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Battlefront is now Slitherine ×

Whine, whine, whine...

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I simply cannot believe all the pissing and moaning that I'm reading on this MB this weekend. Tiny tracers! Missing shock waves! Unpleasant base colors! Small explosions! Uncomfortable camera motion! New and different camera angles! Too many units to micromanage! Useless conscripts! Tiny tracers! :mad:

C'mon people! Two years ago BTS came out with the best, most realistic computer tactical wargame <u>ever</u>, and it only got better over time. Now, BTS has given us a taste of <u>massive</u> improvement, and this is what they get? It's like they upgraded a Mercedes Benz into a Rolls Royce, and yall are complaining about the grain texture of the walnut dashboard surface or the temperature of the heated seat cushions! :rolleyes:

Now, I know that yall are just a bunch of grognards and you have to grogn and moan or you'll all just burst, but GEEZ LOUISE! Can't the game at least settle in for a month before yall start up!?!?! :D

Truth to tell, if any one of us were in an actual combat zone, the <u>last</u> thing that we'd be noticing are the color and texture of the tracers or the shock waves of the mortar rounds. We'd be too damned busy trying to figure out what the f*ck was going on!

CMBB has my vote for the alltime best wargaming thrill that I've EVER had, computer or boardgame. Don't change a thing for me, BTS dudes, but I sure look forward to more units and scenarios! smile.gif

(Oh, yeah, the units are all outstanding; I mean: platoon officers, and then command officers, too! Holy Moly. But I'm still looking forward to seeing all of the mods that are already starting to come out!) :cool:

Keep up the good work, guys! ;)

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Originally posted by Liebchen:

Truth to tell, if any one of us were in an actual combat zone, the <u>last</u> thing that we'd be noticing are the color and texture of the tracers or the shock waves of the mortar rounds.

Someone needs to make a "sh*t in their pants mod" for green and conscript troops.

[ September 03, 2002, 01:45 AM: Message edited by: mcgivney ]

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I dont see anyone saying its NOT a good game, or seems to be, since all we have is the demo. Im sure we can agree on that it is a good game, a great game etc, but that mean it doesnt have ANY flaws? No. Does that mean we cant question the game, come with ideas etc, No. After all, it took some "whining" and groaning to get CMBO patched and Im sure CMBB will be patched also, it's just the way it is. First release is never perfect.

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Amen Brother

I can't believe there are that many people who liked the shockwaves in CMBO. CMBB now seems more realistic. Also wants the big deal about the tracers, they seem fine to me, but I guess when you get old your eyes go bad for some. ;)

Although I think most who are replying are in there hearts trying to give more of suggestions to BTS rather than complain and rant.

But IMO in some cases it could be done a little more tastefully, and show BTS the respect that they deserve.

BTS you got my vote I know the real deal will be great.

[ September 03, 2002, 01:56 AM: Message edited by: Shatter ]

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Without feedback there is no improvement. It is a GREAT game, but man is never happy with the status quo...Should Columbus have been happy with staying in Europe? Einstein with Newtonian physics? BFC's next game will be better than CMBB and that will partially because people add their knowledge, wisdom and bitching.

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Bah none of this is real whining like we had in the bad old days. Hagen and the 'there is no game here' argument, apparently the TAC ai made too many decisions for his liking. Or even the HPS fan Oscar who derided the entire concept of a 3d game; wargames can only be done with Hexs. Or Gunny bunny and his hilarious crusade to make CMBO look like the Quake3 engine.

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Um, dude, calm down. We are not bitching. We are the consumers. You know, the ones who make or break business of any kind in this country? We are mearly expressing our opinions and concerns to get the most out of wargaming buck. The guys at BTS and BFC, fortunatly for us, pay attention to our requests and make changes within reason. Most of the improved elements in CMBB are thier bigger-and-better ideas combined with our feedback on CMBO (and what we would like to see in CMBB). So next time, insted of attacking the people on the forum, why don't you read some of the threads first. I can't think of one: "I'm not gonna buy this piece of s*** game," or "CMBB sucks to high hell," anywhere. We are all very impressed and excited with what the guys have worked so hard on. So relax and have fun with your demo! And when you see something you think could be improved, sound off! Dosen't mean they're gonna change it; but you just might be suprised in that next patch you download! smile.gif

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Hehe, everyone has opinions guys, for and against. Im glad to hear many do like the new changes, and we are listening to those who dont. Does that mean we are going to make instant changes...no...but if we can see a valid reason to change something and we feel it will make CMBB a better product, we will.

