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Let's discuss the new features in some detail

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So far, I'm really impressed with the features in CMBB - things like move to contact, covered arcs, camo for units in their initial positions, move to hull down, etc., etc.

I'm just salivating about the tactical options we'll all have at our command very soon.

There's been a lot of pre- and post- demo discussion about how cool these features are.

So, now that you've had a chance to fiddle with them for a while, how do YOU use the new commands and/or adjust to the new CMBB tactical realities?

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Something Ive found works well is combining the new Move to Contact command with recon vehicles. Is you suspect enemy over the next ridge, use the move to contact command. The vehicle will stop as soon as the enemy is stopped, and if its anti-armour will usually back down over the hill. smile.gif


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I'll covered armor/threat arc all my tanks, all the time, period. It's great because you can actually use formations (like a wedge, for instance) and assign firing areas. I'm a real finicky bastard when it comes to what I want my armor firing at, so..I can't possibly use it enough.

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Not worth to start a separate thread, but i really wanted some more advanced briefing "system". In my opinion the current text-only solution is far from perfect. One thing that i miss the most is inability to insert the maps into scenario briefing, to show player some inteligence data, air photografy, possible enemy disposition, if such information is available to the "high command".

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New working of the machineguns together with Arcs and the cammo-bonus have serious impact on the way one will attack with inf in the future, no go without proper supressive fire.

Cammo Bonus for AT-guns, in general better concealment and new penetration algorithms and differences in optics performance will change tankfighting considerably. I think one will soon find out how important and effective combined arms really are relative to CMBO. Manouvering will become more interesting and rewarding especially in the 'early' Scenarios vs. the Russ. Ubertanks (KV-1, T-34) recon, manouvering, combined arms will be paramount for success.

One of my first scenarios will have an infantry patrol and capturing of soldiers for investigation as it's main objective. Another will have the breaken through enemy advance along a road (rel. narrow long map) where your mobile force has the task of intercept and to destroy it, while 1 or two stronpoints have to delay the enemy and many more....



[ September 10, 2002, 07:13 AM: Message edited by: TSword ]

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Originally posted by ciks:

Not worth to start a separate thread, but i really wanted some more advanced briefing "system". In my opinion the current text-only solution is far from perfect. One thing that i miss the most is inability to insert the maps into scenario briefing, to show player some inteligence data, air photografy, possible enemy disposition, if such information is available to the "high command".

I would love to see something along these lines. Put it on the wish list to go in "some day".


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Originally posted by Michael emrys:

</font><blockquote>quote:</font><hr />Originally posted by ciks:

Not worth to start a separate thread, but i really wanted some more advanced briefing "system". In my opinion the current text-only solution is far from perfect. One thing that i miss the most is inability to insert the maps into scenario briefing, to show player some inteligence data, air photografy, possible enemy disposition, if such information is available to the "high command".

I would love to see something along these lines. Put it on the wish list to go in "some day".


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Originally posted by TSword:

One of my first scenarios will have an infantry patrol...

My first ever game of CMBB will definately be one recreating the Finn's tenacious defense in the hot summer of -44 in Karelian peninsula. Now, as I presume most of the folks on this board are Americans you are not interested one bit in the Finnish front, but myself am very interested.

If it weren't for the ever-diminishing number of war veterans, I wonder what would Finland be like nowadays. What if we'd have lost the Continuation War ? :( Indeed.

I read a book about the Soviet assault which had some sketches and photos in. In one of these sketches there was a map of the assault plan. It featured a placename not far from where I used to live in ( in SE part of Finland ) . That really made me think.

For the glory of them, my first fight will definately include two inf companies with an 75 mm atg-detachemnt, supported by a platoon of StuG III's. Not forgetting the numerous tank hunter teams waiting for the Soviet's onslaught ! :D

Beat that !

[ September 10, 2002, 09:20 AM: Message edited by: Prinz Eugen ]

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Originally posted by Prinz Eugen:

</font><blockquote>quote:</font><hr />Originally posted by TSword:

One of my first scenarios will have an infantry patrol...

. . . Now, as I presume most of the folks on this board are Americans you are not interested one bit in the Finnish front, but myself am very interested. . .

Beat that !</font>

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I'll add something to the praise for Move to Contact... using this command in built up or heavily wooded areas is... well, the best advancement I can think of for infantry fighting in such terrain. You have to be a bit careful how/when you use it (like not using it while crossing open fields or streets for example), but when used wisely it can make a huge difference.

ciks, we had a bunch of improvements we wanted to see for Briefings. Unfortunately, it is a LOT of work and would mean something else would have to be dropped out. For CMBB we thought this wasn't a good idea to do when the options were looked at. However, for the rewrite we are planning on having much more detailed Briefings. A BMP (or two) could be added fairly easily. It would simply be compiled into the briefings just like the text. Like I said, one too many things for CMBB but something we are planning on doing next time.

