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One Challenge in the Life of Peng, De Son of a Vich....

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Originally posted by Boo_Radley:

S' funny. I count the number of tanks that are still moving on our little battlefield, and it looks like most are mine.

The ones you can see are yours, idjit. It's the ones you can't that are gonna bite you on the arse.

Silly MSN user...

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Originally posted by Nidan1:

Tomorrow is the 227th birthday of the USMC. November 10th 1775

Happy early birthday to all jarheads on this thread, everyone else, including Boo_Radley and MSN have a nice day too. :D:D

I don't suppose you have ties to the Rotal Welsh Fusiliers, do you?
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Originally posted by Seanachai:

Gentlemen, I give you: WHISKEY!

I mean, really. I'm primarily 'the nice one' on the Peng Challenge Thread bell curve, where most cluster up in the center as 'stupid, vicious bastards that wouldn't eat your children simply because they've never bothered to learn how to cook'.

And I thought we didn't eat them because we had no barbeque sauce.
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Originally posted by Seanachai:

Gentlemen, I give you: WHISKEY!

That's awefully nice of you, Seanachai.

I'll be forwarding you my address forthwith and I look forward to a bottle (better yet, a crate) of the stuff arriving in the mail.


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Originally posted by Berlichtingen:

</font><blockquote>quote:</font><hr />Originally posted by Nidan1:

Tomorrow is the 227th birthday of the USMC. November 10th 1775

Happy early birthday to all jarheads on this thread, everyone else, including Boo_Radley and MSN have a nice day too. :D:D

I don't suppose you have ties to the Rotal Welsh Fusiliers, do you?</font>
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Originally posted by Malakovski:

</font><blockquote>quote:</font><hr />Originally posted by Boo_Radley:

S' funny. I count the number of tanks that are still moving on our little battlefield, and it looks like most are mine.

The ones you can see are yours, idjit. It's the ones you can't that are gonna bite you on the arse.

Silly MSN user...</font>

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Originally posted by Seanachai:

You shall write and post here in the Thread a 200 word paean to Berli, ennumerating all his special and most wonderful qualities, what you like most about him, and not failing to describe at least four (4) things about Berli that you find positively 'cuddly'.

You got to be cartooning me? And I thought Berli<b/> was evil!!!! This is revenge for never beating me isn't it? Did I mention the you've never beaten me? Never!!! I accept your mission....but I must have time to think. 4 things? I can't even think of one.
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Originally posted by Berlichtingen:

</font><blockquote>quote:</font><hr />Originally posted by Nidan1:

No, but I suspect you Berli are a former Marine.

Indeed I am. The reason for my question is that every November 10th since the defense of the Peking legation the Royal Welsh Fusiliers wish us a happy birthday</font>
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There’s a man we call our Leader.

He’s hairy and strong and brave,

And we’ll follow him unquestioning

Towards an early grave.

He-e gives us hope of sacrifice

And a chance to die in vain,

And if we’re one of the lucky ones,

We’ll live to die again.

Yeah I know, not my own words, but I find this little song just a taste of how I feel of my fine cuddly friend Berli. This furry little bundle of evilness is nothing more than well, umm....a chia pet with fur. He is a leader, a leader amoungst a troop of complete and udder idiots. Consider him the king of the idiots.

My Berli, I love Thee, I know Thou art so fine;

For thee all the follies of evilness I resign.

My gracious Berli, my leader art Thou;

If ever I loved Thee, my Berli, ’tis now.

I love Berli because he has first loved me,

And I purchased my pardon with CMBB.

I love Berli for being the pain in my ass.

If ever I loved thy Berli, for that too shall pass.

I’ll love Berli in life, I will love he in death,

And I will love the furry creature as long as I have breath;

And say when the death lies cold on my thingy,

If ever I loved Berli, ’tis now that I singy.

In mansions of gory and evil delight,

I’ll ever adore Berli in Hades so bright;

I’ll sing with a smickering frown on my brow;

If ever I loved my Berli, ’tis now.

I have borrowed bits and piece of this from a hymn, but I hope this satisfies as penance. Because saying such things about Berli has left me with an irreversible case of the runs.

I thank the Olde Ones and the Justicar for their mercy. And to the rest of you, I hate you and now must go wash my thingy off.

