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Pre-Order Your Peng Challenge Today!

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Before I pre-order the new Peng challenge, I want a public statement from the Olde Ones on whether it will run properly in OS X.

Steve Jobs (bolded as an honorary member (where's Bauhaus when you need to tell him to sit?)) has publicly stated that he's going to come to my house, sneak in, wipe OS9 irretrievably from my hard drive, pull the ROMs out of my computer and replace them with some sort of demon-possessed non-OS9-booting-ober-mac'n-stumpin-furrier ROM chips from Berli's basement. I can only hope that he upgrades my video at the same time, and maybe throws in a new LCD, since the current one is getting a little ratty. I also heard that he's in cahoots with Santa Claus and is going to have Santa and his elves (not bolded, because they're pretty much serfs to Santa modify all existing macs so that they can't run CMBB after christmas, or maybe even Halloween. I know that Peng has pretty much ignored OSX, and if he or one of the other Olde ones doesn't come out with a statement I won't be able to run the MBT on my mac anymore!

Seanachai Please Fix or Do Somefink!!

btw, I also figured out who Roxy is: She's Meeks' Sister (or Meeks, since we know they're the same person, or maybe even a hermaphrodite).

e) Meeks was gone, now he suddenly is back and posting on the outerboard.

137) Roxy wasn't here, and now she is, pretty much at the same time as Meeks reappeared on the outerboard.

1.38x10^-16) Meeks had (has?) multiple personalities, including that of a multitude of small furry creatures.

(1/sqrt(2))(|0>+|1>) Roxy has multiple personalities, and is probably hairy.

You'll have to ask argie (bolded because he's nuts and I don't want him tracking me down for not bolding his name) for the rest of the details.

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Guys, you can give me a hard time if you want since you do not know if I am a he, a she, or even a he/she for that matter. You DO know for sure that Emma and Persephone are ladies. I feel certain that both would prefer to be spared some of the remarks that were made recently. Seanachai asks only that you put ladies on a pedestal. Surely you're all men enough to do that. Move the ladies to the balcony, then start the barroom brawl.

[serious off]

Good night, gentlemen [CRASH!! CLATTER!! Thump]

Oh dear, .....fell off that blasted pedestal again.

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Originally posted by Roxy:

Guys, you can give me a hard time if you want since you do not know if I am a he, a she, or even a he/she for that matter.

[... thinks a bit]


[tail twitches... and thinks some more]

.... oooooooh *sniff*

[tail revolves a full 360 degrees...]

... yer got four legs?


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Originally posted by Roxy:


Guys, you can give me a hard time .. you're all men enough to do that.

[serious off]

Good night, gentlemen [CRASH!! CLATTER!! Thump]

Oh dear, .....fell off that blasted pedestal again.


(38D) Is a "junior" member

(24) Is blonde

(36) Has a "name" that ends in "y"

(hike!) Just did it again


Ahem!! *puts on suave, deep, velvetty voice* G'day B-b-b-britney. Would yer fancy DRIVING ME C-C-C-CRAZY???

Sir AJ

Uberhandsome Knight, HoB

[Edited to exemplify me exemplary editing skills]

[ August 14, 2002, 04:15 AM: Message edited by: AussieJeff ]

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Originally posted by chrisl:

I also heard that he's in cahoots with Santa Claus and is going to have Santa and his elves (not bolded, because they're pretty much serfs to Santa modify all existing macs so that they can't run CMBB after christmas, or maybe even Halloween.

There is no Sanity Clause.
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Originally posted by Roxy:


Guys, you can give me a hard time if you want since you do not know if I am a he, a she, or even a he/she for that matter. You DO know for sure that Emma and Persephone are ladies. I feel certain that both would prefer to be spared some of the remarks that were made recently. Seanachai asks only that you put ladies on a pedestal. Surely you're all men enough to do that. Move the ladies to the balcony, then start the barroom brawl.

[serious off]

Good night, gentlemen [CRASH!! CLATTER!! Thump]

Oh dear, .....fell off that blasted pedestal again.

I've only taunted Persephone once, and that was before i knew the rules here about ladies. If you were clear about your sex i would refrain from taunting you as well, so for now i'll just call you Pat. :D

Since it is not nice to taunt someone because of resemblences they have to both sexes, i'll refrain from taunting you. :D

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<big>The Charge:</big>

Originally posted by Seanachai:

Some of you are just too sodding stupid to know that you shouldn't actually be here.

<big>The Evidence:</big>


  • Exhibit One:</font>
Originally grunted by Mike-You-Idiot:
waht bought on that load of codswallop?
  • Exhibit Two:</font>

Originally spewed by Derek Zoolander's doppelganger:

I'm sorry but i don't buy into your blind bigoted views of how men and women should be treated.

