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CMBO and CMBB for Mac OS X

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For a long time i have been waiting for a Mac OS X version of Combat Mission, but always in the forums it is said that this wont happen in the near future because CM was originally developed for QuickDraw Rave and Mac OS X doesn't support these APIs. However, I have also notice that the PC version of CM does not uses Rave but DirectX. Base on this, I think i know a way the programmer could port this game to the New Mac OS operation system without having to learn Open GL.

Recently a British software company ported Direct X to Mac OS X, which would make easier for the programmer to por the game from the PC version to Mac OS X,

Thus company's webpage is:


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Thanks, we have pointed this out also. I don't know if they will take the time given the market opportunity of OSX only users.

If they did do this it would be the ultimate irony as the Mac version is the "master version" and the PC version was translated from it (even tested partially under VirtualPC on a Mac).

Anyway thanks for pointing this out, I suspect that at the moment the boys at BTS have their hands full with CMBB. It will be a while before they have time to make additions to CMBO if ever.

Immediately after the release they will be chasing hopefully minor bugs and making balance shifts of units and features (armor penetration, likelyhood of hitting, ammo availability and so on), after that they will likely take a much needed vacation before starting on the new engine that will power CM3 North Africa and the Mediteranean , CM4 Poland to Dunkirk and eventually CMBO2 the late western front again.

As for CMBB, Steve mentioned an outside chance of finding a way to make CMBB compatible with OSX. There has been no followup that I am aware of since. Heres hoping. :D

[ June 23, 2002, 03:48 PM: Message edited by: kmead ]

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CM:BO for OSX No Way

I am certain of that

They have moved on to CM:BB

CM:BB for OSX ?????

I believe that the possibility of this occurring

is directly proportional to the number of Mac users

who want / would use an OSX version of CMBB

So Mac Users lets use this thread to ALL

voice our support for a possble OSX version

& let BTS know we would appreciate their efforts to produce one

[ June 23, 2002, 04:53 PM: Message edited by: jeffsmith ]

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Originally posted by jeffsmith:

So Mac Users lets use this thread to ALL

voice our support for a possble OSX version

& let BTS know we would appreciate their efforts to produce one

Don't mean to rain on anybody's parade, but you'd probably be wasting electrons at this point. One way or the other, the decision will have been made already (probably in the negative I fear, or there would have been mention of it by now).

Good chance it will make it into the engine rewrite though. smile.gif


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Originally posted by Michael emrys:

</font><blockquote>quote:</font><hr />Originally posted by jeffsmith:

So Mac Users lets use this thread to ALL

voice our support for a possble OSX version

& let BTS know we would appreciate their efforts to produce one

... you'd probably be wasting electrons at this point. ... the decision will have been made already (probably in the negative I fear, or there would have been mention of it by now).


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Add me to the list however I'm currently quite happy with running two partitions.

One with OS X (with its own internal "classic" System Folder too) and a smaller OS 9.2.2 one for playing CMBO and other non OS X friendly things.

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Sorry, to pill Michael's wet blanket off this thread. Well not really.

I too am avoiding the upgrade to OSX until all of my software that gets used regularly (read CMBO) will run under OSX and not require me to restart under OS9

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Sorry to rain on your parade guys, but there will not be a CMBB for OSX. The fundamental problem is that OSX does not support a current enough version of the RAVE extentions for CMx. So you would basically be looking at a rewrite of the graphics engine. Which they are undertaking for CMII anyhow, but it aint gonna happen for CMBB.

We are talking 6 months or more of work to get it all updated to OpenGL. Now, when the rewrite does occour, I would suspect that it will be a pure OpenGL product, since that is cross platform, etc.


PS: A possibly more constructive way to handle this would be to harrass Apple for better RAVE support under OS X.

PSII: just actually read the first post. Would be great to see so OS X based CM. Especially now that photoshop has made the move to that OS.

[ June 23, 2002, 09:15 PM: Message edited by: wwb_99 ]

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Originally posted by Buckeye:

The only reason I haven't upgraded to OSX is that CM won't work on it. I'd definitely support any attempt to make CMBB playable on OSX.

C'mon, BTS, you can do it! ;)


"The only reason I haven't upgraded to OSX is that CM won't work on it."

I may be forced to go to OSX this fall and I not that interested because the will involve a reboot back to 9.x as, every time I want to play as CMBO won't work in Classic mode.