I do think though that its important you guys give the changes time to sink in. For example, I understand the camera controls feel very different, but after an initial comment or two form the beta testers everyone pretty much decided they were better. Hopefully most of you will too in time smile.gif

Something else that is important to remember guys is that we also need to hear both sides...things you really do like. For instance I havnt heard too much yet if you like or dislike tank optics modelled or tank tank C&C, so let us know! smile.gif Its the only way we can determine if the effort needed to put them in was worth it and thus it would be worth the trouble again into our next product or wether we should focus in other areas.


[ September 03, 2002, 02:34 AM: Message edited by: KwazyDog ]

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I am not a graphics guy at all Dan, and I wriggled like a puppy seeing his leash for an afternoon walk when I saw that smallarms fire now kicks up dirt. smile.gif

Also, I refuse to have an opinion about graphics and sounds based solely on the demo.

I think I like or will learn to like all the changes I've heard about, read about, and experienced, except the new Interface/Task Bar. I'm probably the only guy on the planet that loves the original stock CM:BO one. Hate the new one - too cartoony and cluttered. But I'll learn to ignore it.


[ September 03, 2002, 02:40 AM: Message edited by: dalem ]

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I can't think of any way to adequately and concisely describe all the things I like about CMBB. Everything has been such a major improvement over CMBO, from graphics to gameplay.... Defense! Woot, you can defend ;)

I'd have to invest considerable time on just determining the benefit of optics that I don't know what to say here. I'll have to wait for the full game for that. Tank C&C is darn cool, sucks to lose your platoon leader. Here's a question: Can the Tac- or Strat- AI take advantage of learning which tanks are the command tanks the same way a human can? I think it's very cool that, after some observation by your troops, they can determine if a tank is command or not (well, at least for Soviet radio-less tanks). It'd be a shame if the AI didn't think to use that info.

Still getting used to the mouse movement, so far I'm undecided. It doesn't drive me nuts but some habits die hard.

I'm a definite fan of the new tracers, heck of the whole way that rounds are now. It'll be weird to play CMBO at this point, CMBB just feels much more "right".

And yes, 3 weeks is going to feel like forever. Guess I'll stop slobbering like a mindless drone before ;)

Oh, ok, I do have one complaint ;) It can be impossible to select units in foxholes by clicking (band selecting works fine), that's the only thing I'd like fixed.

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Originally posted by StellarRat:

Without feedback there is no improvement. It is a GREAT game, but man is never happy with the status quo...Should Columbus have been happy with staying in Europe? Einstein with Newtonian physics? BFC's next game will be better than CMBB and that will partially because people add their knowledge, wisdom and bitching.

Yes, it was good that Columbus sailed the ocean blue, but it was better that he took a little time to take stock of the situation, first. :rolleyes:

Originally posted by Vader's Jester:

So next time, insted of attacking the people on the forum, why don't you read some of the threads first... And when you see something you think could be improved, sound off!

Um, I don't recall "attacking" anyone. My post was intended to point out just how much negativity I was reading... and yes, VJ, I did read the threads, elst I wouldn't have soaked up all of that negativity! :rolleyes:

Yes, I realize that we are the consumers but, really, it's all a matter of courtesy and timing. This game has been eagerly anticipated for a year and a half. Let's enjoy it and let the new features sink in for a little before trying to nitpick. I believe that, as KwazyDog stated, we should all just give it a little time. Then, after it's no longer brand spankin' new, we can start pointing out what minor things need tweaking. It may just be that, after a month or two, all of the changed features may fall into place quite comfortably.

I think that bug reports should be made now, so that the first patch can address them, if necessary. I believe, however, that it's a matter of perspective -- "triage" if you will.

Originally posted by Berlichtingen:

</font><blockquote>quote:</font><hr />Originally posted by Liebchen:

Tiny tracers!

You said that already ;) </font>
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