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How many of you are sticking with CMBO for the moment?

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I don't know about the rest of you but after playing the CMBB demo, I just don't have a yearning to go out and buy the game. I don't like the exclusion of the shock waves, nor do I like big battlefields which lend themselves to long-range tank battles. I'm still quite happy playing on the Western Front with my vanilla Shermans.

I'm sure I'll get CMBB for Xmas, but I feel that once I get it, I'll have to learn a whole new game--one that's completely different from the old one. And once I cross that bridge, I won't ever be able to go back...

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Well, I'm sticking with both if that counts. As much as I like the improvements in BB, I don't find BO any less appealing, and am playing it, PBEM at least, just as much as before. In fact, if you're opponents all migrate to BB without you, drop me an email. I think I'll be BO'ing for a good long while yet, at least until the west front is revisited.

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I am staying with CMBO for now. I do not doubt that I will migrate to CMBB at some point, but I am in no hurry. I am having as much fun now (more probably) with CMBO as I did when I bought it 2 years ago. I play PBEM almost exclusively with usually no more than 3 or 4 battles going at a time. Maybe I am still happy with it because the number of games I have played in the two years is much less than those who have lived with the AI or played a gazillion times. Whatever the case, it yet feels fresh to me and I'm still playing it smile.gif

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I am playing both. But when I insert the BO disk I still get the original BB splash screen (I believe that's what its called) even though I am in BO AND I replaced the original BB splash screen with one of the mods !

Don't see the BO screen with the advancing tank and infantry at all now.

Curiously..... Toad.

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In my previous post I wanted to add:

My main point is that I have decided to play as many CMBB scenarios as possible using Franko's Rules with some playability modifications.

This will eliminate some of the player problems I have with the game, such as scale and camera level.

Although it brings a whole new set of challenges I hope to be able to overcome them.

My goal is to be able to enjoy BB from ground level. After all thats from where it was fought.

grassy toad...

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Originally posted by Colonel_Deadmarsh:

I don't know about the rest of you but after playing the CMBB demo, I just don't have a yearning to go out and buy the game. I don't like the exclusion of the shock waves, nor do I like big battlefields which lend themselves to long-range tank battles. I'm still quite happy playing on the Western Front with my vanilla Shermans.

I'm with you ColonelD. It may be on the long range radar for purchasing, but I'm a west front afficianado (sp?)


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I'm going to have to stick with BO until I can find a way to keep BB from crashing on my computer. I've tried every solution for Macs in the tech support forum, and I can't even run Yelina Stare without restarting 12 times per game. Besides, I just spent most of the money I had saved up for BB on some books, so it'll have to wait at least another month.

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I'm sticking with CMBO for big battles and getting acquainted with CMBB on small flat maps. My processor (P550) just can't hack it in CMBB. The battlefield takes ages to load (first time I thought the program had frozen it took so long), the movies take ages to compute, and the LOS tool will not move smoothly across a hilly map as in CMBO. Instead, it moves in skips and bounds which is extremely irritating and relatively useless, and I reckon this indicates a severe lack of processing power. So I guess I need to upgrade...

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I played the BB demo for a couple of days but found it's game play style gave me a whopper of a headache.

Granted. it may very well be far more 'realistic'. Three days of fighting on the Russian front and I was ready to shot myself in the foot to go home.

Now THAT'S a real combat experience! smile.gif

Seriously, the biggest changes in CMBB are in the area where I wouldn't have wanted them- gameplay engine.

Conversely, the element of gameplay I would most like to see overhauled- AI Strat and Tactics, don't seem markedly improved in CMBB.

Sure, things like ambush arc's look REAL nice- but NOT if they're paired with that CMBB play-style.

[ October 07, 2002, 03:34 PM: Message edited by: Barrett's Privateer ]

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I will always have a special interest in the ETO. More then the East Front. CMBB is a better historical model, but I have found the technical problems with running the game more trouble then its worth right now. BTS can reply all they want that peoples drivers, video cards, settings etc. are the problem with CMBB, but the bottom line is that all of these people reporting the same problems cant be wrong. CMBB needs a patch pronto...

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I have the bundle pack, but I have been playing a lot of CMBO lately mainly because I have discovered Tom's Bulge mods and close to a hundred historical scenarios devoted to the Ardennes, including The Sanitorium, which is one sweet regimental level battle, even if it will take me a week to finish it. smile.gif

I have this thing for the Bulge because Close Combat IV was my first computer wargame(it also introduced me to mods, too).

Does anyone know of a full scale Ardennes operation? I have been looking to no avail, it may be under my nose and I'm just missing it.

[ October 08, 2002, 01:24 AM: Message edited by: vondeath ]

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Reminds me when the original problem with nvidia drivers came about, and everyone said to patch CMBO. Oh look, it wasn't.

Problems? Lets see, Windows 95, 98, ME, 2000, XP home and XP Pro. Let's add in Directx 7, and 8.1, and say 25 different video cards with 15 different drivers. So far over 95% have been fixed with drivers, or other updates.

