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Crouching Seanachai, Hidden PENG CHALLENGE

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<blockquote>quote:</font><hr>Originally posted by Hiram Sedai:

Non Gamey Update:

3.75 lb Annabella Ramesar entered into this world today thanks to induced labor. The baby and the mother are doing fine. The mother is a bit grumpy due to a C-Section.

Thanks for the support, folks.<hr></blockquote>

Congratulations. Gonna teach her the game now, or wait until she is 16 months old?

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<blockquote>quote:</font><hr>Originally posted by Seanachai:

If you don't believe me, look at what these hedonistic thugs have already done to our own Pacific Northwest. Most of Oregon and Washington are so overrun with these 'self-actualizing' navel contemplators that the Canadians are faced with the threat of refugee camps as the natives of Portland and Seattle attempt to flee the encroachment of the Californiacators.

Therefore, Australians, I say to you: do not be taken in by the lies and distortions offered to you by the honey-tongued Chrisl. It is true that my aim is to crush you all beneath my hobnailed gnomeboots. But at least, lads, I'll kill you clean, and leave your land unsullied by boutiques and designer pizza franchises.

I offer you cold steel, but Chrisl would corrupt the very fiber of your nation, until you stand alone, lost, and 'in therapy' in a perverted Disneyland caricature of your own land.

[ 01-15-2002: Message edited by: Seanachai ]<hr></blockquote>

But Seanachai, you do not realize that the Aussies have a great secret weapon in the war against Kalifornian immigration. They need only post the weiner from down under at the gate to great each US passenger as he / she / or it steps from it with a diatribe on US politics, and they will book flights immediately, lest the brain ebola spread to them.

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<blockquote>quote:</font><hr>Originally posted by Slapdragon:

But Seanachai, you do not realize that the Aussies have a great secret weapon in the war against Kalifornian immigration. They need only post the weiner from down under at the gate to great each US passenger as he / she / or it steps from it with a diatribe on US politics, and they will book flights immediately, lest the brain ebola spread to them.<hr></blockquote>

That Brian guy is a real wiener.

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<blockquote>quote:</font><hr>Originally posted by Hiram Sedai:

3.75 lb Annabella Ramesar entered into this world today thanks to induced labor. The baby and the mother are doing fine. The mother is a bit grumpy due to a C-Section.

Thanks for the support, folks.<hr></blockquote>

WOOT! Send me an e-mail with the info i need so i can send flowers

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<blockquote>quote:</font><hr>Originally posted by Croda:

Hiram, congratulations to you, your sister, and your family. Seems like you've got one hell of a tough sister there. She's beating the hell out of the odds, and we're all proud. Sad that she seems to have gotten the fighting abilities in your family. Have her give you a lesson or two. ;)

On that thought, I formally nominate Hiram's sister as Honorary Dame of the Cesspool. And little Annabella as Honorary Squirette. Are any of the Elders willing to second this nomination and put forth an official title?<hr></blockquote>

I'll back that one

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<blockquote>quote:</font><hr>Originally posted by Berlichtingen:

I certainly will. Right after...

D) Hell freezes over

IV) My Hellhounds stop begging attention

Delta) I develope a fondness for Fosters

4) Seanachai becomes a gnome of few words<hr></blockquote>

Be careful what you say there--

D) I do cryogenics for a living...I'm already working on this one.

IV) I like puppies.

Delta) Not sure if I can pull this one off

4) When I win his cute little hat all the magic will be gone and he'll be a mute little piece of garden statuary.

I'll have to think about the Foster's problem, but the rest are under control.

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<blockquote>quote:</font><hr>Originally posted by chrisl:

I'll have to think about the Foster's problem, but the rest are under control.<hr></blockquote>

O Green Night How about you use your mad powers to freeze some good scotch into an oilcan-shaped container, slap a Fosters label on it, then fill it with more good scotch. After a time, the Evil One will develop a Pavlovian reflex desire to consume anything inside a Fosters label, and eat the can to boot.

That's got 'good idea' written all over it.

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Slide a shot this way, Stuka.

Ahh, that's much better.

To my esteemed e-mail opponents (as well as you scum in the 'Pool):

Due to circumstances far beyond my control (like, oh, AT&T closing their broadband wireless division), I will be offline at home for approximately one week. Turns out at that point.

That is all.

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<blockquote>quote:</font><hr>Originally posted by Hiram Sedai:

Non Gamey Update:

3.75 lb Annabella Ramesar entered into this world today thanks to induced labor. The baby and the mother are doing fine. The mother is a bit grumpy due to a C-Section.

Thanks for the support, folks.<hr></blockquote>

To quote one of you bastages:



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<blockquote>quote:</font><hr>Originally posted by OGSF:

Ah thank tha last gamey bastaarrd tae ainly score 9 points agin mae were Speedy, ain aboot August 2000!


You only brought that up because you just had a company of your Frenchies shot to shreds by 2 of my squads in our current game.

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<blockquote>quote:</font><hr>Originally posted by Hiram Sedai:

Non Gamey Update:

3.75 lb Annabella Ramesar entered into this world today thanks to induced labor. The baby and the mother are doing fine. The mother is a bit grumpy due to a C-Section.

Thanks for the support, folks.<hr></blockquote>

Best news I've had all year. Give your sister a big (but gentle) hug for me, Hiram.

The rest of you keep your dirty thoughts to yourselves!

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<blockquote>quote:</font><hr>Originally posted by Hiram Sedai:

Non Gamey Update:

3.75 lb Annabella Ramesar entered into this world today thanks to induced labor. The baby and the mother are doing fine. The mother is a bit grumpy due to a C-Section.

Thanks for the support, folks.<hr></blockquote>

Great news, you and your family are in my prayers.

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<blockquote>quote:</font><hr>Originally posted by Lawyer:

Now, Patch, I have laid out the terms on the IL-2 thread for the return of Joe as Justicar to the MBT. We need a good logo for our planes. You need Joe because you have now all realized that you can't just get anybody to be your gas bag. Joe wants, nay, he NEEDS to return to you here at MBT Central. But a deal is a deal.

If you fail to comply with our demands, we will happily shoot him in the IL-2 forum. Stalin did it all the time, and HE won the war. So Joe Blow is our hostage. Produce or he dies!

Think about it.... No more Justicar.... Ever....


Lawyer, how could you hold our Justicar hostage...have you no mercy. (The Lawyer™ showing mercy? What was I thinking?) I have agreed to design your Air Cess logo...now you can free Poor Joe so he can resume his duties as Justicar of the MBT. Be careful when you're flying around up there Lawyer...I might just shoot you down with my FlaK Gun for the fun of it!


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<blockquote>quote:</font><hr>Originally posted by Speedbump:

Test of blatantly ripped-off sig.


I'm honored, Sir Speedbump. Two poolers using two of my witstreams as siglines, why, I might start to feel a little self-important. To keep my raging ego in check, I demand a setup from you in exchange for the use of my line. Any size, any side, any terms. I need a whuppin'.

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