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Peng Tripods: Challenging The Myth

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Originally posted by Moriarty:

</font><blockquote>quote:</font><hr />Originally posted by Croda:

</font><blockquote>quote:</font><hr />Originally posted by Joe Shaw:


The best part about people who like to be wrong, is when they screamingly announce it to the masses.

What you meant to say, you withered, weed of a man, is that 'She Wore a Yellow Ribbon' is one of John Wayne's best performances, surpassed only 'The Searchers' and rivalled only by ... 'The Quiet Man', ....


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Originally posted by Joe Shaw:

<font size="-1">Et tu Moriarty? And if so where did you find the willpower? I'd have figured you for the kind of guy who'd have et three or four.</font>

Given that you are a suthuner, it is not surprising that you would mistake et tu for ate two. Casting further doubt upon your opinion of the greatest Duke flick
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And now for some action packed UPDATES!

The Battle of Pick-An-Idjit (I choose Stuka) Hill: I set up behind some hills on one side, Mace sat up on the other side. I seized some good spotting positions; he wandered aimlessly. He charged up the hill; I knocked his men down in droves. I charged a platoon into a wooded VL; Mace charged a platoon. I sent a second platoon; Mace sent a second platoon. I sent a company; Mace's troops died-a-lot. Now he is attempting to run infantry forces in open ground about ten meters from where I had hidden a platoon in some trees. He's dying-a-lot there, too.

Pondscum's bullies are picking on my ear and stomach battalion in the rain. He should be more considerate -- my guys could catch pneumonia in this mess. We can still win, though, provided we don't run out of Depends.

Flossy Chef and I are playing hide-and seek. I'm hiding, he's seeking. I am winning right now.

Lars is a gamey bastiche because he has a combined force of American troops and English Churchill tank thingies. I am mostly dying here thanks to his gamey use of the units provided in this scenario.

Dalem owes me a turn. He is still dying in droves (some things never change), which may explain his tardiness.

Speedbump is getting blown up in the snow by my unter Englischer truppen. He has recently commented on how much he enjoys my artillery. Nice of him to notice -- it's only been blasting him for about ten turns now.

Leeo hasn't sent a turn for a couple of days. Here, he is trying to dislodge my Grandpa's from a village. He led the attack with tanks, which my men were happy to ignite for him. He has tried to act like it was no big deal (umm, yeah, I meant to do that, really I did! Honest!), but I don't buy it. He also led with jeeps, the gamey bastiche, but that's okay -- he let his forces get outflanked by my old men and their walkers. His men are about assume room temperature, too.

Mouse has sent me three turns since January 6. I guess he is hoping that Combat Mission: The Holodeck Version will come out and distract me from the business of killing him. Fat chance.

donkey boy has picked his second - we should get down to the killing and 'splodey things very soon.


[ April 20, 2002, 01:03 AM: Message edited by: MrSpkr ]

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Originally posted by MrSpkr:

Dalem owes me a turn. He is still dying in droves (some things never change), which may explain his tardiness.

I think you mean that I owe you a new SETUP after I surrendered to your monkey-masses of Sturmgruppentruppen, Leopard IIs, and Zeppelins of Led. Impossible they were to beat, seeing as I played so poorly, and you played so not-poorly.

So even though you are a basketball fan I shall find a scenario and send it your way this weekend.

Anyone else I owe setups to? leeo I think. Forgetting anyone?

And I can't watch John Wayne movies - he's too damned goofy.

He'd make a good Scorpion King I bet.

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Posted by Waynes World Wanker

Well, if you continue in THIS manner it will lead to none of us being able to read your post because it's TOO BLOODY SMALL! .....
Joe, your mother told you your eyesight would go if you didn't stop it ! See.

Now if we could get this stupid John Wanker discussion into it's own place on the general forum it would be a step in the right direction. You could then post exclusively there too and give the rest of us a break ! At least over there the IQ of the poster's match your pitifull level, and the IQ level here would rise significantly.


[ April 20, 2002, 03:28 AM: Message edited by: Noba ]

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Originally posted by MrSpkr:

And now for some action packed UPDATES!

The Battle of Pick-An-Idjit (I choose Stuka) Hill: I set up behind some hills on one side, Mace sat up on the other side. I seized some good spotting positions; he wandered aimlessly. He charged up the hill; I knocked his men down in droves. I charged a platoon into a wooded VL; Mace charged a platoon. I sent a second platoon; Mace sent a second platoon. I sent a company; Mace's troops died-a-lot. Now he is attempting to run infantry forces in open ground about ten meters from where I had hidden a platoon in some trees. He's dying-a-lot there, too.

Mr Squeeker's squad of legal types began to discuss litigation, fiduciary and writ.

They then turned to caveats, wills and liability.

And thus like a fox chewing off it's leg to escape a trap in which it's snared, my troops committed mass suicide to escape the type of boredom that just saps the will to live.

Lawyers!!! Discussions with the dead would be far more stimulating!


PS And he exagerates too.

[ April 20, 2002, 04:56 AM: Message edited by: Mace ]

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Originally posted by Noba:

Posted by Waynes World Wanker

</font><blockquote>quote:</font><hr />Well, if you continue in THIS manner it will lead to none of us being able to read your post because it's TOO BLOODY SMALL! .....

