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Rules? You want some stinkin' rules? Go talk to your mama.

If you think you are being risky by posting here, you are certainly underestimating the situation. You are not wanted. This is not your sewing bee.

You still want to post here?

Then you are more stupid than you look. We don't want you. We don't give a damn about your "CM Prowess". We recognize you for the little squirrel screaming in the night that you are. Expect some buckshot.

If you really desire to be kicked like a tin can, be sure and post your location and e-mail address. It's the least a git like yourself can do.

We don't care if you're God's gift to tactical combat. Speak as though you have an education, and know how to use it.

Do not discuss your nether regions, or things related to such. Your lack of competence in such interests us not in the slightest.

If you still are stupid enough to think you have something to contribute to this thread, then pick a specific individual and challenge them. Be prepared to be rejected ad-infinitum unless you pick on some other SSN or newbie to the thread. We owe you nothing more than a swift kick in the head and a swim in the lake with an old transmission tied around your neck.

Another Pooligan will be along shortly to point out how woefully inadequate these rules are. Rest assured that though they are pillocks in their own right, they are leaps and bounds above your paltry self.

<big>Go Away!</big>

{edited because I had some free time from kicking the rhyme and meter out of my opponents}

[ August 13, 2002, 11:09 PM: Message edited by: Leeo ]

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Oh, goody. Another sandbox to crap in.

MrSpkr, is Germanboy paying you scale to make spelling corrections? Any just why are you bolding "Mike-you-idiot"? If he is the SSN poster boy, shouldn't he be relegated to permanant SSN status?

Boo, you are right about Arty-fest. It is "butt-ugly", and I attribute that to it's semi-comatose creator. I believe it was authored by none other than our very own "Old Foul Joe". Art mirrors life, and all that rot.

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Gosh - a thread all for me!!

I'd be touched, but Im afraid of catching something nasty from you.

And of course I don't really care anyway.

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Originally posted by Panzer Leader:

Leeo you GIT! I had a Plan.

I really hate to say this, but . . .


Well, maybe not "all" and maybe "disgusted" instead of "proud", but you get the point.

Oh, and Mouse - bugger off. You still don't get it (and hopefully never will, lest you procreate).


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Originally posted by Michael Dorosh:

</font><blockquote>quote:</font><hr />Originally posted by Roxy:

Mike-You-Idiot, Mike-You-Idiot, Mike-You-Idiot

There, I've got that one down pat now.

Can we not change that, just a LITTLE bit?</font>
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Originally posted by R_Leete:

MrSpkr, is Germanboy paying you scale to make spelling corrections?

No, just a minor retainer and the usual hourly rates.

Any just why are you bolding "Mike-you-idiot"? If he is the SSN poster boy, shouldn't he be relegated to permanant SSN status?
A good point. You should file that down.

Did it ever occur to you that it was easier to emphasize what an idiot Mike is if we bolded it? Have you no sense of MARKETING? Why, Mike-You-Idiot mania is sweeping the nation. If you're not on board, you're gonna miss the train!

Boo, you are right about Arty-fest. It is "butt-ugly", and I attribute that to it's semi-comatose creator. I believe it was authored by none other than our very own "Old Foul Joe". Art mirrors life, and all that rot.
Well, yes, 'butt-ugly' does describe the primary author (quite accurately, I might add). However, you can thank me for some of the silly little details (like the very dry weather -- a little fire, Scarecrow?).


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Alright, one can find more interesting and highly evolved life in a tide pool lately than one can in the Cesspool.

First off, We Are Not Amused with the 'taunting' of Ladies of the 'Pool.

I am not amused, and I am a man who is easily amused.

Peng is not amused. How do I know? Peng would tell me if he were amused, and I would share that knowledge with you lot.

Berli is not amused. Again, how do I know? Well, because not much amuses Berli, and this is definitely not one of the things that does. If there is a Kindly Spirit overwatching the Universe, you will never be confronted with what does amuse Berli.

