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The Death Clock of the PENG CHALLENGE Thread Tolls for Thee

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Originally posted by Mr_Gonzo_The_Rooster:

I lurk far across the field I see and hear Steel beasts lurking near the colors of gray and black hanging high.

Out, out! Get out! Out before I drop very heavy objects from a great height onto your pointy little head! Out before I take a rotary sander to your questionable swampy bits! Out before I become mildly irritated. Go, hence, begone. Stand not upon the order of your going, but go at once. Run! Run quickly from here, run to the other side of Europe, flee for your life nor give one backward glance! I never hope to see you again in this world or the next. Never speak to me, never approach me, never advertise your presence to me by the smallest sound, or by Berli's Bushy Beard, I will do such things...I know not what they are, but they will be the terrors of the earth. Flee hence, be not here, but somewhere in the vast Elsewhere to which I have no access. Be removed, sod off, heraus, get utterly outly out!

I will be in the Mountains all next week fishig up some ideas on who to challenge next!


You have my permission to go drown yourself.

[ July 20, 2002, 06:06 PM: Message edited by: Boo_Radley ]

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Originally posted by Boo_Radley:

</font><blockquote>quote:</font><hr />Originally posted by Mr_Gonzo_The_Rooster:

I lurk far across the field I see and hear Steel beasts lurking near the colors of gray and black hanging high.

Out, out! Get out! Out before I drop very heavy objects from a great height onto your pointy little head! Out before I take a rotary sander to your questionable swampy bits! Out before I become mildly irritated. Go, hence, begone. Stand not upon the order of your going, but go at once. Run! Run quickly from here, run to the other side of Europe, flee for your life nor give one backward glance! I never hope to see you again in this world or the next. Never speak to me, never approach me, never advertise your presence to me by the smallest sound, or by Berli's Bushy Beard, I will do such things...I know not what they are, but they will be the terrors of the earth. Flee hence, be not here, but somewhere in the vast Elsewhere to which I have no access. Be removed, sod off, heraus, get utterly outly out!

I will be in the Mountains all next week fishig up some ideas on who to challenge next!


You have my permission to go drown yourself.</font>
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Originally posted by Papa Khann:

Once you were my Liege. Now you are a Lesion upon the name of Persiflage. And I shall skewer you for it.

What say ye?


Bring it on. I shall gladly grind your bones into snuff for my dog.
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Originally posted by dalem:

I shall gladly snuff my dog.

There you go, then. You'll see, it is all for the better. Personal sacrifice, for the good of the 'pool and all. Just like Spock, I'm sure Nimoy would be proud of you, son.
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Originally posted by athkatla:

Very well put Bo Diddley, though by the tone of your reply I sense it must be pretty near time for your next Valium.

And your point would be, Agatha?

Gather 'round all you very sad and annoying people as I tell you of my spendid exploits against all who would sully the fair (or mildly temperate) name of House Croda!

Drum roll please, Squire Lurker.

What do you mean you haven't got a drum?

No, I understand that by saying "I haven't got a drum", you mean that you do not, in fact, have a drum, what I mean by asking you "what do you mean you haven't got a drum", is that I mean...

Never mind, what have you got?

A ukelele.

Who do you think you are, Don Ho?

He was a Hawaiian singer, back in...OH NEVER MIND.

Give me an...arpeggio, before I make like El Kabong and beat you to death with your own pituitarily challenged guitar.

Thank you.


Now, here's how my battles are shaping up.

dalem: His mixture of Volkspappies and SS goons are proving to be quite a bitter pill. But then again, so is dalem.

Yeknod 1: He is the apple-cheeked 'Mericuns, while I am living the lifestyles of the Reich and Fascist. My jack-booted thugs are merrily making mincemeat out of him.

Yeknod 2 (The Horror of the Butt Crack): Last move in this annoying little scenario devised by Berli and populated by outcasts selected by Goanna. (You both stink on ice, by the way) Looks like it might be a draw.