Joe, your mother told you your eyesight would go if you didn't stop it ! See.

Now if we could get this stupid John Wanker discussion into it's own place on the general forum it would be a step in the right direction. You could then post exclusively there too and give the rest of us a break ! At least over there the IQ of the poster's match your pitifull level, and the IQ level here would rise significantly.


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Opened up my browser this morning to see that another Enron high level executive, Jeffrey McMahon, has resigned. I took up accounting as my major because it's a profession [sic] with the highest level integrity [sic]. If I have to do one more paper on sleazy greedy top executives cooking the books, and sleazy greedy auditing firms violating AICPA and GAAS standards for the sake of sleazy independence compromising consulting fees: I"M GOING TO HURL!! Sorry folks just had to vent some steam there. Now where was I? Oh yes, PepsiCo’s carrying of obsolete bottles as inventory was a violation GAAP standar... Oh dam. Now I need a new keyboard.

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Originally posted by Diceman:

Opened up my browser this morning to see that another Enron high level executive, Jeffrey McMahon, has resigned. I took up accounting as my major because it's a profession [sic] with the highest level integrity [sic]. If I have to do one more paper on sleazy greedy top executives cooking the books, and sleazy greedy auditing firms violating AICPA and GAAS standards for the sake of sleazy independence compromising consulting fees: I"M GOING TO HURL!! Sorry folks just had to vent some steam there. Now where was I? Oh yes, PepsiCo’s carrying of obsolete bottles as inventory was a violation GAAP standar... Oh dam. Now I need a new keyboard.

Surely a case could be made for valuing them at lower of cost or market, since they might eventually be sold. Furthermore, they could claim the income from the sale up front, while doing an exactly equivalent transaction with the counterparty that they would expense on a 10-year, SL amortization, thus boosting reported income. Why not, everybody does it.

But not everybody can pull off a blistering performance such as John Wayne did in his greatest role as the tortured anti-hero of The Searchers.

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Surely a case could be made for valuing them at lower of cost or market, since they might eventually be sold. Furthermore, they could claim the income from the sale up front, while doing an exactly equivalent transaction with the counterparty that they would expense on a 10-year,

SL amortization, thus boosting reported income. Why not, everybody does it.

A 10 year, SL amortization ... a bloody 10 year, SL amortization? Are you daft man? I've never heard such twaddle in my life, I won't even dignify that with an argument ... what an idiot.

But not everybody can pull off a blistering performance such as John Wayne did in his greatest role as the tortured anti-hero of The Searchers.
See above ... sheesh!

Diceman, your paper on She Wore A Yellow Ribbon was satisfactory though it lacked something of the fawning hero worship I'd expected. Nonetheless it was adequate. Your paper for tonight is a different thing altogether. I expect bile, lad. Bile and venom that will curl my toes when I read it. Give me ... um ... 12 pages single spaced on "Hakko Ichiu, Flaming Idiot or Just A Very Good Replica of One."


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Originally posted by AussieJeff:

</font><blockquote>quote:</font><hr />Originally posted by Berlichtingen:

My, my, isn't Noba cranky. Maybe it's because, at the last moment in a game Peng could win, he got his butt whupped.

Why, Nobba! I never thought you had it in you.....{snicker}


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Originally posted by Hakko Ichiu:

But not everybody can pull off a blistering performance such as John Wayne did in his greatest role as the tortured anti-hero of The Searchers.

Bartender, I'll have two of whatever he's been drinking.
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Originally posted by Hakko Ichiu:

Surely a case could be made for valuing them at lower of cost or market, since they might eventually be sold.
I can see the salesman now: "Coca-Cola bottling? Hey, I've got a real deal on 50,000 7 OZ bottles here with "Pepsi" molded into the glass, interested?

In this particular case the lower of cost or market was zero. Management kept the bottles on the books to hide a horrendous equity to debt ratio.

Furthermore, they could claim the income from the sale up front, while doing an exactly equivalent transaction with the counterparty that they would expense on a 10-year, SL amortization, thus boosting reported income. Why not, everybody does it.

I used to be stationed at Eglin Air Force Base. They've got a real nice white collar prison there. Better then our barracks, so the prisoners told me. They also told me "everybody does it" a lot too. Publicly owned companies have to record earnings when earned. Top executives at PepsiCo Int. tried something somewhat similar to what you just outlined as a matter of fact in their efforts to hide loans and instead record the loans as sales. I think those guys sell life insurance now.

All defamatory remarks removed because I just didn't feel like stating the obvious.

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Originally posted by Diceman:

All defamatory remarks removed because I just didn't feel like stating the obvious.

[stating the obvious]This is the Peng Thread. We leave the defamatory remarks in and leave the smileys and other emoticons out[/stating the obvious]

Honestly, where do we find 'em?

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I'm sitting here by the open window, listening to the neighbor children. It's dark outside and I can here their voices from across the street as one of them chants the familiar cadence, "Five, ten, fifteen, twenty..."

They're playing Hide and Seek.

Wow, does that ever take me back.

I remember the last time I played Hide and Seek.

I think I was, I don't know, twenty-five or twenty-six.

As I recall, there were police involved...maybe a SWAT team...

They kept calling for me to "Come out, Come out, wherever you are..."

But I just hid in the woods and laughed behind my hands.

Good times, man. Good times.

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