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Guest PondScum
Originally posted by Boo_Radley:


This photo also shows the infinite wisdom of Persephone. It's always much safer BEHIND the camera.

In this case I'd prefer to be behind something equipped with a GUN camera.

And that would be the "before" picture.

"Wait until you can see the reds of their eyes, boys"

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And now for Updates!

dalem apparently spent 3,000 points on two platoons of infantry, three armored cars, and the entire 1943 graduating class from Fort Sill. My ubergerman hordes hold the victory locations; his men are sitting around a campfire somewhere enjoying a sing-song or two. Unless something changes soon, this will be a slow but inevitable victory.

Speedbump is slowly learning that sheer numbers carry a quality all their own. We are battling through 83' snowdrifts for some hellish village (I wonder if its in Minnesota?). He has killed a few of my pommie hordes; I have sent enough men forward for him to begin seriously wondering whether he has enough bullets for us all. He won't last much longer.

Leeo and I are finally wrapping up that monstrousity, "Polder Grave". He now holds the victory locations far behind my starting line; I just retook the locations at the front of my line (that he overran twenty turns ago). He has about eight prepubescent members of an Anglican boys choir, a toothless hound dog, and a 1934 Buick Roadster armed with twin peashooters. I have a couple of platoons backed up by a StuH and some mgs. He is trying a gamey last turn flag rush, but made the mistake of making his rush across open ground on an elevated road directly in front of my remaining tank. Life is good.

Lars' tactics continue to amuse. It is a clear, sunny day; he is attempting to seize a cluster of buildings by advancing infantry at full speed across open ground. This has cost him over a dozen men inside of fifteen seconds. Meanwhile, his four or five tanks lined up for support behind his infantry have yet to fire a shot. I don't understand the tactics, but invite him to continue developing them.

Mace and I continue to hide behind trees and buildings and take the occasional pot shot at each other. A very civilized war.

Mouse aka Panzer Leader has not returned a file since January. I requested a turn or a surrender file this morning. Big surprise.

Pondscum has yet to send a setup. I am beginning to suspect he is Oztraylyun.

Carry on.

{Edited to remind Pondscum to send a feckin' setup}.

[ April 09, 2002, 09:55 AM: Message edited by: MrSpkr ]

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Originally posted by Panzer Leader:

Actually it was November you GIT, but I am still trying to decide how to dismember you. You'll get your turn when I feel you DESERVE it. Ge I hope you don't "OUT" me for the mortal sin of sloth.

No, dimwit. You sent me turns through mid-January, then made wise cracks when I suspended all of my games pending the bar examination (down Dalem, its not THAT kind of bar - what's that? Okay, maybe it IS that kind of bar BUT STILL!)

I sent your turn out at the end of February along with everyone else's. You are the only one who has neither bothered to return a file nor an email explaining you don't want to continue the game. You have similarly refused to reply to subsequent emails I have sent, or statements on previous updates I posted. Stop being a putz and make a decision.

[ April 09, 2002, 11:27 AM: Message edited by: MrSpkr ]

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Originally posted by Hiram Sedai:

Only punks start out a sentence with "actually"

It's a fact.

Only someone with the personality of a drunken door-to-door spats salesman, who, even though it's the 21st century, still believes that there's a market out there somewhere if he only perseveres, quotes unsubstantiated facts.

I surmise.

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Guest PondScum
Originally posted by MrSpkr:

{Edited to remind Pondscum to send a feckin' setup}.

Ha! You forgot too. I blame the traumatic amnesia inflicted by all these crime-scene-type photos, but you'll have to invent your own excuse. What were the horrendously gamey conditions you wanted again? 2000 points, me British, small map, random weather, and something about modest hills? Who is "attacking"? Are we letting nice Mr AI pick our forces? Your problem is UNDERSPECIFIED sir.
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Originally posted by Boo_Radley:

</font><blockquote>quote:</font><hr />Originally posted by Hiram Sedai:

Only punks start out a sentence with "actually"

It's a fact.

Only someone with the personality of a drunken door-to-door spats salesman, who, even though it's the 21st century, still believes that there's a market out there somewhere if he only perseveres, quotes unsubstantiated facts.

I surmise.</font>

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Actually, Phan, I am a punk, complete with mohawk, jacket, and general sense of disillusionment.

And Mrspkr, please believe me when I tell you there is no malevolence in not sending turns. It is a simple case of "lack of stick-to-it-iveness." However, that said, I am starting to get the itch to play again, so will get you your turn with god-speed.

Same goes to you, CMPlayer!

Interestingly, though Hiram called me out as a punk, I seem to suffer from the same problem he had (has?) a while back, that being a general lack of interest.

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Originally posted by PondScum:

</font><blockquote>quote:</font><hr />Originally posted by MrSpkr:

{Edited to remind Pondscum to send a feckin' setup}.

Ha! You forgot too. I blame the traumatic amnesia inflicted by all these crime-scene-type photos, but you'll have to invent your own excuse. What were the horrendously gamey conditions you wanted again? 2000 points, me British, small map, random weather, and something about modest hills? Who is "attacking"? Are we letting nice Mr AI pick our forces? Your problem is UNDERSPECIFIED sir.</font>
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Originally posted by Hiram Sedai:

</font><blockquote>quote:</font><hr />Originally posted by Boo_Radley:

</font><blockquote>quote:</font><hr />Originally posted by Hiram Sedai:

Only punks start out a sentence with "actually"

It's a fact.

Only someone with the personality of a drunken door-to-door spats salesman, who, even though it's the 21st century, still believes that there's a market out there somewhere if he only perseveres, quotes unsubstantiated facts.

