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Cool things I have noticed - *Possible Spoilers*


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We have seen the waving trees, spreading fires, drifting smoke, dirt kicked up by small arms fire. Some more obscure *treats* I have noticed include:

* The barrel on the Pak 38 AT gun recoiling as it is fired!

* In one move, a small fire broke out, burned for a few seconds, then extinguished itself as the immediate fuel (grass) ran out,

* The German helmet and overall uniform detail is superb!

* T-34s' unbuttoning of their own accord once a threat has been eliminated.

Any others?

- OberGruppenStompinFeuhrer

[ September 02, 2002, 01:26 AM: Message edited by: OGSF ]

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Anyone seen a fire spread with the wind yet? Thats pretty cool to see smile.gif

I remember in a battle I was playing some time back an IL-2 bomb a tank platoon I had in a wheat field. One Pz-IV exploded and another was immobilised. The fire from the burning tank eventually caught the wheat field alight, and then spread down wind and caused the other crew to bail from the immobilised vehicle.

Pretty cool to see smile.gif


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*The sky is one whole pic, not a repeating texture.

*Tanks unbuttoning on their own (as you said)

*Pz III crew bailing from AT rifle team (team was 'bout 15m away).

*Shells shattering against tank hulls.

*Wind and blowing trees

*Covered arcs

*Vechicle morale.

*Muzzle flash and smoke (although I miss the "shockwave" from arty hits and building explosions) Speaking of the new flames from barrels, I really want to see a flamethrower in action now! :eek:

Can't wait to paint a happy-face inside of the StrumTiger's barrel. tongue.gif

I have to admit, even though I just love CMBB, I will probably keep on CMBOing now and then.

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I was curious for the damage on houses,so I ordered the KV to shoot at the two small buildings.

First round impact the windows shattered and some planks fell from the walls

Last round that impacted blew up the house,no atomic explosion anymore,but debry falling everywhere and a smoke cloud lasting for a few minutes,very cool

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Potential Spoiler here smile.gif







2 things I noticed.

First, during the tutorial, as my German troops were assaulting, the russian infantry troops broke and ran.

However, opposite them and facing my troops, a Russian Platoon Leader (red lapel) surrendered and walked towards my troops, this while my troops, russian inf troops were moving.

It was as if the red lapel man wanted to surrender... Now, get this, as my troops continue to charge and shoot, the russian platoon leader gets shot and dies.

Now, is that accidental, or deliberate.

this game is full of gems....

Oh, and one more thang, I swear I heard the word "execution" mutted in a Russian sentence after that Platoon Leader died as the rest of the troops fled.

Any one can verify this ?!

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there is so much new, amazing stuff in it that its almost impossible to tell all of it.

one special thing wich always "bothered" me in cmbo was the crew survivability of knocked out tanks.in real pictures u can see alot of tankcrews being taken out as they where about to leave, or just left their vehicle, while in cmbo it was rarely possible to get em.

i played the yalina scenario as the germans, where one of my tankhunter tems took out a t34 with a satchel, and all 4 bailing crew members got mowed down instantly from a half rifleteam from around 40 meters.

also it looks like as if there is some kind of a fatal penetration wich can take out the whole crew without brewing the tank up.maybe its a round riccocheing inside?

[ September 02, 2002, 01:56 PM: Message edited by: dizee ]

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Here's another cool thing.

I was playing Citadel as Germans and one of my MkIIIs took a hit that jammed the turret in the 11 o'clock position for the rest of the game! It was basically useless except to guard victory locations...very cool!

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It was pretty cool when my 3 HMGs opened up from 150 to 200 meters, whipping up dirt; stopped the wall of Ivans cold (working MGs? wa-wa--wauey!)and then my 81mm arty fell on them while they were hitting dirt. I swear at least two companies were running away at the same time, and get this; only to return... And return... And return... In the end I had only one platoon with ammo and my übermenchs had to kill russkijs by beating them upon the head with their helmets, much like the überfinns do. And pointed sticks. What was cool was the AI who kept coming and coming. 25 casualties to 228.

A tactic that worked: setup the Pak's rear and deep in a crossfire position. I got six T-34s destroyed, both Pak's survived with "0" ammo of any kind between them. The first time I tried I dropped one tank...

The variation is quite huge, even for battles vs the AI.

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Originally posted by shrek:

Here's another cool thing.

I was playing Citadel as Germans and one of my MkIIIs took a hit that jammed the turret in the 11 o'clock position for the rest of the game! It was basically useless except to guard victory locations...very cool!

Really? wow!, that is damn cool.

Not a new thing to cmbb I guess, but I had an A/T rifle team surrender to my pzIII, then unsurrender then resurrender. They did this 3 times in one turn. Is fear of being shot as a prisoner coded in the game? ;)

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[Maybe a Spoiler?]










This is a small detail that went, not unnoticed, but reported as a bug!

Play Yelnia as the Germans (espcially with Extreme FOW). As the tanks roll in, they will be given generic "T-34 Model" and unit portrait.

HOWEVER, after some observation, command tanks will be idenitified. That is, their portrait will change to have the command insignia on their lapel.

I assume, though I haven't tested this, that this is true almost exclusively for the Russian tanks w/o radios.

This was reported as a 'bug' because the change from 'generic' rank to being id'ed as a command tank wasn't observed by the poster (see the Short

Summary of with the Demo thread).

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