WWB is correct about the horrible lack of Finnish material in English. We are doing our little bit to help fix that. A ship is leaving Helsinki right now with some goodies for us smile.gif


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Here's a question for you that the mention of the camoed initial positions raises.

Split squads (for some fallback positions). When you rejoin squad 1B to squad 1A, does the cammo bonus for squad 1 exist?

If it does, that makes it rather important to rejoin "B to A" since doing it "A to B" would lose you the camo bonus. Of course, if it doesn't keep the camo bonus then, BTS fix or do somefink ;)

And for those of you not sure what I'm referring to. Take a split squad and move part B to part A (which is, say, hiding in a foxhole). When it rejoins, the squad will be where part A was and hiding. If you move part A to part B (which is hiding in a foxhole), then you end up where part A was again, namely OUT of the foxhole and possibly not hiding.

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I'm happy with all the changes I've seen from CMBO to CMBB so far. But if I were to pick the modification with the largest impact for me it'd be... yay! supression model.

It makes the MGs effective and other smallarms too. Now I can use that MG ammo on tanks for something. I pretty much immeadiately started using covering area fire by MGs on attacks. It's pretty cool to watch almost all the available Russian MGs on Yelnia open up at the same time ;)

Speaking of MGs ... I think saw the heightened rate of fire last night while playing Yelnia. Either that or it was SMGs (but I really don't think it was). In either case, WOW. It looked like a narrow band of flame plowing into my guys.

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My experience with MG's has been to engage the enemy at long ranges, with covered arcs, letting them hide every once and a while.

When I used my MG's at a closer range, yes they were more effective, but they also lasted only a few seconds after they were spotted. MG's are CMBB version of the flamethrower when it comes to target priority.

So I think that the 'norm' use of MG's for me will be setting them up to engage forces moving in the open at long range with a good stealth bonus.


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I'm not so sure that early war Russian tank units will be able to exploit the utility of two commands at once, say Move to Contact coupled with Fire Arc. My limited experience to date tells me that they are almost overwhelmed with a single order to carry out at a time.

Perhaps I'll learn more with the full game.

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Originally posted by Battlefront.com:

We are doing our little bit to help fix that. A ship is leaving Helsinki right now with some goodies for us smile.gif


Now what exactly means that? I'm curious.

And thanks in advance for countless forthcoming hours of enjoyment in the form of CMBB. The demo feels very good. I bet BFC will get lots of feedback from me and other Finnish players once we get the whole game. Those goodies may possibly be a help later.


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Originally posted by wwb_99:

Barnes and Noble please fix or do somefink.


I'm working on it. But you have to remember the American mentality (from the perspective of the corporate bookseller) - we (Americans)like the best. That is why books about Delta Force and SEALs far outnumber all other military-themed books available. Same with WWII - Books on the SS, USMC and Rangers far outnumber books on the average German or Russian soldier, and even outnumber the books on strategy, tactics and background of the war.

The average American reader (NOT anyone on this board, I imagine) would probably find it difficult to find Finland or Hungary on a map, let alone be interested in their part in the war. In fact, look at Steven Ambrose's The Good Fight. It's a children's book about how WWII was won by the allies but you have to dig really, really deep to find any mention of the Soviet Union in it. Why? Because Americans forget that the Eastern Front ever even happened. Therefore, there is no need to write about it and no point in a chain bookseller carrying it.

Books that are carried by chain bookstores (on the shelf) are aimed at the casual reader - who might walk by a faced-out book, see the pretty picture and decide that they want to buy it. This doesn't happen often with military books, and a military-oriented bestseller is a freak of nature (Hampton Sides' Ghost Soldiers is an example). Thusly, there is no natural, measureable demand for books on anything other than the best units, even if they are the SS and, as such, Barnes and Noble and Borders or any other chain bookstore specializes in Oprah books instead of anything of any Grog value.

[ September 10, 2002, 03:19 PM: Message edited by: fytinghellfish ]

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I've noticed that possibly the best source for history books of any kind for the serious reader is the various university presses. I'm not sure if there is a comprehensive listing of these, but searching them out one by one and getting a catalogue of their offerings might prove worth the effort.


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posted by Steve

I'll add something to the praise for Move to Contact... using this command in built up or heavily wooded areas is... well, the best advancement I can think of for infantry fighting in such terrain.
Yep! I picked up on that one and it works very, very, very well. I imagine I'll use it alot in urban fights, too.
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Just a suggestion, why not make Briefings in HTML? Easy for many people and offers all the posibilitys we use now in the Net.

and also a Question to the new Operations,

I read that units now dont get withdrawn in some Operation-forms, means that we now are finaly able to encircle someone in a Operation ??

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