I surmise.</font>

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Finally recovered from the trip up nort. The drive back nearly did me in.

Note to self... self, do NOT stay up until 3am drinking when you have an 8 hour drive ahead of you in the morning

Gary Shandling (aka Lars) is every bit as funny as you would expect. we laughed at him for hours.

Dalem is NOT the dope smokin', hippie, weirdo freak that you would imagine... he is not a hippie

Shaw, you will be happy to learn, is neither as old nor as ugly as his previous photos would suggest. He, in fact, can get around wihtout his walker and not every child ran screaming at the sight of him (I think Dalem threw up, but I'm not sure that was related to the sight of Joe).

Seanachai entertained us with many a Gnomish song and dance. Speaking of song... Hiram you will soon be immortalised in original Gnomish verse.

Persephone, armed with THREE cameras to far fewer photos than expected and far more than needed. Expect these pages to be graced with the visages of scary people for some tim to come.

A note on Sherlock's... it is NOT a real Pommie Pub. The serve food which is quite good

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Originally posted by Persephone:

Well...we survived our trip to <FONT SIZE = -2>1</FONT SIZE = -2>MinneGnoma. These guys are the nicest but strangest bunch of pillocks I've ever met. I'm so tired....zzzzzzzzz.


Berli, Lars (a.k.a. Gary Shandling), the Justicar, the Übergnome (that really is his own genuine gnome hat), Dalem (his poor dog really has no ears)

<FONT SIZE = -2>1. Originally quoted from Yeknod. (Don't want you to think I'm a plagerizer.)</FONT SIZE = -2



Gawd damn...that's the funniest picture you've done yet!

You made those guys look sooooooooooooo ugly. Faces not even a mother could love. More feces than faces, really.

Post the real, unedited versions sometime so we can see what they really look like!

I'm in Virginia and I haven't seem one gosh-darn Virgin. Friggin' fabricators.

Got an email from Marlow. Seems he lives down here and works nearby. Were I not confined to the Learning Tree computer lab I may actually be able to get in contact with him.

Actually,BooBoo, Hiram is a fecking idiot and you should pay him no mind. Actually I rented him dalem's dogs ears and got them back all sticky and worn.

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Originally posted by Panzer Leader:

Interestingly, though Hiram called me out as a punk, I seem to suffer from the same problem he had (has?) a while back, that being a general lack of interest.

Don't be so hard on yourself. I'm sure that not everyone is disinterested in you.
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Originally posted by Stuka:

WHY is there a widdle piggy on Seanachoochoo's bookshelf?

Hey! There will be no making fun of the Übergnome's pink piggy bank...though I believe it was broken in order to obtain its contents for the purchase of more Lone Star beer for the Justicar...the poor widdle piggy. :(


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Originally posted by Persephone:

</font><blockquote>quote:</font><hr />Originally posted by Stuka:

WHY is there a widdle piggy on Seanachoochoo's bookshelf?

Hey! There will be no making fun of the Übergnome's pink piggy bank...though I believe it was broken in order to obtain its contents for the purchase of more Lone Star beer for the Justicar...the poor widdle piggy. :(


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Originally posted by MrSpkr:

Lone Star? I had him pegged as a Pearl drinker myself.

Used to go hunting with the guy who owned the Pearl brewery.

Great fun.

Not too many guys used a Mercedes Benz as their beater hunting vehicle in the Nueces scrub.

{Edited to point out that this is totally off topic, must have been the thought of all that free beer in the trunk. Mmm, free beer..}

[ April 09, 2002, 03:40 PM: Message edited by: Lars ]

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Originally posted by Boo_Radley:

there are actually two of me sitting here totally agog. Well, one's Gog and the other's Magog, but that's neither here not there.

liar, liar, pants on fire.

Gog and Magog have been hanging out in Melbourne for the past century.


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Originally posted by Boo_Radley:

</font><blockquote>quote:</font><hr />Originally posted by Croda:


Well, OK Yogi-Croda, are we gonna go rustle us up some pic-a-nic baskets later on? I hope Mr. Ranger doesn't catch us!</font>

Croda on a picnic: something the bear left behind.


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Originally posted by dalem:

</font><blockquote>quote:</font><hr />Originally posted by Panzer Leader:

Interestingly, though Hiram called me out as a punk, I seem to suffer from the same problem he had (has?) a while back, that being a general lack of interest.

Don't be so hard on yourself. I'm sure that not everyone is disinterested in you.</font>
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Oops! I mean Pondscum - I plucked you from the muck and stood you tall amongst the rats. I saw wheat where all others saw chaff. I abused you, punished you, and then, finally and proudly, approved your Kaniggethood. House Persiflage is proud to have as a member one whose DNA floats freely in one's cytoplasm.

But I have yet to crush your prokaryotic substance under my boot. This must be remedied, therefore a setup is requested. You do all the hard work, Squire the Ex, and set to it with a will!

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Originally posted by Mace:

liar, liar, pants on fire.

Gog and Magog have been hanging out in Melbourne for the past century.


Dear, Sweet Mother of all that's good and pure, what in tarnation (or any nation) IS that???

Some sort of weird, Australian (sorry for the redundancy there) BIBLICAL THEME PARK???

Perhaps a restaurant which serves Manna-burgers? A David and Bathsheba Honeymoon Get-away? A Parting of The Red Sea Spa? (Say that out loud, it's fun!)

There, I think I'm tapped out. Ooh wait! One more! Samson's Tonsorial Shoppe and Body Sculpting Gym?

There, now I'm done.

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