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Sneak Preview in Southern California

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Hi all you fellow Southern California CMers. BTS has agreed to provide a "Sneak Preview" opportunity here at my house!

I live in Corona, CA, and will be available on Saturday July 20th from 11:00 am to 6:00 pm to preview CMBB. I have two computers that are networked so we can play on-line or we can get a couple of head-to-head games going at once.

For those of you who are interested please email me at wvalencia@attbi.com. The same rules as Rune's get together will apply.

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Yea I know, believe me I want to go. But **** 6 hours! If I left at 6 in the morning I would get there at 12 noon, in perfect driving conditions. If I stayed for 3-4 hours till 4pm. I would get home at 10pm.

Not really worht it. To much of a long drive, but thank you for the offer.

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Mace - I am working on getting your airline ticket, but I suspect it will be several years before I make enough money in my male stripper job to afford your ticket. Might I suggest you sell some of your sheep photos on the net to assist me in obtaining the money?


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Thanks Actor for the invite. I am going to have to join Rommel22 and Halfdane and complain that the drive is too far (damn we live in a long state).

None the less, thank you for the offer and taking time out of your strip job to allow us the opportunity to see the future.

Combat Mission is still one of the most played games on my computer. It will only start to share time when CMBB comes out. Now that is value for your money.


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Originally posted by Halfdane:

CORONA?!?!? Are they no beta-testers in NoCal? I really do miss the the oppresive heat, oh but its a "dry" heat, and the choking smog but I will have to decline on the grounds that I moved out of SoCal for a reason. :D

And not even CMBB is worth the 8 hour drive.

Tsk! Tsk! My friend. I am in Sacramento as well and if there are indeed no Northern California beta testers who are willing to invite the unwashed into their homes for a once in a lifetime experience I envision the following:

A road trip in a rented van departing the Sacramento area at about 3 am on Saturday for Corona, about a 400 mile journey. Folks would sleep, fool around, and play hotseat CM:BO on my or their laptops. We would arrive, smelly and (as above) unwashed, at ACTOR's abode at about eleven. We would then be witness to great wonders. At the appropriate time we would depart Corona. On the way back people would fool around, sleep, and play CM:BO on my or their laptops. They would also discuss the wonders they had seen and talk bad about the SoCal CM'ers. We would arrive back in Sacto about 7 hours after departure, which would be early Sunday morning. Expenses could be split and with enough participants would be reasonable. Driving duties could be split amongst the willing and responsible.

So does anybody want to give this a go? Provided Actor is willing to withstand an invasion from the Northlands, that is, as I haven't communicated with him yet. 400 miles is not really a long drive by California standards, especially when you have no life, and this destination has to be more interesting than that trip to see Aunt May in Turlock was last Thanksgiving.

If interested post here and we can discuss the next steps. There are two weeks to plan this operation. Let me know. And ACTOR? Would you mind terribly?

[ July 09, 2002, 01:06 AM: Message edited by: CaSCa ]

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CaSCa, If you guys want to make the road trip, feel free. I should have some good food there waiting for you. If you guys decide NOT to make it, I would also understand. I will not however talk bad about folks from Northern California, at least not until I am sure if you are coming or not ;)


I will get an e-mail out to when I get home tonight.


Bill "Actor"

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Let's see...I'm in Pasadena CA but...

On one hand I have 17 days booked in Kawai starting on July 12th...

On the other a July 20th preview of the program likely to be very shortly an obsession.

It's quite easy actually. The tough bit is explaining change in travel plans to the "trouble and strife" smile.gif



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Thanks ACTOR!

If anyone is interested in such a pilgrimage as previously described, email me at tomn916@yahoo.com

You do not have to live in Sacto only, we could make stops along the HWY 99 corridor as well.

And by the way Bill, some of my best friends are from Southern California! ;)


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Let's see, Las Vegas to Corona... :cool:

I'd be heading in the opposite direction of traffic...

Four hours, give or take an hour...

Must... abandon... wife and daughters.... smile.gif

Good luck guys, as close as I am, we have family plans that weekend. Have fun... :D

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ACTOR , no insult intended for our SoCal CMer's, unless you live/ are from LA then insult intended and doubled tongue.gif . Hope you guys have a helluva a time.

CaSCa , you sound like a nice enough bloke but I was recently in SoCal, LA to be precise, and I remembered why I left. Oh, in case you do go, don't mention the brown sky or funny smell...it's called smog and no one notices it anymore. :eek:

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Looks like we got a lot of No Cal people here. They need to make a North California sneak peak. Or more like a Bay area sneak peak. Even people from scramento can make that trips. It's only 2-3 hours max from Sacremento to SF.

So please, any North Cali beta testers out there?!

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For everyone's info, it was 109F in Sacramento today, and a "spare the air" day. We are as smutched with smog as anywhere down south or anywhere else, and perhaps more so. It's why we have Smog Check II, lucky us.

But I can understand, Halfdane, if you are traumatized and don't want to return to SoCal. It is not my destination of choice, either, though I have been down there for business a few times in the last year and found it to be not as bad I had been lead to believe. I would think it was the 16 hours of travel that would be objectionable, and not the 8 hours actually spent in the Southland. Inside. Playing CM:BB. Eating the promised good food. Playing CM:BB.

I've received two emails so far expressing interest in the pilgrimage, though neither is confirmed. For that matter none of this is confirmed. But if anyone else is willing to undertake this trip let me know and I will further research the costs, etc.

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