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Battlefront - Do you think you can release the patch this week?

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Originally posted by Silvio Manuel:

[snips]...CM's policy on this, as it apparently differs from big corporate software patch policy (rush it!).

If CM really wanted to do things the Corporate Suithead Way, they would charge support fees for all the patches, which would add a dribble of tantalisingly half-baked new features while never quite making the product stable enough to use without causing damagingly high blood-pressure.

Oh, and they would charge $25,000 a copy. :D

All the best,


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Originally posted by japinard:

And if all members were treated the same, then Madmatt and Kwazydog would not be employed by Battlefront...

Its probably not something well known, but I spent what must have been hundreds of hours helping the guys out on CMBO. I was working a day job at the time but was up many a night without any sleep to get as many models as I could done for CMBO. I had no expectations of ever working for the guys or recieving any payment from them, I did it purely becuase I thought it was a great game and I wanted to help out two great guys. Matt also did much work behind the scenes to help make CMBO what it was.

The fact of the matter is that I offered to help out before I was even a member of the forum. I just wanted to clear that up, as the above comment seems to be suggesting that we were just plucked from the forum at random and thus recieved special treatment. That was not the case and there was a lot that was done behind the scenes.


[ November 19, 2002, 04:24 AM: Message edited by: KwazyDog ]

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QUOTE[sorry if I jumped the gun on you...I just have a pet peeve about users complaining to developers that they aren't producing fast enough. Sounds like you have a thourough knowledge of project management in the IT world. I apologize for for being rude about this...]

That is one of my pet peeves...developers putting out product's that are acknowledged to need a patch.I am not singling out BFS in saying this I intend to wait until the patch is out to purchase cmbb.But there are developer's that sell program's that they KNEW were not ready,take

Silent Hunter II I eagerly awaited it's debut for two year's and when it was seleased it was so dissapointing as to be rediculas,the first mission in the campaign was IMPOSSIBLE to complete but you had to to advance to the next mission.It was patched but not by the developers but by the people at Naval warfare simulation's.When Destroyer Command came out it was supposed to have a multi-player function that enabled you to play against SH II players.An intriging concept indeed and it said on the box that this was the main function but alas when released this was not part of the package it needed a patch for this function and the developer's took there sweet time issueing it.If you E-mailed them you would get no responce and post's on sim-HQ about it were ignored.SH II is no longer on my harddrive because of weird stuff like super destroyer's that were immpossible to escape,ship's that would beach themselves but could continue to be attacked with torpedoes.Why release a un-finished product that will just alienate your customer's I would rather wait and purchase a complete product than pay full price for an unfinished product that reqiueres multiple patches.There recently was a flight simulator distributed by Wal-Mart that was actually a alpha version!They had to recall all the copies and refund their money..stupid.There are many examples of this practise.Like I say I'm not singling out BFS the fault lies eqaully with the impatient consumer.I guess this is the age of instant gratification after all

P.S for the people who don't like stupid post's my mouse has a scrool button that work's so I can avoid them

[ November 18, 2002, 05:22 PM: Message edited by: kevsharr ]

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Originally posted by KwazyDog:

I was working a day job at the time but was up many a night without any sleep to get as many models as I could done....

Like who? Elle, Christie B., Cindy? Poor baby, no wonder you had to release the PzIV later. You were just plain tuckered!


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That is one of my pet peeves...developers putting out product's that are acknowledged to need a patch.
Er... all software, always, all the time can benefit from patching. There is no such thing as "perfect" software, and never will be.

The key quesion is:

"Is the product, as released, running as advertised without obvious and disabling problems?"

The answer to that for MANY software products is "yes" to some degree or another. But not CMBB. No way. If we never patched it at all I don't think even one person would stop playing it any sooner and not one person would avoid buying it.

We will release the patch when it is ready to be released. We are sorry it is taking so long to get it through the final hurdles, but that is the way it went.

The upside is that besides a possible quick 1.02 patch (for what reason I don't know) we don't foresee any need to patch beyond this. For CMBO we had a half dozen patches.


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Originally posted by Battlefront.com:

We are sorry it is taking so long to get it through the final hurdles, but that is the way it went.

No apologies, please! Not everyone is impatient. I've said a couple times that I want ye folks to take your sweet time with it, and if that doesn't appear to make sense, well...

There is no such thing as "perfect" software, and never will be.
That's true; I've written patches myself, for a commercial product, and it's just a fact of software- there is a point of diminishing returns, there is pressure to get it out, and a pressure to make it perfect, and the two things don't jibe.

"Well, out of those thirteen things we wanted, we got most of them, but the last few look tough as nut. Should we just release it and get on with version two?"

That's the kind of thing we said, that's probably what every software company goes through...

Ultimately, those who are impatient for the patch are just not serving their own best interest, I would suggest.

[EDIT/PS And then the dang *testing* takes forever...]


[ November 19, 2002, 02:38 AM: Message edited by: Eden Smallwood ]

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Originally posted by japinard:

Please! I'd ask that you stop adding new content, so you can get the patch released. Thanks. Really looking forward to it.


Except the starshells for the night battles! Gotta have them starshells.



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Originally posted by Battlefront.com:

Er... all software, always, all the time can benefit from patching. There is no such thing as "perfect" software, and never will be.

No need to tell me Steve, I once spent a happy 4 years maintaining a 10 year old payroll system. When we finally turned it off there were still about 25 user requested 'enhancements' on the 'To Do' list smile.gif . Take your time, I waited two and half years for the game, a few more days for the patch won't hurt.
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Jesus, you can't win! These same people were screaming "Gimme, gimme, I don't care if it's buggy!" three months ago.

Sure, I was sort of miffed that there were no winter vehicles in the game. But then I saw the hi-res modelling job they did on the PZ III and IV and all bitching ceased.

Battlefront is a good company and I have no doubt that they will support CMBB to the hilt.

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kwazydog, I hope you read this... I really should have posted my comment about you and Madmatt differently stating that you were part of the community but put forth an immense amount of work which you were then rewarded a position with BTS. I meant absolutley no disrespect by my statement...

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Great game, and I would'nt worry so much about how fast the patch is being done,at least it will fix a lot of the minor bugs. Heck G.I. crapbat needed a patch waaay before it came out LOL (what a stinky game). And battlefront is putting out a patch rather quickly compared to some of the other game manufacturers,who have major bugs and they take a year to come out with a patch. I'm not kissing butt (hell I don't need to) I'm just stating the facts. heck there are some bugs in the game, but they really don't effect game play that much (at least not to me).I'm getting good practice modding vehicles that will be redone in the patch, so take your time and make it a good patch instead of rushing and missing things guys, then all the whinning will start again LOL.

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Heck G.I. crapbat needed a patch waaay before it came out LOL
LOL, Good 1 Tracer

As for the patch. Sit back pop open a beer and play this great game. My point is that this game is great already. The patch is gonna make it better. So whats the rush?

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kevshar wrote:

That is one of my pet peeves...developers putting out product's that are acknowledged to need a patch.
Er... all software, always, all the time can benefit from patching. There is no such thing as "perfect" software, and never will be.
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