Noba Scotia: Last move and his cavalry seem to be out back having a smoke. So sad.

Pop Corn: His Amy Tan's Pansies have been cut to ribbons by my mgs and arty, but I have yet to dent his armor. Much like his head, it's thick and slow moving.

Oh-Gee-eS-eF: He massed his ponces to try a daring end run, but they ran the wrong way. Now he's trying to get his little Wasp to sting me in the hinder. Little does he know, I've just had a lot of Mexican food and plan to blow it apart.

MrSnkr: Just getting underway, but already he wants to surrender. Or he wants me to surrender. I really wasn't paying attention.

Googly Jeff: I'd really rather not go into it at this time, thank you.

D-Leete: Crodaburg. Do I really need to say anything else? He's dying. I'm dying. After it's all over with I suggest we meet over at Croda's House of Whoopie and pummel him for an hour or two.

Anyone, I've forgotten? Tough luck.

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Originally posted by Mr_Gonzo_The_Rooster:

{snipped because ... well I don't think I need to justify snipping of HIS drivel now do I: Self Proclaimed Champion of the Cesspool, MTB. {snipped again as a public service to the CessPool}

It's the MBT or Mutha Beautiful Thread obnoxious and creatively challenged one ... MTB stands for Motor Torpedo Boat ... among many other things I'm sure.

And if you'll glance at my sig line you'll note that, along with other honors bestowed upon me by the members of the CessPool I am the designated Knight Champion of the MBT. You may therefore expect a game from me ... NEVER you miserable, squalid little thing.

Challenge someone of your own stature ... blue green algae comes to mind immediately. Or, as an atractive alternative, you could just ...



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The very best thing about the Mother Beautiful Thread is, you never have to worry that people 'simply don't get it'.

Or rather, tons of half-wits simply don't get it, but you don't have to worry about them.

Nothing is more horrible than someone who 'simply doesn't get it', but you still have to worry about them.

I blame all of you, of course. You're like a lot of infected Colobus monkeys, and association with you is bringing me down.

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Originally posted by Seanachai:

I blame all of you, of course. You're like a lot of infected Colobus monkeys, and association with you is bringing me down.

Imagine my sadness at this.

Oh, I'm sorry! I'm being facetious!

But you guessed that, didn't you Sheena E?

Why do you think we are here? Are you that naive? Would Amish people think you're backward?

(Sit down, everyone. I'm not asking for answers from the Peanut Gallery!)

We are your constant equivalent of a personified "dope slap".

We ground you. (Which is sad because I wanted you to clean out my outlets with a fork...but, maybe some other time.)

If you haven't picked up on this little bit of information by now, then you've obviously been munching on that mushroom you call home.

We are the albatross you must always carry around your neck.

We are the corpse handcuffed to your McTeague.

We are like a Van Halen song fully realized.

We bring you down???

Good Sir! WE ARE YOU!

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Posting one-liners now, Joe? Isn't that Berli's domain?

Are you sure there isn't some rule or "tradition" (made up on-the-spot, most likely) against posting in someone elses style? C'mon, I'm sure you can come up with all sorts of standards, regulations and recommended guidelines. Be sure to spell them all out for us, so we may flaunt and break them at will.

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Originally posted by R_Leete:

Posting one-liners now, Joe? Isn't that Berli's domain?

Are you sure there isn't some rule or "tradition" (made up on-the-spot, most likely) against posting in someone elses style? C'mon, I'm sure you can come up with all sorts of standards, regulations and recommended guidelines. Be sure to spell them all out for us, so we may flaunt and break them at will.

Soooooooooooooooooooooooo...............until you do.............. :D :eek:
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Originally posted by R_Leete:

Posting one-liners now, Joe? Isn't that Berli's domain?