  • Exhibit Three:</font>

Originally squeaked by Mouse:

Hey I got an idea!

<big>The Verdict:</big>

Seanachai, I've never seen anything that cries out so much for a directed verdict.

The evidence before the Court is incontrovertible. There's no need for the jury to retire. In all my years of judging I have never seen before anyone more deserving the full penalty of law.

<big>The Sentence:</big>



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I have it on good authority that Roxy is indeed Britney Spears who heard about our...ahem...feelings for her and decided to do some slumming in these parts. All I have to say about that is *gack* *bwack* get the bucket! <small>and next time you're in Stockholm, drop us a mail, will ya?</small>

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Originally posted by Gaylord Focker:

Infeasable i'm afraid, for it has come to my attention that your disco dancing classes are being held right across the hall.

OK, it's official, I'm no longer acknowledging your presence in the 'Pool. Any cretin who would use the word "infeasable" obviously has had his head used as a practice ring-toss target by individuals throwing the large tires usually found on earth moving machinery.

That huge sloping shelf of bone which substitutes for a forehead on you should be permanently tattooed with the legend, "Contains Vacuum! Accidental puncturing may prove dangerous!"

I would go on, but why waste words? Silent hatred feels so much better.

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Regarding whether or not a person is a female, I don't really care.
Oh sure, that's easy to say until you wake up next to "her" and out of the corner of your eye spot that huge adam's apple.

I for one will not be taunting YK2 or Persephone but will not be not doing it for the deluded reasons of the Bard. I instead choose the following reasons:

Persephone has skills and makes me laugh, even when I am the subject of her "art". I also squired Patch back when that was the done thing and it just wouldn't be cricket to begin wanton abuse now. Also, I still view Patch as a bit of cherished oddity around here, a flower that somehow manages to flourish and maintain her demeanor despite the constant diet of effluent.

YK2 takes care of the French, and what need more be said, really.

Pat (which is a really apt temporary handle despite it's emergence from the mouth of the latest Gay Focker to wander in who doesn't even have the pills to stand up for his own misstatements - NOT A STEP BACK MAN, THEY CAN SMELL THE FEAR ON YOU!) {ahem} Anyway Pat will be treated with the same fair if unmercilessly cruel hand that any newbie would. Given the fact that Pat actually plays CM, I reckon we ought to see how it goes with the first few games and get some reports from those who have participated (provided they have a couple of glowing synapses at the top of their spinal cord) to find out if Pat will be a useful human oddity addition to the Cesspool or not. So, this basically rules out Dorosh since he is an admitted grog and can't be trusted and would likely just want to swap faux uniform sewing tips. Horse Ovaries will probably be a fair reporter, but we need a couple others to step up to the plate. I vote for the Justiciar himself to have a game with Pat since that's what we pay him for and he fancies himself capable of shaping gold from ****e in the past.

[ August 14, 2002, 10:32 AM: Message edited by: Goanna ]

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You know, Goanna in his fork-tounged way has a point. Now I am all for treating the ladies (said in my best lounge lizard voice) with respect, admiration, and a shining nugget of HOPE, however, when someone comes in with ambiguous genderm, I get a little uncomfortable.

Don't get me wrong, some of my best friends are bearded ladiesand he-she's, it's just that I know what they are. But, Roxy, I don't know. Bearded lady? Hi! Welcome aboard! Man Woman? Hello there, good-lookin' (the voice again) Jay Davidson? Great job in Crying Game! You had me fooled!

But Roxy?!?! Who knows...

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Originally posted by CMplayer:

I have it on good authority that Roxy is indeed Britney Spears...

No. No. No. Boy are you out to lunch...

The authority of which you speak did not list Boxy's true name Britney Spears, (the blonde little vixen whose singing ability may be in dispute, but whose status as a symbol of lust for many a pimply-faced teenager is not. I know this for a fact, since I am subjected to her caterwauling at home by my eldest son. Oh, the shame of it all...). But enough of my own troubles, we are here to defame Boxy...

The authority you mentioned listed Boxy's true name as Britney Spares. Yes, much like the ploy used by porn starlettes, this blatant name-gaming is an attempt by her to lure young men to their untimely demise.

For there is a hint of the truth in Boxy's real name. The Spares are actually the multiple (hence not Spare) rolls of fat, or spare tires, that surround Boxy's midsection. A prime specimen of bovine pulchritude worthy of even the head matron position of a Twirlettes Baton and Dance Club.

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