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The Death Clock of the PENG CHALLENGE Thread Tolls for Thee

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Originally posted by Persephone:

Sorry that piccy doesn't count Buzzsaw...you still have to send your piccy!

My mother told me not to send personal information to strangers on the internet. I am pretty sure that goes double for known associates of Satan. Still, I'll see what I can get you.
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I believe cmplayer was saying that we ought to get a pool going to send our esteemed colleague rat (who needs to change that?) to the Canterbury School for Vernacular English and Modern Writing, and as fair-minded as that is I would suggest him going to the following place:


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Originally posted by Marlow:

</font><blockquote>quote:</font><hr />Originally posted by CMplayer:

Immediate, merciless, irrevocable Canterbury.

Any ayes?

Struck me as a bit too modern in its vocabulary usage to be Chaucer. Coventry on the other hand ...</font>
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Originally posted by Panzer Leader:

I believe cmplayer was saying that we ought to get a pool going to send our esteemed colleague rat (who needs to change that?) to the Canterbury School for Vernacular English and Modern Writing, and as fair-minded as that is I would suggest him going to the following place:


I would suggest that the rat should SOD OFF soonest!!
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I confess that I am far from what you could call a poëtical wonder (at least not in English). But, especially for you, and thats to be called an honor my friend, you can buy the juicyest pineapple avaiable at your local farmerstore and shove it swifty and ungreased up your arse, and preferably so deep that the leaves will tickle gently the back of your tongue.

That aint Shakespear either, but dam its funny to put on fillm...

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Originally posted by Glow-worm Flicker:

Well i'm quite sure everyone assumed how much you like gay fellows, but after you meet the legion's of Gaylord on the battlefield, rest assured you will be scared straight.......into lupine loving.

Sir, i challenge you to a duel![/QB]

Eeeesh, I was expecting you to give a rather tawdry go at it, but boy, you need to do a little work on your challenges. The only thing that challenged was my initial resolve in even acknowledging your existence.

But, a challenge it was, and like the strong-man contest where you use a big mallet to get a puck to soar upwards and hit a bell, your score with that sorry challenge scored you a game as... The Canadians!

Expect scenario tonight. All I need to do is decide between the long one or the short one.

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Originally posted by Rat:


That aint Shakespear either, but dam its funny to put on fillm...

No, Shakespeare doesn't enter into it with any of your posts so far, and your film viewing habits aren't really interesting, either.

Note To All:

Please ignore this poster until he decides to tidy up his act a bit.

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Shush, athman, this is a subject best left to your betters (yes, yes, I know that is a rather large group, but still - okay, so it includes everyone around here BUT you, but STILL!) . . .

Now, where was I?

Oh yes - our exciting tour of Coventry!

The question before the body (someone really should bury that sometime, you know) is whether our new guest, Mr. rat (may I call you Mr. rat? Thank you.) should be given a delightful shot at Coventry based on his posts.

Remeber, a decision of Coventry means that no Pooligan shall respond in any manner whatsoever to any posts by the individual so sentenced. It is a decision that should not be reached lightly (so be serious, or at least as serious as we get around here).

Let's review the evidence:



Exhibit A:




  • I bet he'd rather put his dick where your mouth is...

Oh dear. That will simply not do. A discussion about someone's genitalia combined with a veiled implication of homosexuality (not that there's anything wrong with that, of course). Strike one!.


Exhibit 5B:




  • retard.jpg

Hmm. I don't care for the young lady's music, but she does have an interesting, err, presence. However, Mr. rat's inability to connect words to his posting does not bode well for him. Interestingly enough, the pic is linked to an underage account at homestead.com, which may explain the lad's interest in Ms. Spears and his general inability to taunt and insult with anything resembling grace, panache, style, or even a small trace of wit. Strike two!.


Exhibit BR-549C




  • But, . . . you can buy the juicyest pineapple avaiable at your local farmerstore and shove it swifty and ungreased up your arse, and preferably so deep that the leaves will tickle gently the back of your tongue.

This brings up the age-old question: Belgians: Too stupid to live, or lifelong doormats for the German Army? Understand, Mr. rat, we don't particularly care to hear about your sexual fantasies, proclivities, or even the notion that you may, in fact, have reproduced (Lord help us!) at some point in your life. Strike three!

