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Originally posted by Noba:

Slowdip you dork ! Fancy thinking you have to sit and watch with the kids. I suppose you do have kids to watch with ?

Anyway, you obviously have more time than you know what to do with, so I answer your attempted 'slight' on Australians by asking...can you do any better than the last pillock on a crusade against us, The headless Gnome ? He got kicked well and truly, I would love to be given the opportunity to do the same to you. Tear yourself away from the tv and send a setup. QB 1500 points will do.



I accept your kindly worded invitation with pleasure. I am sure that it is troubling not being able to attract the opposite sex long enough to create little Nobas. There is nothing like the joy of having your offspring hang on your every word, and wanting to share their happiness with you.

I wish you all the luck in the future getting the sheep to stand still long enough for you. You may wish to take some pointers from your mate Mace.

Setup is in the mail...


[edited because, darn it...it feels so good...come on you know you like it...]

[ March 11, 2002, 08:50 PM: Message edited by: Speedbump ]

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Originally posted by dalem:

For all those who are getting their butts kicked by me in PBEMS:

My email address has changed. Check my profile or, for the lazily inclined, use dalemq@attbi.com.

For all those who are kicking my butt in PBEMs:

Please stop. For the children, if for nothing else. My god, think about the children!!!

dalem, I am still waiting for the setup after spanking you with my uber-JdPzIV!

Speaking of children, my 3 year old misses laughing hysterically at your tactics...


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Originally posted by Panzer Leader:

Pardonnez moi?? Please do not include the name of a true Angel-on-Earth, that is Kate Bush, with those doxy blondes.

For shame!

I've got to agree with Panzer Leader here. Kate is not a cheap pop star. What were you thinking, Seanachai?
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Who cares what Ms Minogue sings like anyway?

I for one am far more interested in that white hankerchief she nearly wore in the video of 'Can't get you out of my head'

(I think Seanachai is more of a Robbie Williams fan anyway)

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Originally posted by Sledge59:

</font><blockquote>quote:</font><hr />Originally posted by Panzer Leader:

Pardonnez moi?? Please do not include the name of a true Angel-on-Earth, that is Kate Bush, with those doxy blondes.

For shame!

I've got to agree with Panzer Leader here. Kate is not a cheap pop star. What were you thinking, Seanachai?</font>
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Originally posted by Stuka:

Who cares what Ms Minogue sings like anyway?

I for one am far more interested in that white hankerchief she nearly wore in the video of 'Can't get you out of my head'

(I think Seanachai is more of a Robbie Williams fan anyway)

Dunno, lad. What's a Robbie Williams? Does he play the pipes?
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Originally posted by Speedbump:

</font><blockquote>quote:</font><hr />Originally posted by dalem:

For all those who are getting their butts kicked by me in PBEMS:

My email address has changed. Check my profile or, for the lazily inclined, use dalemq@attbi.com.

For all those who are kicking my butt in PBEMs:

Please stop. For the children, if for nothing else. My god, think about the children!!!

dalem, I am still waiting for the setup after spanking you with my uber-JdPzIV!

Speaking of children, my 3 year old misses laughing hysterically at your tactics...


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Originally posted by Seanachai:

</font><blockquote>quote:</font><hr />Originally posted by Stuka:

Who cares what Ms Minogue sings like anyway?

I for one am far more interested in that white hankerchief she nearly wore in the video of 'Can't get you out of my head'

(I think Seanachai is more of a Robbie Williams fan anyway)

Dunno, lad. What's a Robbie Williams? Does he play the pipes?</font>
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Oh your point was clear from the beginning, Sir Seanachai. It just seemed like a grand idea to agree with Panzer Leader for a change... and I bet I could Pillock you under the table, given half a chance.

You really don't know the music of Robbie Williams?

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Two days travelling from the Middle East, twelve hours in the office yesterday meeting a deliverable deadline for a client (what total imbecile thinks up these project schedules anyway? – whoops that would be me), must be time for an . . . ÜberLizard Update!

First up today on the pillory has to be Iskander. Am I playing him . . . nope. But I did wait for a good 45 seconds to read another instalment of "Travels with Critter" to load on the blogspot to no avail. I read that March 3 crap on March 3. What have you done for me lately?

Now on to those of you who are attempting to do to tactics what Kylie did for pop music.

It’s not just a myth folks, mrspkr has indeed shrugged off several hundred thousand wuss points to return turns 33 and 34 of our much delayed 35 turn QB. Unfortunately for him, he is wishing he "misplaced" his password again. I am refreshing him with his southern Baptist roots, including the commandment, "Thou shalt not attempt to capture VLs with two pieces of armour when there’s lizards with shape charges about"

Might as well get this out of the way. Mr. Autosurrender came a callin’ this morning and he was looking for me. Through a serious oversight by Reptile Group Central, all approaches to the bridges were covered fully by several AT and infantry ambushes, but a significant portion of soft underbelly was left exposed, allowing the ever so vile Berli to land a company of yank engineers in my rear via assault boat and have their way with me like Mace on last spring’s lambs.

