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Marlon Brando, the PENG CHALLENGE and me

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Originally posted by athkatla:

By the 'eck, I'm Lincolnshire born and bred and as a proud Yellowbelly...

Wonderfully and Britishly incomprehensible to the layman, and as close as we're likely to get to his admittance of decided Yorkshire tendencies, practiced in the privacy of his own burrow.

Alright, then, Yeknod, Squire it is, as long as he practices more restraint regarding posting about his own and other people's bums.

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Originally posted by Mike:


"Brits fight" is an oxymoron - oh, wait - of course - you're a moron too - well that explains a little.

I'd love to see a bit of this "action" too, so send me something and I'll see if I can survive the fits of laughter it's likely to produce at this end!!<HR>

Hmmm, I'm a moron, said by some sheep shagging git who has as his interests, and I quote, "Well duh! Playing wargames...oh, and sex, and eating..........yeah, drinking too".

I rest my case, and treat your pathetic challenge with disdain. However I feel, oops, I nearly said sorry there, some empahty for you, living down there with only some sheep as decent company, so wing a setup my way, and I'll blather you into the ground.

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Originally posted by athkatla:

By the 'eck, I'm Lincolnshire born [snip - blather removed]

Son of two cousins married to each other then? That would explain the odd thing or two... How are you getting on with the nice Social Services lady?
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Originally posted by athkatla:

Hmmm, I'm a moron

A good start - you can't complete the 12 steps without takign the first one!!

said by some sheep shagging git who has as his interests, and I quote, "Well duh! Playing wargames...oh, and sex, and eating..........yeah, drinking too"..
Jeez - it's a bit rich being criticised for this by someone who admits to beign the supporter for the Grimsby Town Football Club!!

Which of these activities do you think is gittish??

come on now - step 2 awaits - could it be that you're a closet non-wargamer??

Or that you don't like sex?

Or, we can always hope...., can it be you do not eat or drink?? This would be a great advance for humanity of course, since we would be relieved of your company in a few short days!!

I rest my case
Not a surprise - we all know how much hard work it is for you to lift a finger to type you lazy good for nothing pillock.

, and treat your pathetic challenge with disdain. .
At last - you got something right!

However I feel, oops, I nearly said sorry there, some empahty for you, living down there with only some sheep as decent company, so wing a setup my way, and
and the proof of of indolence - very well. as a duly appointed southern hemisphere demigod I shall spare you the agony of having to think something up and send you something in my lunch hour.

I'll spent the other 59 minutes and 30 seconds eating, drinking and having sex!

I'll blather you into the ground.
Yes - well you probably will, but you'll still lose the game! Much like Grimsby Town Football Club does every weekend I imagine.

And get a haircut and a real job while you're at it will you!

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Originally posted by Doug Beman:

</font><blockquote>quote:</font><hr />Originally posted by Seanachai:

To the Peng Challenge Thread, the Mother Beautiful Thread, the Cesspool! Where disgrace, ill-repute, and debasement are worn upon the sleeve, and...

and Seanachai wears his underpants on his head.


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Originally posted by Gaylord Focker:

</font><blockquote>quote:</font><hr />Originally posted by Doug Beman:

</font><blockquote>quote:</font><hr />Originally posted by Seanachai:

To the Peng Challenge Thread, the Mother Beautiful Thread, the Cesspool! Where disgrace, ill-repute, and debasement are worn upon the sleeve, and...

and Seanachai wears his underpants on his head.


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Originally posted by Mike:

I'll spent the other 59 minutes and 30 seconds eating, drinking and having sex!

The 59 minutes for the food and drink and the last 30 secs. for you-know-what.

( I know, it was obvious, but he left it there right in front of me. What else was I to do?)

And as for the question of Yeknodathon's name. I always though that he was more of a Yeknod-A-Go-Go myself.

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Originally posted by Doug Beman:

</font><blockquote>quote:</font><hr />Originally posted by Gaylord Focker:

</font><blockquote>quote:</font><hr />Originally posted by Doug Beman:

</font><blockquote>quote:</font><hr />Originally posted by Seanachai:

To the Peng Challenge Thread, the Mother Beautiful Thread, the Cesspool! Where disgrace, ill-repute, and debasement are worn upon the sleeve, and...

and Seanachai wears his underpants on his head.


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Originally posted by Joe Shaw:

Noba if you are perpetual Squire then it is the fault of your liege. One of two things must happen, {thing the second} you must complete five (5) CessPool games whilst a Squire or (dealio the first) you must complete a Quest set for you by your liege. I MUCH prefer the first (shown here as the second for clarity) since it gives us more time to judge your worthiness but in any case it's your liege who has fallen down on the job.

Not too surprising since I'm the only Knight who has ever shown any inclination for the proper upbringing of Squires. My record of FOUR Squires raised to Knighthood is unsurpassed and I attribute it all to the stringent and established methods of instruction. I'm thinking of writing a book so I am.


Sir Justiciar, far from wanting to promote the advancement of a fellow Oddstrayliun (xenophobic favouritism?? - no, no ...... that would NEVER do!) I think I would be correct in presuming that yon Pseudopermanent Quire Noba has indeed met and far exceeded all your stated requirements for consideration of de-elevation to the inclination of Kah-nigget-hood. Ergo:

(Part 31) Squire Nobbits has completed at least 15 cesspool games that I know of.

(Dxxuiv) Squire Nobbits gave my poor Flosschenhimies a roight royale pounding in the "Great Oz Squire's Quest Downunder" set jointly by me former Greatliege Eevil Berli and Sir Slaphappy not about 2 months hence.