Let us all gather together and, like a group of chimps working through a difficult social interaction, beetle your brows and try to work through this concept:

We do not 'taunt' Ladies of the 'Pool. We do not abuse them. We 'gently jest' with them.

Oh, I know the thought that's struggling like a maggot to push through the rotting gray matter behind your puzzled and clueless eyes. But this is not a sexist holdover of a chauvinistic and patriarchal society, loosely wrapped in the flimsy robes of chivalry, applying a double standard and setting up a pedestal for women to mount who are strong enough to take that pedestal in hand and use it to beat in your receding foreheads, smashing through the heavily ridged uni-brow to wipe forever from your faces the surly look of half-intelligent mockery you assume to keep at bay the knowledge that 'no one wants to touch it, but most are courteous enough not to point and laugh'.

No. This is a simple statement from the Olde Ones that takes into account three things:

The first is that every single one of you 'disappointments' owe your very existence to a woman. And, while this might inspire anyone who actually has to deal with you with thoughts of reprisals and a day of accounting, your own attitude should be one of gratitude and respect from the knowledge that the women who gave birth to you cared enough to bring you to term, rather than taking their own lives for the betterment of Humanity as a whole.

Honour them for their sacrifice. They would have preferred death.

Secondly, it is a given fact that women are the very first 'rule-givers' that anyone encounters. This is why some men who respect nothing else in this world respect women, and some men spend all their lives trying to degrade, belittle, and control them.

So you can take the path of sulking misogyny and admit to the world that you're using the guise of 'egalitarianism' to get even for issues you have with toilet training and the heart-breaking labour some woman or women went through to keep you from being a repulsive discredit to your own species, or you can learn the art of 'gently jesting'.

Finally, there is the fact that we, the Olde Ones, have welcomed these Ladies into the 'Pool. We did not, without soul-searching horror, heart-rending pain, and a fair amount of vomiting, welcome any of you lot in here. You were allowed in because you were 'one of us' (in most cases. Some of you are just too sodding stupid to know that you shouldn't actually be here).

The Ladies of the 'Pool were welcomed in here because they were not us. If all there was to the world was you lot, I'd be rooting for nuclear war and a chance for the cockroaches to show their stuff.

So try doing up your trousers, brushing your hair back, and learn that the biggest lot of useless bastards on the planet can give a Lady a hard time without leaving her feeling less than treasured.


[ August 14, 2002, 12:20 AM: Message edited by: Seanachai ]

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Originally posted by Mike:

waht bought on that load of codswallop?


And the ability to spell. Perhaps if you entered a chemical treament program?

Why are the Kiwis so awkwardly dim? I mean, the Aussies are almost pre-eminently subnormal, but they never give the same trouble the Kiwis do. And New Zealand is otherwise such a Paradise on Earth.

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Seanachi, that was a jest i gave to another human being wich in no way was mean spirited.

I'm sorry but i don't buy into your blind bigoted views of how men and women should be treated. Do the Black Irish have different rules in here as well? Roxy is a big girl and can handle silly comments wich are again, in no way mean spirtited.

If you choose to spend your life as a slave to a random group of people you place a label on, great whatever makes you happy, but in all seriousness i've been friends with alot of girls, and joked around with them and they joked back and it was a riot, everyone had and has fun. I treat everyone equaly, i don't put on a happy face if another human being happens to have a darker skin pigmentation , longer hair, lighter eyes, or more estregen.

Also as a side note, this is a messege board, how charming do you think you can be on a computer? Come on now...

Also if you want to harken back to the days of "chivarly" you should do a little research on that. It was all about self serving greed, but that weould be for another topic, and yes the Knights were very polite, but total dicks.

I don't see how this is a big deal being that it's not, or are you trying to get me to stop making fun of you? :D

[ August 14, 2002, 09:13 AM: Message edited by: Gaylord Focker ]

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Originally posted by Seanachai:

In here?

You mis-spelled honor


It saves you from having too much of an inferiority complex.