Berli – that other thing (70)

Goanna – tactical loss (30)

To make things much much better, Reptile Central Command also can report that Stuka has been shot down like a strawman on the general discussion outerboards. It was an ever so tactical thrashing with each thrust met with an effective parry, a fine performance by the little 6-pdr that could in taking out a Tiger, and the application of several thousand litres of jellied gasoline. The Überest of the Australian’s retains his crown.

Stuka – relegated to riding a triple

Goanna – confirms that v-twins rule

Moriarty hasn’t sent a turn in a few days and is obviously using the cover of some RW activity to mask his hacking of Berli’s "Soiled Pants" scenario to overmodel the abilities of the French. I defy any grog to show me that any French were actually issued bullets in any real engagement.

bauhaus is creeping toward death through the fog where he previously just rushed in. It won’t change the result, of course, but it might go the distance this time. He is also gamily applying large quantities of smoke to an already hazy battlefield. Our scouts report observing an EPA enforcement officer moving in to site him for exceeding the TLV for particulate matter in smoke.

Pondscum is throwing the good after the bad in his attempt to gain a foothold in town. He’s fed so much meat into the grinder that the Deli Owner’s Association is about to name him sausage maker of the year. My lads are gaining so much confidence, I think we will start our counter-attack early.

I am having nearly as much fun machine gunning dalem during his advance as croda is having on me. My light ATG might leave enough of dalem’s intact to wash a few bodies up onto the fatal shores of my main defence that is piled with more mines, wire and obstacles than a particularly evil Germanboy scenario. We predict the finale will be completed with nothing more than an expellation of some harsh language. croda, on the other hand will be lulled into a false sense of security through the shameless sacrifice of multiple Mark IVs and gutted the old fashioned way – up close and personal.

Last and certainly least is the Bard, who, though he teases and prances, still has not provided the all Bard scenario setup with which I might acquaint him with his insignificance. Wuss.

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Originally posted by Seanachai:

The voice wasn't unappealing, but the style and delivery made me shudder, as if Kate Bush had been reincarnated as Britney Spears with even less to say.

Why I do beleive you're correct, Kylie does sound like a cat being strangled.
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Originally posted by Goanna:

Might as well get this out of the way. Mr. Autosurrender came a callin’ this morning and he was looking for me. Through a serious oversight by Reptile Group Central, all approaches to the bridges were covered fully by several AT and infantry ambushes, but a significant portion of soft underbelly was left exposed, allowing the ever so vile Berli to land a company of yank engineers in my rear via assault boat and have their way with me like Mace on last spring’s lambs.

Berli – that other thing (70)

Goanna – tactical loss (30)

Let this be a lesson to you Seanachai, this is the way to deal with Oztralians. I wonder what the Hell the Über Auto-Surrendered Lizard was thinking. He didn't cover the sea approach when he knew he was facing a Marine. What a twit.

[ubb sucks]

[ March 12, 2002, 02:28 AM: Message edited by: Berlichtingen ]

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Originally posted by Stuka:

I for one am far more interested in that white hankerchief she nearly wore in the video of 'Can't get you out of my head'

You mean you didn't notice the negligee ad mpeg on her web site?

Hubba Hubba!!!!


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Originally posted by Panzer Leader:

Seanachai maybe you ought to go juxtapose yourself with a freight train and see who comes out ahead?

Or maybe... ahh never mind. And as for you, Sludge (who the hell are you anyway??) go juxtapose yourself with a 75mm shell, kay? I may just have one around here for you...

Ahem, Panzer Leader. He is a Squire to myself, as you once were.

We are a band of brothers, and native to this Cess, as it were.

Now, I realize your tooth pains you, but that's no call to get snippy.

When my wisdom teeth had to come out, they took all four at one go, cut 'em out while I was under General Anaesthetic (most of you lads haven't served under him, but I'm here to tell you, you do exactly what he says).

My Mum had come along, as I needed someone to drive me home, for I hadn't had, at that point, several years of near-psychotic drug experiences to prepare me for driving home on my own.

The nurse told me Mum: 'He was very tense going under the anaesthetic, so there's a very good chance that when he wakes up, he'll start to cry. That's not unusual, and you shouldn't worry about it, just be there to reassure him.'

So my poor, lovely Mother sat by my side, holding my hand, waiting for me to come out from under the anaesthesia, so she could be there for me.

Sadly, when I came to, it turned out I was attempting to sing an Irish drinking song through a mouthful of bloody cotton, spraying blood everywhere, laughing, cursing, and carrying on like a new Cesspool Squire.

My poor Mother was so humiliated. Having dealt with many of you lot, I now understand how she felt.

Took 'em a while to get me on my feet. And I wouldn't go without my teeth. Demanded they bring me my wisdom teeth, as they were mine, and I wanted what was mine.