Are you sure there isn't some rule or "tradition" (made up on-the-spot, most likely) against posting in someone elses style? C'mon, I'm sure you can come up with all sorts of standards, regulations and recommended guidelines. Be sure to spell them all out for us, so we may flaunt and break them at will.

Oh I don't know R_Leete I've seen you posting in the style of a logical, rational, humorous person ... not often of course.


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Originally posted by dalem:

Bring it on. I shall gladly grind your bones into snuff for my dog.

But, but... where's the beef?

You call that a taunt? You throw away everything... rank, career, the future (sorry, started channeling Donald Pleasance there)... all for the sake of hatred and that's the best taunt you can come up with?

At the very least, you could have added that you'd take the powdery remains of my bones and spread them in a barren field, then strap harnesses and plows to Mace and his flock of sheep and sow salt into the earth so that nothing green would ever grow there again. But no, you just wimpered softly then faded away. Pathetic.

I can see that not only shall I have to use the minions of Panzer Armee Khann and my superior tactical awareness to throttle you about your cauliflower ears and humped shoulders, I shall have to educate you as to the true nature of hatred.


Oh yeah, and the setup is on it's way to you.


[ July 21, 2002, 03:46 PM: Message edited by: Papa Khann ]

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Poor CMP - here so long, here so futiley!!

Let's see - "it" - pronoun, in this context erfering to the concept that anything to do with Peng is empty and meaningless.

And of course it is empty and meaningless that it is empty and meaningless, and so on, ad infinitum.

To become an olde one, or even a k-nig-it, it seems that one must have sufficient lack of wit not to mind being empty and meaningless oneslef.

Therefore this becoems a natural home for those unfortunates, and the rest of us are normally spared further exposure. Hence the great hue and cry whenever there's leakage of Peng into the real world.

We should be grateful that these boys and girl have a place to wallow, for it certainly makes the rest of teh boards a better place to dwell.

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Let there be Joy and Large Explosions, turns are out.


Armies of Scaliness, KG Goanna: Are being thwarted everywhere almost. I've never thwarted much before but I'm really thwarting now. Despite the fact I have ze French pigdogs. My scaly opponent made the mistake of Not Being Paranoid Enuff, something that happens once in a blue moon with me, esp when doing setups in a scenario from Berlis Angry period. Kind of like assuming that everything you read before setup in an Andreas-made sceario is true.

The Hiram: Everything is on fire and Hiram is thinking about buttocks. Not much new otherwise.

Ethan: Who is off being kicked in the head by other people than me is dying prettily in the snow. He's using a special tactic of flaming houses he needs to occupy in order to advance. And he really needs to advance.


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Originally posted by CMplayer:

I may not get it, but at least I get plenty of 'it'. (unlike Mike, who appears to get neither)

Get what I might ask? Plenty of fun by sneaking up on a poor defenceless, immobile HT and brewing it up without a care in the world? You sneak about the map like the yellow-backed coward you are, picking off defenceless critters and roasting 'em for your supper. Have you no sense of chivalry? I think not!
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Originally posted by Papa Khann:


So you think my reply was insufficient? Fair enough. If I felt my core of hatred was burning hot enough I wouldn't have sloughed off the trappings of success like a cheap plaid suit.

Believe me when I say that I want to hate you, Papa Khan Noonian Singh. I may even hate you. But it is hard for me to tell amidst all the noise and clamor of Houses and Titles and Australians.

It is quite possible that I could have continued on after threatening to grind your bones into snuff, perhaps toying with the idea of mixing the resultant powder in with a fifty gallon drum of frozen bull semen, then crop-dusting the resultant slurry over a field of sun-dazed, hemp-sandalled hippies, buried to their filthy waists in rich loam like a bumper crop of good intentions in bad daishikis.

But I didn't go there. Perhaps I should have, perhaps I will. But not now. Now I must devise a plan for getting enough of my pixellated Yanks across the barren moonscape of the map we are playing on to be able to choke the bit-life out your momma's boys in feldgrau.

And that's going to take some doing.

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