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Who's For a Jolly Sing Song, and Another Go At the Peng Challenge?

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Guest PondScum
Originally posted by dalem:

Papa Khann! - a synopsis of the MBT since I left to frolic in lands vaguely mitten-shaped, please.

The forces of House Persiflage have done well in your absence, oh liege-with-no-clean-underwear-left. While Papa Khann gathers his marbles to speak, the following battle report from Panzer Armee Pondscum (hmmm, doesn't have quite the same ring to it) may be of interest to your dog:

If we're keeping score, this would be a TOTAL loss for OGSF, to the tune of 11-89. I offer the ears of his wee spaniel to mon petite liege, dalem. Who knows, what with recent advances in transplant surgery, your earless dog might be able to use them...
I shall leave it to the squire to bear the unhappy tidings about donkeys.
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Originally posted by Hiram Sedai:

It's good to see the Old Firm posting once more. This insignificant speck of offal knows that he cannot gain the attention of said Firm and is merely the same as a buzzing gnat.

That is quite enough outta you, you you ...pant ... person.

Send me a setup.

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Originally posted by Berlichtingen:

</font><blockquote>quote:</font><hr />Originally posted by Seanachai:

Hmm. I was pretty sure that Yeknod was a Knight. But a Seniour Knight?

Should Young Yeknod be named 'Knight of the Thistle', and raised to Seniour Knight status?

No need to wait on Peng... we have a majority

So it is said, so it is done.


Sir Yeknodathon, Knight of the Thistle and Defender of the Paddock</font>

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Originally posted by dalem:

I'm back from vacation and presented with too much MBT to catch up on, so I won't. I start here with my loathing and my general disapproval. Turns will go out by lunchtime. Or close of business today. Something like that, because I have to do laundry.

Papa Khann! - a synopsis of the MBT since I left to frolic in lands vaguely mitten-shaped, please.

My Liege returns! Welcome back, and I hope your respite affected you favorably. (Quick, Pondscum, close the barn door before he can see what a mess the giraffes have made...)

After much browsing and considerable thought, I have prepared the synopsis of the MBT you've requested, sire. The gist of it is summed up nicely in this post:

I'd name names here, but that would take too long. Suffice to say that the lot of you are a bunch of wankers and idiots. Now all of you go send me a turn.

I don't recall who said that, and I don't feel like rereading the entire MBT again to find out. I only know that it's true. Who knows, maybe I said it. Or if I didn't, I should have.


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Originally posted by Seanachai:

Now, Harv, the reason I know, respect, and even like Canada is simple: I'm a Minnesotan.

Does not compute. I'm a Minnesotan and I know for a fact that I look down on Canadians. Then again, I look down on everyone. But I especially look down on Canadians. And Australians. And Akronites.

And it has long been the dream of our State to secede from the American Union and, after Conquering Canada, form a new nation that will finally achieve perfection.

Did he actually just use the words "Canada" and "perfection" in the same sentence?

We, as Minnesotans, will finally be free form having to deal with the useless, whining, aggressive swine of the East Coast, the daft and drooling hicks of America's South, the bumbling lackwits of States like Ohio and Illinois, the 'aura fed' idiocy of Californians, the gibbering idiocy and back-slapping stupidity of Texans, the...Well, I think you get the picture.

All valid points.

I still don't see why we need the Candians though. Lets go someplace WARM. Well, warm in January anyway. And someplace where theres no blasted humidity in the summer! Not Australia, though. I ain't living on the same continent with Noba (send me a turn, you git), Mace, AJ and the rest of their pod.

and then Seanachai blathered on about pretty much everything else under the sun, so I snipped it

Originally posted by Persephone:

Seanachai, ya, you Minneasoteans with your snow and wood chippers think you are soooooo much better than us friendly Illinoisans...

It's Ill-Annoyances.

Originally posted by something called a Boo_Radley:

Yes! OHIO! Yes!

A friendly place where peoples of different faiths, colors, ideologies, musical tastes, depth perceptions, height, weight, hair color, modes of travel, understanding of gerunds can all come together in one harmonious blend of flesh.

One harmonious blend of flesh!?! I'm stunned by this admission, Boo-Boo.

So tell me, how many times have you reread "The Island of Dr. Moreau" just because it seemed like the author was speaking directly to you? And does the phrase "twisted chromosomal nightmare" ring a bell with you? As in your parents ringing the "dinner" bell, perhaps?


[ July 09, 2002, 05:14 PM: Message edited by: Papa Khann ]

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...FISH MONGERS with French 17th Century literary pretentions...
Scoundrel! You, sir, have stepped over the line with what was obviously a reference to myself. I demand justice! I demand vengeance! I demand BLOOD!!!!

Yeknod o' the thistle, you may liken yourself to Eeyore, but I am going to play pooh-sticks on your skull. I am going to go tiggerific on that mange-hide of yours.

You will need Rabbit and ALL his relatives to pull my honey-jar out from under that buttoned-on flap you call a tail!

Choose your weapon, will it be the Heffalumps or the Jagulars?]

Will we fight in the Hundred acre wood or in Pooh's Thoughtful Place?

I am gonna find out just what yer stuffed with, Yeknod-OTT

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Hiram vs. Geier, hmmmm.

Fresh from some of Fionn's tutoring, Hiram uses a subtle tactic to pick a fight with Geier. Well done, lad, but hang onto your hat.

Ah, what do I know, I've lost to both of 'em.

[ July 09, 2002, 05:03 PM: Message edited by: Moriarty ]

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Originally posted by Moriarty:

Hiram vs. Geier, hmmmm.

