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Since I'm not Peng, How can I be Challenged?


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Guest PondScum
Originally posted by Noba:

Due to a grossly, gamey scenario foisted upon Moi by the water boy

What DO people have against Berli's scenarios? Anyone would think they were some cesspudlian abomination rather than eminently fair Francophone shoot'em'ups.

I have to report a minor loss
The word you're looking for is "tactical". Even without Pierre my trusty FO (currently dropping rounds on all and sundry in a battle for Peng's name), I did that-not-losing-thing by finding the answer to a simple question. Viz, "can I drive all these fast French whizzy things in ever smaller circles around the village while shooting continuously and not run them out of ammo before the game ends?" Answer: yes.

Also to mention that the ammo load out of some of the foremost defenders was 5 ! Yes FIVE !! Who can fight with restrictions like that ?
What ammo loadout did you think my foremost attackers had? Oh dear me, was it FIVE? Yes it was. Now, please join me in hating Berli ever more fiercely.

[ March 04, 2002, 02:57 PM: Message edited by: PondScum ]

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Originally posted by AussieJeff:

Greetings, Yuk!Notdatagainhoney.... This hot air emanating from a fine ASS' such as thee is somewhat sonorous. However, let me assure you that you are NOT ALONE in this regard re: your incapacity to mobilise your brain cells to the CM cause.

Moi is also indeed a fine purveyor of utterly useless CM tactics, such as yersef.

So, if perchance you feel like lunching out on a diet of barbed wire, HE and hot lead (just fer a change from that godawful thistledown - catches in yer throat, eh?), feel free to lob a setup moiway. Try a 1500pt meeting engagement first up - for beginners luck.

I look forward to trouncing your hoofed minions, YE POLLOCK. Oh, and NO quitting when the going gets tough - like that blasted LARDARS. Where's me return file, MR TARDY???? NOT happy, Jan!!!



Oh, another Nobbit. Let me just see if I'm excited.....

....well, I didn't think so, but I thought I'd be polite and at least try.

Don't mind me if you want to make loud noises and jump up and down and just generally be happy. It won't make much difference to anything really, so I shouldn't complain if it all seems terribly pointless.

With all this racket and pathetic hullabaloo I didn't catch the introduction. Let me bend me ears down to catch yer introduction... introduction, Nobbit... yer lineage and status?

Idjit Yeknod

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Originally posted by Hiram Sedai:

Uh, Ma'am? Just an oh so humble question. Why is the Bard wearing a Phillies hat?

Just curious, Ma'am. No need to put my unseemly visage in yet another creation.

It is actually a Pillock hat, it just so happens,by some strange coincidence, that most Phillies fans also wear Pillock hats.
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Originally posted by bauhaus:

</font><blockquote>quote:</font><hr />Originally posted by Speedy:

Umm, it's more that most Phillies fans ARE Pillocks!</font>
I see you've crawled out from under your rock to flatulate. It's somewhat amusing to see how predictable you are. It's like watching a toddler try to reach that doorknob with little success. Gather both of your brain cells and attempt a better taunt. Run away, little boy or I might become peeved.

When the moment arrives in your life that you fathom what a Phillies fan truly is, then you are something other than subhuman. That moment has not arrived just yet.

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Originally posted by Croda:

bauhaus, your taunt was weak, witless, and without wenom.

While you're on your way to Coventry, dwell on the fact that you suck.

Croda, what is "wenom" suppose to mean? You're just like one of Hiram's substitute teachers from his school days...You can threaten to send him and everyone else to Coventry but nobody is going to take you seriously. You should just give it up...you nong!

**Sniff** I miss Joe already!


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Hey Crodachoo, whasup with all this rustycar stuff? I know that you have that Napolean complex, and you are just trying to compensate for your many shortcomings, but we really don't need you filling in for Red Jo. Good old Lars, the Just-a-car understudy, and Assistant Drain Commissioner is running around here somewhere, and should be able to handle thingies ... I mean things until Jo gets back.

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Originally posted by Persephone:

</font><blockquote>quote:</font><hr />Originally posted by Croda:

bauhaus, your taunt was weak, witless, and without wenom.

While you're on your way to Coventry, dwell on the fact that you suck.

Croda, what is "wenom" suppose to mean? You're just like one of Hiram's substitute teachers from his school days...You can threaten to send him and everyone else to Coventry but nobody is going to take you seriously. You should just give it up...you nong!

**Sniff** I miss Joe already!


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Originally posted by Marlow:


Yoo shut ye festerin' gob ye cock-eyed scenario makin' gimp bastarrrd! Half tracks agin Shermans! Feckin' Marders ain tha assault role agin Shermans'! Yoo are a four day olde piece o' chewed o'er gristle laddie! Ah'd rather ha'e BUM BOILS than plah wun o' ye vomit encroosted scenario creations agin! Ah' shoulda gin fer tha scenarios wi' bleedin' REVIEWS!!

Yoo owe mae a stankin' QB setoop ye maggot fondler! Och hoo Ah hate ye, more tha' Cwoda tha Wenemous !

Ah'm gwintae kill sumthin', an' Ah'm lookin' at YOO Jimmy!!



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Originally posted by Croda:

bauhaus, your taunt was weak, witless, and without wenom.

While you're on your way to Coventry, dwell on the fact that you suck.

Croda you simple little dweeb. It wasn't meant to be a taunt. Just a simple statement of fact. Nothing more, nothing less. now, leave me alone.
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Originally posted by Hiram Sedai:

When the moment arrives in your life that you fathom what a Phillies fan truly is, then you are something other than subhuman. That moment has not arrived just yet.

Would those be the fans that harassed and boo'd the best pitcher they've had since, since, well ever.

Arizona thanks you and the city of "Hey Brother, let me stick this knife in your back"

[ March 04, 2002, 11:08 PM: Message edited by: Wildman ]

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