Of course not - like all pre-eminiently subnormals they can be herded (like sheep for example) - why do you think Macey has a affinity for wooly jumpers and a wardrobe full of velcro gloves??

And we know it - good to see the plot to keep ewe lot out is working!
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Originally posted by Gaylord Focker:

Seanachi, that was a jest i gave ot another human being wich in no way was mean spirited.

I'm sorry but i don't buy into your blind bigoted views of how men and women should be treated. Do the Black Irish have different rules in here as well? Roxy is a big girl and can handle silly comments wich are again, in no way mean spirtited.

If you choose to spend your life as a slave to a random group of people you place a label on, great whatever makes you happy, but in all seriousness i've been friends with alot of girls, and joked around with them and they joked back and it was a riot, everyone had and has fun. I treat everyone equaly, i don't put on a happy face if another human being happens to have a darker skin pigmentation , longer hair, lighter eyes, or more estregen.

Also as a side note, this is a messege board, how charming do you think you can be on a computer? Come on now...

Also if you want to harken back to the days of "chivarly" you should do a little research on that. It was all about self serving greed, but that weould be for another topic, and yes the Knights were very polite, but total dicks.

I don't see how this is a big deal being that it's not, or are you trying to get me to stop making fun of you? :D

Thank you, Gaylord. That was magical.

From another planet, but magical.

Now, I keep seeing you post elsewhere that you're 25 years old. Is that in Dog Years?


Is this Iron Chef Sakai?

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Originally posted by Seanachai:

This is a simple statement from the Olde Ones that takes into account three things:

The first is that every single one of you 'disappointments' owe your very existence to a woman.

Actually I've come to suspect that I was created out of a congealed mass of rotting garbage and old spark plugs in an abandoned well somewhere.

Secondly, it is a given fact that women are the very first 'rule-givers' that anyone encounters. This is why some men who respect nothing else in this world respect women, and some men spend all their lives trying to degrade, belittle, and control them.

I like women who give rules. They make me feel all funny.

Finally, there is the fact that we, the Olde Ones, have welcomed these Ladies into the 'Pool

You also let in Iron Chef Sakai.
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Originally posted by Seanachai:

</font><blockquote>quote:</font><hr />Originally posted by Gaylord Focker:

Seanachi, that was a jest i gave ot another human being wich in no way was mean spirited.

I'm sorry but i don't buy into your blind bigoted views of how men and women should be treated. Do the Black Irish have different rules in here as well? Roxy is a big girl and can handle silly comments wich are again, in no way mean spirtited.

If you choose to spend your life as a slave to a random group of people you place a label on, great whatever makes you happy, but in all seriousness i've been friends with alot of girls, and joked around with them and they joked back and it was a riot, everyone had and has fun. I treat everyone equaly, i don't put on a happy face if another human being happens to have a darker skin pigmentation , longer hair, lighter eyes, or more estregen.

Also as a side note, this is a messege board, how charming do you think you can be on a computer? Come on now...

Also if you want to harken back to the days of "chivarly" you should do a little research on that. It was all about self serving greed, but that weould be for another topic, and yes the Knights were very polite, but total dicks.

I don't see how this is a big deal being that it's not, or are you trying to get me to stop making fun of you? :D

Thank you, Gaylord. That was magical.

From another planet, but magical.

Now, I keep seeing you post elsewhere that you're 25 years old. Is that in Dog Years?


Is this Iron Chef Sakai?</font>

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Originally posted by Seanachai:

Alright, one can find more interesting and highly evolved life in a tide pool lately than one can in the Cesspool.

First off, We Are Not Amused with the 'taunting' of Ladies of the 'Pool.

(snippage of blah, blah, blah and on with more blah, blah, blah regarding what an honorable git SomeNachos considers himself to be)

SomeNachos, you make a point or two worth considering, then as usual venture off to some unkempt corner of your brain where apparently all that IS required to amuse you is the sound of your own effeminate voice.