Fresh from some of Fionn's tutoring, Hiram uses a subtle tactic to pick a fight with Geier. Well done, lad, but hang onto your hat.

Ah, what do I know, I've lost to both of 'em.

Ha!! I wish that Fionn would tutor me! Six turns of boredom against him and he just says things like "Oh, there you are" or "Oh, where's me gold?" I guess I have to wait for the autosurrender before he imparts some wisdom.

As for subtle...it took me close to two years before the Old Firm (may their flaccidity never be mocked) even deemed me worthy of a game.

No offense, Moriarty, but I cannot judge how good someone is if they beat you. It's like the secret the family has about Uncle Ernie. We don't like to talk about it.

[ July 09, 2002, 05:40 PM: Message edited by: Hiram Sedai ]

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I'll take the Old Firm in ten and spot Hiram 20 points. Not that the Army of Scaliness Group South has any personal experience, mind you as we have never actually completed a match with either.The current Marlow piece of ****e we are playing does show some promise of completion, however, given that the game has no resemblance to the briefing and his crack troops were placed in my green setup zones. Interesting, but I can't say I'm sold on the whole stream of consciousness scenario design method.

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Originally posted by Papa Khann:

Originally posted by something called a Boo_Radley:

Yes! OHIO! Yes!

A friendly place where peoples of different faiths, colors, ideologies, musical tastes, depth perceptions, height, weight, hair color, modes of travel, understanding of gerunds can all come together in one harmonious blend of flesh.

One harmonious blend of flesh!?! I'm stunned by this admission, Boo-Boo.

So tell me, how many times have you reread "The Island of Dr. Moreau" just because it seemed like the author was speaking directly to you? And does the phrase "twisted chromosomal nightmare" ring a bell with you? As in your parents ringing the "dinner" bell, perhaps?


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Can any of you sodwits spot the anomaly in the following piccy??


Oh, VERY GOOD! Only 3.6 hours to figure out that apart from numerous four-legged, flea-bitten carcASSes lying 'bout th' place, there are no live-a-live-oh's left on THAT dismal landscape!!

Dear reader, BE WARNED - this is a typical NoThaDonkey inspired creation. Th' blithering eejit likes dark nights, heavy fog and wet ground to *BOOT*... typical of all Pommie Asses I guess. And after 9.9999 aeons of interminably SLO-O--O---W play, the un-thrilling result was:


<BIG><BIGARRGGHHHH!!!</BIG></BIG> A fecking 45pt all DRAW!!

Puhleese, Mr LoathedOne - at least credit moi with <U>0.5 LOSS</U> - for overt and unforgiveable gaminess at the very least??


Sir AJ

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Originally posted by Boo_Radley:

Hi there, all youse wondrous and lovin' chappy types... just a quicky to let you all know that my MSN e-mail account is total CRUD!! If you can't send turns to me, please let me know NOW by posting a big *BOOT*!!


Fix it ... or else!!


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Originally posted by dalem:

What's this about DonkeyLad being demoted to Senior Kanigget? Did the Venusian climate last weekend bake the slight nerve cluster that Seanachai calls a brain into flan?

Silly Person: Seanachai has no brain. He is merely a marionette parroting Gumpisms.
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Originally posted by AussieJeff:

Can any of you sodwits spot the anomaly in the following piccy??


Oh, VERY GOOD! Only 3.6 hours to figure out that apart from numerous four-legged, flea-bitten carcASSes lying 'bout th' place, there are no live-a-live-oh's left on THAT dismal landscape!!

Dear reader, BE WARNED - this is a typical NoThaDonkey inspired creation. Th' blithering eejit likes dark nights, heavy fog and wet ground to *BOOT*... typical of all Pommie Asses I guess. And after 9.9999 aeons of interminably SLO-O--O---W play, the un-thrilling result was:

<BIG><BIGARRGGHHHH!!!</BIG></BIG> A fecking 45pt all DRAW!!


Sir AJ

Eh? Have we finished? Er, that's not supposed to happen. Draw? *snigger* 45-45 all? *snigger*

Priceless, sodding priceless *snigger* Let me note that down with me crayon... er NossieJopf *snigger* runs around in the dark for months *snigger* donkey *snigger* er, doesn't *snigger* Oh, better add *snigger*... feeling a bit down.

Hahahahahahahahaahaahaahah *honk* *honk*

Yeknod 'o tha Thistle and Defender of the Paddock

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Originally posted by Lars:

MrSpkr is a *&$* @*<% &%^$!!!!, the French are &%^# &^@@&!!, and rune is not placing high on my list either.

Was that EIGHT armored vehicles you lost in that 50 second span or was it NINE? To be honest, I lost count after the first six.


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Originally posted by Goanna:

I'll take the Old Firm in ten and spot Hiram 20 points. Not that the Army of Scaliness Group South has any personal experience, mind you as we have never actually completed a match with either.

You're on. Send us a setup, prefab if you please.
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My god, I really do think that Bo Diddley is genuinely scared of taking on my ready-to-die Frenchies in mortal combat! Turn 21/30 and he finally sends a HT tentatively forward, fires a quick burst, then reverses the hell out of Dodge!! Oh Hurrah.....well done old chap.......is that the best you got? When I've unhinged your brain(?) with the sight of hundreds of your scum bag cowards dieing around you, then I shall see to you...........Prepare to die!

FOGS you yellow livered pile of excretia, what sort of an excuse is that.....accusing me of not sending a turn in my email? Are you worried about your wee doggie............well you should be, because I will eat it raw then send it's scabby tail back to you(will save you tight sod's on burial expenses) tongue.gif

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