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CM is ON THE SHELF RETAIL!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

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Was there ever any thought to doing a less US-centric cover for sale in Europe?


I agree, they should have shown some other country. Axis or Allies.

I think a screen shot would have looked better on the box front also. That would grab the consumers' eye!

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Originally posted by Hawkmek:

Someone take their digital camera to the store and give us a snapshot of our beloved game nestled on the shelves.

A place where the Manifesto said they could not/would not go.

How times have changed.

Haven't kept up in a while have you? BTS has been doing this overseas almost since CMBO came out. The reason is out there if you care to search for it.
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I remember reading something about BTS collaborating with a French company. Are they distributing to the UK as well?

How about Germany with their strange game rules?

I think Matt mentioned a toned-down CMBO was selling there.

And what does early summer sound like to everyone?

June 1st?

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All I'm happy about is the fact that CM finally made it to the shelf where it deserves it's mainstream air time. It beats the hell out of the garbage thats out there any day. Having played this game for well over a year, I think the game deserves all the sales it can get. Let true justice prevail......


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PC only on shelves you say? Those poor poor Brits!

BUT, did you notice the blurb on the box cover:

"Bonus CD!"

It probably won't do you any good begging Matt to release the bonus CD only for sales. I think the agreement with the mod artists was the CD was to be offered as a no-charge item. ...I think.

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Originally posted by Hawkmek:

How about Germany with their strange game rules? I think Matt mentioned a toned-down CMBO was selling there.

Err...strange game rules? Sorry, but I don't think I understand what you mean. Since CMBO even in the original version does not display swastikas or other Nazi symbols and no explicit brutality, there has never been a problem about releasing it. But what other strange game rules do I suffer from here?



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Released in Europe by CDV who also distributed hits like Sudden Strike and Cossacks.

Also available with reviews home

and they have some shops in towns

My brother tells me that a small computer shop in the depths of sleepy Devon has taken several pre-orders for the official release date of March 8th.!!!!

Of course we are hoping to get CMBB released at the same time as the US - can Battlefront confirm if this is going to happen?

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