It is a big deal and I think it is a more significant issue than they believe. Except that Mac users are the minority of their customers and Mac OSX users are (at least at this time) the minority of Mac users IMHO.

-tom w

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Originally posted by jeffsmith:

Considering the ammount of electrons "wasted" on this board already each day

Any positive Feedback offered to BTS cannot be worthless

As far as I am concerned, you are perfectly welcome to waste all the electrons you care to. And a Smiley to you, too, Jeff. smile.gif If it gives you some much-needed way to fill the time while you are waiting, more power to you. smile.gif My concern was that guys would get their expectations up only to be disappointed.

If you have information from BTS that the decision has been made, please tell us Michael
No special pipeline to the Oracle here, but if you read wwb's post and ponder upon it, I think you will see the sense of it.

Otherwise dont let your negative assumptions stifle an otherwise potentially useful, though informal, poll
As previously indicated, I have very serious reservations concerning its usefulness.

BTS has often made changes based on our Feedback
BTS has also made several forcefully worded statements to the effect that this one is definitely not gonna happen, and one slender, weakly worded "maybe".

Why limit our chances for an OSX port now ???
Well, if you ask me, this thread will not effect your chances one way or the other. If it is going in, it's in by now, or at least on the list of things to go in. Otherwise, might as well forget it.

So would you use CM:BB for OSX or not ????
In a hot minute! :D


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I'd get the OS X version if BTS ported CMBB for it. If I recall there's a company that just developed a program to convert games from PC code to Max OS 9 and OS X in a fraction of the time of a standard conversion process. I think that might be a possibility but I believe the company would also get the distributor's license for any games they convert. I doubt that BTS would go for that.


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Originally posted by lucero1148:

...I believe the company would also get the distributor's license for any games they convert. I doubt that BTS would go for that.


Ouch! Yes, if true, that would be a definite showstopper. But I wonder if they could actually be that greedy. Doesn't much sound to me like any game designers would just sign away their rights like that. On the other hand, if they were only asking for a percentage it might be more reasonable.


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Throwing my two cents into what I expect is a fruitless poll (but then what's two cents worth today?), I too would love to have CMBB and CMBO working on OSX.

The real danger, IMHO, is that at some point in the not too distant future Apple's hardware likely won't boot in OS9. I'm not enough of a Mac technophile to give you average life spans, but once Apple releases new system software it generally doesn't take many generations of hardware before the new OS is a requirement - the old OS simply won't boot the machine. Then we'll be truly screwed, needing an older machine to play either of these great games.

And, as has been pointed out, the status quo has got to cut into Mac sales. CMBO is a wonderful peice of software, but I am sure that there are potential customers out there who will never find out because they're not willing to go to the trouble of restarting in an older OS just to try it out. The very idea of software that doesn't work in either OSX or Classic suggests it's an older product and therefore less likely to be satisfactory by current standards.

Now we all know that's not true - we also know the problem is related to a software change made by Apple, not BTS. But preaching to the choir isn't going to bring any new folks into the light.

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Originally posted by lucero1148:

I'd get the OS X version if BTS ported CMBB for it. If I recall there's a company that just developed a program to convert games from PC code to Max OS 9 and OS X in a fraction of the time of a standard conversion process. I think that might be a possibility but I believe the company would also get the distributor's license for any games they convert. I doubt that BTS would go for that.


Problem is that you aren't porting a PC game to Mac... it is already a Mac port to PC
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Guest Panzer Boxb

Well, seeing as how I just acquired a Mac primarily due to 1) 22" Cinema display (tasty) and 2) BSD based OS (command line rules) I would be very much interested in a version of CMBO/CMBB that ran under OS X.

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I hope everybody in this thread has (or will) taken the trouble to write to Apple why lack of Rave support in X is keeping you from switching.

The chances of them actually listening, (or doing something about it if they are) is very close to zero. But it's probably still a lot bigger than that of BTS reprogramming CMBO or CMBB.

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Originally posted by Jarmo:

I hope everybody in this thread has (or will) taken the trouble to write to Apple why lack of Rave support in X is keeping you from switching.

The chances of them actually listening, (or doing something about it if they are) is very close to zero. But it's probably still a lot bigger than that of BTS reprogramming CMBO or CMBB.

I think this is a great idea. I'm not a Mac user but getting a tie-in between a game intended to run on Macs, and Apple itself

a) might not be crazy

B) might be good publicity for BFC as well.

Good luck.


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