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Originally posted by Boo_Radley:

Still having ISP problems. There is some type of software issue now, it seems. I can get on the net through a roundabout method, but now I can't access my e-mail. And I still have until next July before I can jettison this stupid MSN account.

"Everyday's a Monday,

When Berli comes to town."

Oh great. Now you are blaming Eevil<SUP>tm</SUP> Berli for your pathetic MSN woes. Actually, I'm beginning to think you are ENJOYING all this attention, hmm?

You're a bit like these poor, mentally disturbed sods who disfigure and mutilate themselves to gain attention - oh yeah - it's called "Munch-Housen" syndrome isn't it?

Pray tell, do you munch houses? Give it up lad. It won't get you anywhere. I know...


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Originally posted by Yeknodathon:

[sounds of very loud shuffling, scraping and general *honking* as a large Hyperdrox is installed in the paddock]

Whoa boy! Lemme dismount will ya'... *chink, chink* - *POIK* - oops! Sorry 'bout those spurs again, Yekkie.

Whew. That ruddy Hypodrix was a big load to tote, eh? Anyhoo, the Karma round here will improve outta sight with the throbbing vibes it gives orf.


Mmmmm... ummmm..... OMMMM! ... <BIG>OMMMM!</BIG>

Peace, dudes....


Berli's Flower Child

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Originally posted by AussieJeff:

Oh great. Now you are blaming Eevil<SUP>tm</SUP> Berli for your pathetic MSN woes. Actually, I'm beginning to think you are ENJOYING all this attention, hmm?

Getting attention from you lot is as welcome as the attention you normally get when you're all dressed up in your frilly best to go down to the local biker bar (which as luck would have it is also the only four star restaurant in your neck of the woods). Attention you're no doubt used to, but I can live without.

You're a bit like these poor, mentally disturbed sods who disfigure and mutilate themselves to gain attention - oh yeah - it's called "Munch-Housen" syndrome isn't it?

I thought it was called Australian.

[serious] Ironically enough, I can now send out e-mails with attachments, but I can't open attachments that are sent to me. I can open them, I just can't save them to disk. So, anyone who has sent me files this evening, hang onto them, because you'll have to send them again once this is all straightened out. Those of you who have yet to send me return files, don't bother. I'll let you all know when it's working again.[/serious]

The thing I hate most about this is that I'm forced to play against the AI all the time and compared to any of you, it's pretty crafty.

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....and whilst I am in reflective mood and the marvellous Glory of Aussie Cricket grinds the poor Englishmen into the dust, here is the purest of Aussie sentiment expressed in wonderful ode..

My Country

By Dorothea Mackellar.

The love of field and coppice,

Of green and shaded lanes,

Of ordered woods and gardens

Is running in your veins.

Strong love of grey-blue distance,

Brown streams and soft, dim skies –

I know, but cannot share it,

My love is otherwise.

I love a sunburnt country,

A land of sweeping plains,

Of ragged mountain ranges,

Of droughts and flooding rains.

I love her far horizons,

I love her jewel-sea,

Her beauty and her terror –

The wide brown land for me!

The stark white ring-barked forests,

All tragic to the moon,

The sapphire-misted mountains,

The hot gold hush of noon,

Green tangle of the brushes

Where lithe lianas coil,

The orchids deck the tree-tops,

And ferns the warm dark soil.

Core of my heart, my country!

Her pitiless blue sky,

When, sick at heart, around us

We see the cattle die –

But then the grey clouds gather

And we can bless again

The drumming of an army,

The steady, soaking rain.

Core of my heart, my country!

Land of the rainbow gold,

For flood and fire and famine

She pays us back threefold.

Over the thirst paddocks,

Watch, after many days,

The filmy veil of greenness

That thickens as we gaze……..

An opal-hearted country,

A willful, lavish land –

All you who have not loved her,

You will not understand –

Though Earth holds many splendours,

Wherever I may die,

I know to what brown country

My homing thoughts will fly.

That last stanza in particular, dear reader, just brought a tear to my eye... beautiful. THIS should have been our National Anthem...


[ November 09, 2002, 08:32 PM: Message edited by: AussieJeff ]

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