omniscience that saw the evil machinations that smiley faces bring. Do we heed his divine wisdom or do we give in to the ever growing habit of using smilies? As for me and my hovel, we will not let their taint affect our verbosity.

**Sniff** ...That was beautiful Hiram... **Sniff** ...Peng would be so proud of you... **Sniff**


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