So, lads, that brings us to the question: Is Coventry to good for our guest, Mr. rat. It appears he is not only crude, immature, and excessively fascinated by his own bizarre sexual fantasies, he is also unable to taunt within the rules set forth in the first post and by our Forum hosts. He is, in short, a dim bulb with little hope of improvement.

In his defense, he IS Belgian, and we all know how those people are -- wait, no, I'm thinking of the Odztraylyuns - different group entirely, I'm afraid. Never mind.

Also, he appears to claim that his English is rather poor. However, even the cheese sniffers, Kiwi and Oddzie mouthbreathers, and Nordic animal molesters have more of a clue than does our new Belgian wanderer.

In closing, then, I say Coventry! for him - and may Berli have mercy on his soul.


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For once in my life I do not know what to say...or do I

I must put some remarks at the side of your post. Your exhibits are...based on totaly imaginairy thoughts form your side. Coming to the Belgian case, Im partly Irish, Partly German...That last part wont do any good...skip that....

Your STRIKE answers surely illustrate the litterated masturbation you love to show to the world. Alterations on for example the Brit pic show your lack of cells to comprehend the (I must admit somewhat imature) joke behind it.

Your strongly noticable urge to try to take the upperhand in the 'I am the most mature babboon around here"-battle is true sign of Freudasian problems of the psychologic mechanisms of your entity, in other words: You are an old aged frustrated moron who is loved by the tissue industry...

Strike this strike that the only thing stiff avaiable around your wife is a wooden baseballbat...

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Originally posted by Rat:

Your strongly noticable urge to try to take the upperhand in the 'I am the most mature babboon around here"-battle is true sign of Freudasian problems of the psychologic mechanisms of your entity, in other words: You are an old aged frustrated moron who is loved by the tissue industry...

Well the Rat sure pegged MrSpkr with that one. Spot on, olde boy! Maybe there's a chance for you...


Sod orf. And learn to spell. Preferably in that order.

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...oldE man....

Sod ...orf.... And learn to spell. Preferably in that order.[/QB]

Spelling...now I wonder if you even KNOW what that word means... :rolleyes:

[ July 24, 2002, 11:13 AM: Message edited by: Rat ]

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Well for one thing it's 'literature' not 'litterature'. 'Litterature' is the kind of trashy Urbanus von Anus comix which gezonde jongs in Flanders read in bed all day. Then they tear out the pages so they won't have to spend their hard earned welfare checks on TP.

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I've been trying to abate my posting somewhat, too much of a good thing can be a bad thing ... or something. But the issue of young Rot demands addressing.

It is perhaps too much to expect our rules to be completely consistent but I would point out that one of our primary rules is that one should never Sound Off ABOUT Your Pair!

Coventry is not to be used lightly or without justification, so I would remind our SSN crowd that while we may use suggestion and allude to certain activities, we do frown upon blatant references and so does our good host BFC.

Therefore ... Rat, if you wish to stay here and be treated as any other SSN, i.e. with complete contempt and dismissal but responded to nonetheless, you should cease the anatomical references! If you wish to be ignored in every sense of the word ... well, it's up to you.


[ July 24, 2002, 12:04 PM: Message edited by: Joe Shaw ]

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Originally posted by Rat:

Dude, Im fooling around, dont worry...

Here is a make up kiss


Geez, where did this fool wander in from? Aye members of the pool, tis coventry for this sodding twit. No more responding to this puke.

I really should stop checking on this thread. These SSN's are really too much for me to handle.

[ July 24, 2002, 12:11 PM: Message edited by: bauhaus ]

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Originally posted by Seanachai:

</font><blockquote>quote:</font><hr />Originally posted by athkatla:

Ummmmmm, I don't remember the USA ever having an Empire, correct me if I'm wrong!

Of course we haven't! We wouldn't want to infringe. We're extremely rude individually, but we're quite polite as a people when it comes to standing off and letting our betters lord it over all creation while we nod sympathetically and wonder about which member of the Royal Family you've slept with, and what undeclared, off-shore income you're hording that allows you to afford Internet access.

Ta! Off to try and determine which portion of the British Experience of Empire produced the Teletubbies.</font>

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