Now I'd be willing to cop to a certain amount of responsibility for this entire outbreak when I very politely, and mind you with the utmost best intentions, pointed out to YK2 that a certain comment she'd made might, just might reflect negatively on her intelligence quotient. (Oh ok I started the whole thing. There. Happy?)

But I must ask the question, does this quote remind you of a Lady of the Pool?

I wouldn't Piss on you if you were on fire.
Or does it rather bring to mind a Madame of the Pool Room?

As for Boxy, she herself has stated that she is no Lady of the Pool, and therefore should not be treated as such.



Mike-You-Idiot, I was about to inform you that your taunting is too weak and your forehead too sloped for me to bother sending you a setup, when I remembered that I don't really have any standards. So expect a setup from me whenever I get around to finishing up things that are more important to me than you are. Which, incidentally, is pretty much anything you could think of, Mike-You-Idiot.

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Looks like it is time for I, Sooper Flossie, to redress the foul, fetid, lewd, lackwitted, lunatic, miserable, morose, mewling, moronic, manic, nancy-boy, nincompoop, numbskull, negative, pathetic, peurile, putrid, praeting, rude, ribald, rancid, ridiculous, stinking, snivelling, snot-filled, unkempt, unshaven, unimaginative, witless, woebegone mood of this stanking pile o' dung thread with some uplifting Aussie {NOT kiwi} prose.

Thus, I give you all :

Pete, The Piddling Pup

Jo Anderson. (Circa 1750).

A farmer's dog came into town,

His Christian name was Pete.

A noble pedigree he had,

To see him was a treat.

And as he trotted down the street

'Twas beautiful to see

His work on every corner,

His work on every tree.

He watered every gateway, too,

And never missed a post,

For piddling was his specialty

And piddling was his boast.

The city curs looked on, amazed,

With deep and jealous rage

To see a simple country dog

The piddler of the age!

Then all the dogs from everywhere

Were summoned with a yell

To sniff the country stranger o'er

And judge him by the smell.

Some thought that he a king might be,

Beneath his tail, a rose.

So every dog drew near to him

And sniffed him by the nose.

They smelled him over one by one,

They smelled him two by two;

But noble Pete, in high disdain,

Stood still till they were through.

Then, just to show the whole shebang

He didn't give a damn

He trotted in a grocer's shop

And piddled on a ham.

He piddled in a mackerel keg.

He piddled on the floor,

And when the grocer kicked him out

He piddled through the door.

Behind him all the city dogs

Lined up with instinct true

To start a piddling carnival

And see the stranger through.

They showed him every piddling post

They had in all the town,

And started in, with many a wink,

To pee the stranger down.

They sent for champion piddlers

Who were always on the go

And who sometimes gave a piddling stunt

Or gave a piddling show.

They sprung these on him suddenly

When midway through the town.

Pete only smiled, and piddled off

The ablest, white or brown.

For he was with them, every trick,

With vigour and with vim.

A thousand piddles, more or less,

Were all the same to him.

So he was wetting merrily

With hind leg kicking high

When most were hoisting legs in bluff

And piddling mighty dry.

On and on, Pete sought new grounds

By piles of scrap and rust

Till every city dog ran dry

And only piddled dust.

Still on and on went noble Pete

As wet as any rill

When all the champion city dogs

Had come to a standstill.

Then Pete did free-hand piddling

With fancy flirts and flips

Like the 'double dip' and the 'gimlet twist'

And all the latest hits.

And all the time the country dog

Did never wink or grin

But blithely piddled out of town

As he had piddled in.

The city dogs a convention held

To ask, "What did defeat us?"

But no one ever put them wise

That Pete had diabetes!

Now we can all feel for FOGS and Drool'em, whose dogs are not lately enjoying the best of health. I'm sure they too feel for their respective doggies every day.

Sir Flossie

Perveyer of Fine Fashions, HoB

[ August 14, 2002, 01:55 AM: Message edited by: AussieJeff ]

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