That was 25 years ago, and I've still got those teeth. They're sitting in a rather handsome, turned wood container with a screw off top on a shelf of my desk right in front of me.

Occasionally, friends or visitors will pick it up, un-screw the top, and go 'Good God, whose teeth are these?!'

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Originally posted by Seanachai:

</font><blockquote>quote:</font><hr />Originally posted by Panzer Leader:

Seanachai maybe you ought to go juxtapose yourself with a freight train and see who comes out ahead?

Or maybe... ahh never mind. And as for you, Sludge (who the hell are you anyway??) go juxtapose yourself with a 75mm shell, kay? I may just have one around here for you...

Ahem, Panzer Leader. He is a Squire to myself, as you once were.

We are a band of brothers, and native to this Cess, as it were.

Now, I realize your tooth pains you, but that's no call to get snippy.

When my wisdom teeth had to come out, they took all four at one go, cut 'em out while I was under General Anaesthetic (most of you lads haven't served under him, but I'm here to tell you, you do exactly what he says).

My Mum had come along, as I needed someone to drive me home, for I hadn't had, at that point, several years of near-psychotic drug experiences to prepare me for driving home on my own.

The nurse told me Mum: 'He was very tense going under the anaesthetic, so there's a very good chance that when he wakes up, he'll start to cry. That's not unusual, and you shouldn't worry about it, just be there to reassure him.'

So my poor, lovely Mother sat by my side, holding my hand, waiting for me to come out from under the anaesthesia, so she could be there for me.

Sadly, when I came to, it turned out I was attempting to sing an Irish drinking song through a mouthful of bloody cotton, spraying blood everywhere, laughing, cursing, and carrying on like a new Cesspool Squire.

My poor Mother was so humiliated. Having dealt with many of you lot, I now understand how she felt.

Took 'em a while to get me on my feet. And I wouldn't go without my teeth. Demanded they bring me my wisdom teeth, as they were mine, and I wanted what was mine.

That was 25 years ago, and I've still got those teeth. They're sitting in a rather handsome, turned wood container with a screw off top on a shelf of my desk right in front of me.

Occasionally, friends or visitors will pick it up, un-screw the top, and go 'Good God, whose teeth are these?!'</font>

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Originally posted by dalem:

It was your fault!!!!

The missing, the hitting with no effect, the immobilizing.....

Gagggaggggggaaaaahhhhhhhhhh!!!! it's all coming back to me now!!!!!!

The pain!!!!!!!!!!!!![/QB]

Ah, music to my ears. Gentlefolk, my work here is done for another day!


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Originally posted by Goanna:

Nothing of interest.


That thing is a MenaceIISociety. But go ahead and try to get it across the bridge. I'm sure I only bought 1 ATG.

You're phucked!!!!!


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Guest PondScum

Joe's fled the scene of the crime, Iksander's coping with projectile vomitting, and mon petite liege is losing tanks again. It must be time for a SCUM UPDATE:

Noba is losing so many of his clanketty things that even with my boots off I can't count them all. The score is currently sixteen halftracks, six Panthers, three flak trucks, two Wespes and two mortar tracks versus a Stuart and a Sherman. Oh, and a bazooka team that ran off the map. I'm going to get him for that.

Yeknod is experiencing the joys of 105mm VT artillery at first hand, with a little .50 cal fire and a sharpshooter or two thrown in for good measure. Either he's cunningly using teams to lull me into a false sense of security, or his squads are really hurting.

chrisl has gone suddenly silent after Pierre my drunken FO actually managed to land a big 'splodey thing right on top of one of his "Tiger?"s. I'm sure he'll use the excuse that he's moving house or something. Never mind, whenever I feel the absence of a turn I just replay the last one and admire the pretty flames coming out of the hatches.

Goanna is busy conducting a retrograde advance through our little seaside town, encouraged on his way by my Flying Dustbins of Doom. I may be sausage maker of the year, but it's your disgusting reptilian flesh that's gonna be filling them, laddy.

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An update:

Berli is slowly losing...but I don't think it's sunk in yet.

Croda is trying to lose from what was a strong position ! Keep sending 'em boyo - we'll kill 'em for you. (One of my Bazooka teams took 9 turns to stalk a Hetzer...got to 27 metres without being spotted - yep - they missed. The Hetzer moves away, said team sprint 100m to get a rear shot - Ka-boom It was be-u-ti-full).

Lars is still dropping 155VT..I think he has a divisions worth. Still, a bit too close to call methinks. Oh yes, his suicide Greyhound is distracting my tanks.

Pondscum apt name that...is trying to lose the game by waiting tooooo long. Planes won't land and take the ground for you - dumbo. That baz team made a mess in their trousers after missing that Panther, they just nicked off for paper and spare clothes. Another boring draw I think.

Donkeyboy has found new excuses not to send turns. I bet the dog ate his homework too.

He's losing.

Hanns MIA.

Sleddofrog is charging tanks with infantry, nice try - fail. Too early to pick.


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