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Jaegermeister Total Victory as Axis

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I had a similar result but lost 2 Panthers. One because I turned off the covered arc for armor and went to hunt, and he was suckered by an easy infantry target and got wasted when he couldn't react fast enough to a suddenly appearing tank.

The german dug in heavy mg in the woods had 62 kills and ran low on ammo.

Any more would be a spoiler... Toad

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I managed 95% to 5% as the Jerries with only 14 casualties including one Panther TC. This was a game that I modded switching the IS 2 early with the more heavily armoured IS 2s. I had expected the better IS 2 to offer a greater challenge but the AI continued to offer hull down turret shots to faster and more accurate Panthers. The advent of the frontally invulnrable Tiger I halfway through did not help matters for the Russians either

[ October 03, 2002, 01:22 AM: Message edited by: Bastables ]

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After reading your post I played the scenario. EFOW (of course) and from the Axis side.


The devastation caused by following up a 105mm barrage with a SMG platoon.



It is a turkey shoot, looking forward to playing it from the Russian side.

[ October 03, 2002, 02:25 AM: Message edited by: Abbott ]

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I just finished the battle from the Russian side. It is really a tough fight, very enjoyable. Fought to a draw, Russian 52% to German 48%. I really thought I had won it until the final turn. I held all but the large flag to the rear of the map but lost an SU 122 and a ISU 152 on the final turn to infantry held weapons. The Axis had one Tiger tank left, all others destroyed.

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I must admit I find this one a little tough as the Soviets. Haven't tried it as Axis side as i'm trying to avoid anything that might be a pushover until I get the hang of the changes. I also found the Balkovzky Suprise a tough one as Axis too.

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I just got CM:BB in yesterday's mail. I only had time to try the tutorial mission, The Iron Roadblock, as the Allies last night. Today I decided to try the advanced tutorial, Jaeger, but I quickly closed the manual after realizing that they were having a problem with left and right (no! your other left!).

I barely managed a minor victory playing the Soviets. After some of what I've read here, I consider that to be great for my first real scenario other than the demo missions. So much for no armor support! Those Tigers and Panthers really tore up my armor. I quickly learned how slowly the IS's reload. Shoot and scoot is your friend with those things.

Oh, and as to why I replied to this thread... here's the results when I tried it again as the Germans. (with modified start positions) smile.gif


On to the next mission!

- Tripwire6

[ October 12, 2002, 11:14 PM: Message edited by: Tripwire6 ]

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Hot steamy poop on all Axis victories in JagStairMaster- how could you lose with Tankus Invincibilus?!? smile.gif

I played it as Allies, cuz *The Book* told me to. I don't have a nifty pic, but I kinda consider myself lucky & clever- a maximum of about three routed Germans left on the board, and two intact guns. The guns were no threat, so I was advancing on them from behind with infantry. Despite all that, I think it was a Tactical or something, because I lost 7 or 8 of my tanks.

Sheesh!! I really thought I was kicking buttocks!! Haven't tried it again, but if you can completely sanitize the Axis force while losing fewer than seven tanks, comrade, I will share with you my wodka.


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Originally posted by Schrullenhaft:

Ya need ta play with the Fog of War on.

I played Citadel a hundred times with Partial. Then when I saw everyone in this forum ranting about EFOW, I changed to EFOW.

I'll tell you something nobody else seems to have noticed- it's EASIER to beat the AI with EFOW than with Partial. Notice that part of what this implies is the the AI plays a "fair" game- it's EFOW for you, it's EFOW for AI.

I think that fogginess makes it more difficult for the AI to "guess" the right thing... I guess. smile.gif


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Originally posted by Stoffel:


Both of you,Abbot and Jean Lafitte.

You should do this battle in TCP or PBEM together and write a nice AAR for all of us.

Could be interesting reading material smile.gif

My money is on that gamey Abbott fella...


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Try it as the Soviets, as the manual says...... smile.gif

Originally posted by Jean Lafitte:

I lost no tanks. The victory percetage was %96 to a mere %4 in my favor for a Total Victory. The Soviets surrendered and were well treated.

Is it just me, or did anybody else manage such a colossal victory in this scenario?

[ October 18, 2002, 02:56 PM: Message edited by: Pantherbait ]

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I got no picture to prove it (as I played a while ago), but I had 97% to 3% (or was that 95% to 5% -I forget.) Not a single axis tank lost. Yeah, I'd say it was a turkey shoot alright. Just two AT guns and a MG team lost.





(SPOILER?) I believe that the key is to have your own set up positions.

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Originally posted by Stoffel:


Both of you,Abbot and Jean Lafitte.

You should do this battle in TCP or PBEM together and write a nice AAR for all of us.

Could be interesting reading material smile.gif

Jean are you up for a PBEM with both of us writting an ongoing AAR here to the board?
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FWIW, I managed to pull off a tactical victory as the Soviets (lost 10 tanks, and captured all but the rearmost flag). It was also my first time at playing as the Russians.

Let's just say I learned the hard way about the superior German optics as compared to the allied tanks'. And, as someone mentioned earlier in this thread, shoot and scoot is definitely the Soviet's friend, especially in this battle!


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