(Firstly) Squire Nobbits even abased hisself to the level of "Defence Council For Sir Slappy" during a dark age of dire mud slinging and general pissery for his erstwhile Liege.

So, I say Olde chap, I think he has shown most of the desired qualities (yes, I know he is an Ozzie like yours truly and that probably means 30 demerit points straight orf th' bat) and deserves serious consideration. What say the other Olde Ones on this?

Sir AJ

[ August 04, 2002, 09:46 PM: Message edited by: AussieJeff ]

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Originally posted by Boo_Radley:

And as for the question of Yeknodathon's name. I always though that he was more of a Yeknod-A-Go-Go myself.

Bloody hell Boo-boy! You sound bored up to yer armpits. Has it come to this then?

You fantasise about propping up the bar at your local Retro-70's-Disco-theque whilst ogling the spastic, yet somehow lewdish gyrations of a psychotic Scungethorpian Ass dressed in a pink frilly tu-tu with matching crotchless knickers and ensconced within a gilded cage?

Well, its Flossiejeff t'the rescue lad!

Stand by to be snapped out of this bloated ennui by a festering pile of pixelated puss.

And* if you can't bare the wait while my e-wakeup-call snails it's long-winded way to ya', try counting sheep. Macey says it always works for him.

{Don't ya' just love it when sentences start with anand? And such like?}

Sir AJ

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I find myself morose tonight. Not only have I just watched "Field of Dreams" again and had to choke back the tears at the father and son playing catch, but I find myself oddly ... behind in my games of PBEM.

Oh not the turns, again, no I've played all I've recieved and will shortly send them out. No, it seems that I'm losing ... virtually all of them. I attribute that to the ill will that some here in the CessPool bear toward me as the Justicar.

Seanachai's enlightened and perceptive treatise upon the value of the CessPool and it's members was, in my view, right on the money. Why then, I ask myself as tears roll down my cheeks, onto my arms and thence to the keyboard there to futher gum up that recalcitrant R key, am I losing my matches? It can only be because the CessPoolers whom I play are vicious, nasty brutes without a soul or an ounce of human kindness ... exactly, in other words, as Seanachai described them.

Naturally I exempt from that group OGSF, oh he's all of the above, but my losing to him is all part of the grander plan. For you see, if I'd won our game, he'd never let me rest without demanding a rematch ... no doubt accompanied by that famous Scots gesture immortalized in the film Braveheart when the Scots ... well, you know the one I mean. No my plan is lose deliberately and thus avoid the pain of yet more correspondence with him ... so far it's working grandly, just have to be careful not to do anything tactically sound or he'd be completely lost.

Noba my deepest apologies lad, had I remembered that you were Squire to Aussie Jeff much would have been made clear. It's obvious now why you are the way you are. No hope, I'm afraid, of bringing your education up to speed. No, the best course for you is simply to advance you to Knight of the CessPool, much as the dimmer bulbs in the educational system are passed on simply to get them out of the system. Not your fault of course, but rather that of a lackadasical Knight. Nonetheless, I propose to the Olde Ones that Noba having passed the requisite tests, be admitted to the rank of Knight of the CessPool!

I still don't understand why no one likes me, I'm such an engaging chap. Anyone for a game of catch?


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Originally posted by Doug Beman:

</font><blockquote>quote:</font><hr />Originally posted by Joe Shaw:

I still don't understand why no one likes me, I'm such an engaging chap. Anyone for a game of catch?


{tosses a hand grenade in Joe Slaw's general direction}


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And the best thing is that it doesn't matter when the grenade goes off - the rest of us all win.

Mind you I'm a bit disappoiunted Doug forgot to pull the pin - that doesn't bode well for him in our game!!

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Originally posted by Joe Shaw:

</font><blockquote>quote:</font><hr />Originally posted by Doug Beman:

</font><blockquote>quote:</font><hr />Originally posted by Joe Shaw:

I still don't understand why no one likes me, I'm such an engaging chap. Anyone for a game of catch?


{tosses a hand grenade in Joe Slaw's general direction}


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Now that the commonwealth Games are over I think it is only fair that we roundly applaud the efforts of the finest sporting nation on Earth.

These South Pacific dwellers are well renowned for their hospitality and friendliness, if not for their beer.

From their sunny shores and blue-water coastline, to the dry sandy interior, these guys have produced an unbelievable number of champions.

Yes - I refer of coure, to <big><big>Nauru</big></big> (pronounced Nah-ru).

Hah to the Aussies - 2 Golds for Nauru - a nation with about 12,000 inhabitants. That's about 160 gold medals per million of population.

Any other takers??

[ August 05, 2002, 12:38 AM: Message edited by: Mike ]

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Originally posted by Mike:

blah, blah, blah! Yes - I refer of cour{s}e, to <big><big>Nauru</big></big> (pronounced Nah-ru).

Hah to the Aussies - 2 Golds for Nauru - a nation with about 12,000 inhabitants. That's about 160 gold medals per million of population.

Any other takers??

Err ... that was in the Mixed Synchronised 100m Tiddly-Winks Hurdles category if I'm unmistaken, was it not?


[ August 05, 2002, 01:22 AM: Message edited by: AussieJeff ]

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Originally posted by Noba:

Because one thing I've learned here is that I am the first PERMANENT SQUIRE of the CessPool!

Enough of this! Your knight has gone missing, but your Grand Liege is still here.

I bestow upon you all the rights and responsibilities of a Knight of this dark house. Now go forth, Sir Noba, KoHB, and smite the Godly!

You might consider smiting some outer board pillocks as well... and Panzerleader, smite him... CMPlayer needs a good smiting, so give him a smite as well... and don't forget that Gatlord fellow (never have I seen such need for a good smite)... there are more, but I can give you that information later.

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