Suggesting CMBB needs a patch to fix that is off the mark. Oh yeah, I run CMBB with no problem, as do the majority of users. I run it on Windows 98, Windows ME and Windows XP Home.

Some people will have problems, it can't be helped with all the variables...but don't blame CMBB for it.


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Well looks like I'll stick with CMBO for awhile yet. I'll end up getting CMBB but for now with all the fantastic mods we have for CMBO and having gotten it to the point I want it - mod wise I just can't switch right now. Plus I am still enjoying CMBO too much to think about another game.

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Regrettably, CMBB is a no-sale for me. The framerate on the demo is frustratingly low on my G4/450 and upgrading the video card may not improve the situation because most of the card manufacturers are no longer fully supporting MacOS9 (and why should they?). To make matters worse, by early next year, any new Mac with the horsepower to run CMBB won't run either version of CM because they'll no longer be able to boot into OS9. Too bad.

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I too am sticking with CMBO for the mean time. The BB demo runs slowly on my G3 and I apparently do not have the enthusiasm for BB to buy a new computer.

I DO hold out great hope for the next generation of BF games. These guys are making the best strategy games on the market. I expect them to continue to raise the bar for years to come!

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I bought CMBB but in all honesty I have played only 2 games in 2 weeks. With CMBO it took over my life the minute i got it. I personally think they made a very serious error in judgement by removing the shockwaves from everything, in particular HE rounds. It just doesnt have that " :eek: " feel and i can put this down to the removal of shockwaves.

I expect i will end up playing CMBO more than CMBB.

BFC, if you read this, PLEASE consider bringing back some form of shockwave in the engine rewrite. I cant emphasise enough how much of a negative effect this has on CMBB.

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Originally posted by Pud:

I bought CMBB but in all honesty I have played only 2 games in 2 weeks. With CMBO it took over my life the minute i got it. I personally think they made a very serious error in judgement by removing the shockwaves from everything, in particular HE rounds. It just doesnt have that " :eek: " feel and i can put this down to the removal of shockwaves.

I expect i will end up playing CMBO more than CMBB.

BFC, if you read this, PLEASE consider bringing back some form of shockwave in the engine rewrite. I cant emphasise enough how much of a negative effect this has on CMBB.

I know you've seen it mentioned, but BFC said they will not be bringing back shock waves in CMBB and I'd wager, not in any future versions. Primarily because they weren't realistic at all. Not everything in the game is realistic, but it is to the best of their abilities. There is no way the weapons being used could create shockwaves like those. From what I've read, mortar fire is very hard to see unless it's landing in material that will spray or kick up a lot of dust/material.

Personally, it wouldn't bother me either way, but I do think that the game is now more realistic and to scale. I agree it's harder to see smaller/med sized artillery landing from our God's view. It's an interesting debate to go into whether the game should try and look as realistic as possible, or try to make it easier to see from farther and farther away, or just to increase the coolnes/WOW factor.

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> Does anyone know of a full scale Ardennes

> operation? I have been looking to no avail, it > may be under my nose and I'm just missing it.

Check out an operation called Stoumont - there are 2 of tem by 2 different designers and they are both excellent. Extremely long and big operations set during the Bulge. Played it by e-mail with someone over a 9 month period and it was a blast.

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CMBB rules, and I doubt I'll ever go back to CMBO. :cool: Between AFVs that can be instructed to focus forward instead of targeting that :mad: bailed-out crew :mad: and MGs that actually work, why would I?

For those of you who don't like the steppe battles, no problem - I'm currently playing an operation (those work now too, by the way) on a map that is about 50% wooded. I'd estimate that at least half of the rural scenarios I've tried have at least moderate woods. Even the steppe maps have important terrain, though - it's just more subtle.

And it all runs just fine on my G4/500 PowerBook, even with only 8 MB VRAM. The only annoyance I've noticed is that the minefield markers aren't crisp, but it's still not difficult to tell the AT from AP, which is all that really matters.

Oh, yeah, I'd like to have a 'sneak' command that isn't crawling, but 'move to contact' isn't really a terrible substitute in most cases. And if you really need to sneak in open ground, crawling is probably a better way to do it anyway. I'll gladly give it up for all the improvements.

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I second that Demoss,

CMBB seems to me to be more of a challenge. You really need to use tactics as far as infantry is concerned. The game is much harder. I was sad that the shockwaves werent there but I got over it. The explosions I think are more realistic, however (I do think bombs could use a shockwave since the bigger ones did have lots of HE in them). The graphics are superior, the models are superior overall gameplay is superior. CMBB is much more realistic. It is a totally different game. I will not go back to CMBO until the rewrite is done. I have enjoyed CMBO but CMBB, IMHO, completely outdoes CMBO as far as feel, immersion, graphics and gameplay.

[ October 15, 2002, 01:54 PM: Message edited by: gunnersman ]

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