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So do we get a box this time? Do we get a CD case atleast?

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I was also shocked when the game came with no box or jewel case. I'm one of those people who loves to look at a pretty box I guess. As for the jewel case, I just went and through away one of my sister's useless cd's and then printed up a cover that someone from the CMBO commmunity made up especialy for that purpose and slipped it in the jewel case.

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Originally posted by Chaddy Baby, he who will be riven asunder like a sheet of A4 paper:

I feel honored to be bestowed such a privledge by such a great member of the forum, Soddball. It seems that I have tapped into the power of the Cess here, and found one of its members bestowing such a great honor on me!

Perhaps, Soddball, we could forget these idle words and prove who deserves to be president of my new club when CMBB finally arives, CD case or not?

Oh, boy, are you in trouble. Firstly, you diss me mightily, in the fashion shown above. I am not, repeat NOT a member of the cesspool. I rise mightily above that, in the manner of a wossname, rising above something in a mighty way.


Funny how a early morning thought can turn against you for the rest of the day!!

Not only did I sick the big talk no action Soddball on me , I now have lots of other fun commentary!

Has your vacant nonce not heard of time zones? I am going to classify you with my Electric Bike award for being a time-zone-deaf muppet.

More importantly - I demand a setup. I demand that it be no fewer than 300 points, and no more than 25000 points. I demand that it take place on a map, and that you bring your lubricating jelly, because, ol buddy ol pal, you're going to need it once my tanks have finished with you.

Ship me a setup, and prepare to be bled upon. If by now you do not fear the slaughter that is to come, ask MrSpkr how his game against me fares. I have had so many casualties I am now able to use my dead soldiers as ramparts.

Finally, let me say this:

Great news Soddball. And now let me tell you a story. Yes, when I was younger I laid waste to many, many sets of panties...

Now, if you must corrupt my god-given name (in the finest Cess tradition) firstly, I should say that as a kanigget of the first order, me name must be emboldened, much like me privvies as I laid waste to...

Nextly, I prefer the title "Pantless Leader" as it always brings to mind a Napoleon-like Figure in the finest jacket and hat standing before an epic battle, without pants.

Thanx! W/B/S!

I don't subscribe to your cess lunacy. I am quite happy here in my own cell. However, PantyWaister, consider yourself italicised by the Antithicess.

And should you find yourself posessed of the nadgers, you too can send me a bitching setup. Make it nice, or I'll come over and have your mum.

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Well I have 584 game titles already spread around my room (and the next one) I would really appreciate both a Box and a CD-Case.

As you can tell from my high post count I'm new to the CM fold, finding out about it recently due to my time spent in WW2OL.

So not all of us are old long time players.

BTW I preordered the Bundle since I would like to give the original version a go too.

BTW any idea if we will ever see a CM Africa or a CM Blitzkrieg?

.... Back to Lurking....

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Originally posted by Ex-WWIIOL Player:

BTW any idea if we will ever see a CM Africa or a CM Blitzkrieg?

Most likely yes to both. Although BFC has recently said they aren't sure what theater CM3 will cover, they had originally planned to cover North Africa & the Mediterranean in CM3 and the early war years in CM4.
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As long as the CD isn't scratched by being in the envelope I don't need a jewel case.

A box does prevent the postal carrier from folding the book, and snapping the CD in half, in the process of jamming it into my mailbox.

No real flags to appease the Germans, no box to appease the people from Canadia. What next. ;)


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Let the BFC boys keep the dough that boxes and cd cases cost. Not to mention that a box is unnecessary since it is not sold in stores. As for a jewel case just hijack one from one of the many inferior games you already have!! smile.gif

(I agree with Wwb anyways since I think my CM:BO disk never left the drive for at least 6 months straight at one time)

Welcome Ex-WW2OL player, I recently ended my subscription which I started with their promotion in Feb of this year. I so much still want WW2OL to be what it could be but I am not sure the Rats have the talent to do it and I am certain that cash is becoming a serious concern. What I saw was guys with a great idea of what they wanted WW2OL to be but no clear idea of how to create it, certainly no coherant plan. I was VERY tired of the Carrot on a Stick ploy to keep people with the "Next" version. Not to mention that I never got the impression that any of the Rats team were real Grognards. Ultimatly all gamers should want WW2OL to die for one simple reason. So that never again will a publisher force a developer to release at best an Alpha product, and then have the nerve to charge $50 up front plus $10 a month to help beta test it!!! I'm just glad I got it at OfficeMax for $10!!

Contrast that with BFC. Die hard Grognards, obvious excellent programmers, won't release a game till it is done right!

Bless you BFC!

ps. (I was Kong99 in WW2OL and part of the BKB)

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