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The Memorial Ascent of Peng Challenge (Elev. 40,000-1/2 ft.)

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Lars old chap....

I've got a bone to pick with you, amongst other thingz. Ergo.... *huff.......pufff.....pant......* I've finally made it *gasp...* up to th' *BOOT* camp below the summit of Mt Peng only to find that the promised "Piping hot Devonshire Tea" you indicated would be awaiting my eminent arrival is MYSTERIOUSLY MISSING! What malevolent trickery be this? Hmmm.....

I suspect th' gormandising, cheating sludge-bucket o' haggis OGSir flami'nF flew in by chopper an' hae scoffed aet doon aen a picque, at baen whooped naer tae deeth aen oer last exceetin' encoonta'! Aye, at weer a reel Hoots, mon!!! Ah canna' weet fer a'noother oppertunaety tae doo ye agin'...rant, rant... err.......phew - sorry, that shameless excuse for a Scottish Terrier has a strange effect on me.......

Oh well, *puff.......* only another 39,999.9 feet to go and I'll be on the summit...... *phew.....*

Last one up is a looooooser.........



Honesty is the best policy, but insanity is a better defense.


[ May 30, 2002, 07:14 AM: Message edited by: AussieJeff ]

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Cool! Soddball's on vacation, and I get a WHOLE WEEK to badmouth him before he gets back!

He's using gamey tactics on me! He's got GUNS! Not fake wooden ones, no, PROPER one! And some of 'ems got TANKS! Plus, I heard that, if there's a war, you have to go and fight! Blimey! I mean, if it's a big war, some of my troops could get hurt! So I want to leave the Army.


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As for Goanna, if your latest efforts are supposed to pass for quality 'cess then we truly do live in a degenerate age. I mean a doubly degenerate age where the would-be degenerates smell of cheap cologne and might as well be plaidskirted, curtseying 'if you please' taunt-bots, peddling crusty references to jokes that weren't funny the first time.

Don't think I didn't notice you trying to give the boot to my squire. Told him he misused the word 'thread' you did. And what did he do? (bless the boy). He turned around and showed you up for a fool. Snapped your head right off, cause he's twice the man you'd be half of if an eighth of the blood on your father's side was twice the normal portion.

Now, anyway, you take a good look at this, senior knight:

You see it? Cause it sees you. boot.gif

That is my boot, son, in case you couldn't tell, and it will fit up your posterior with sufficient effort. And it will curtail a few of The_Capt's more extravagant habits. So give it up Goanna. You suck. As a liege that is. That doesn't mean I hate you personal like...I mean there's no-one whose vomit I'd rather lie face down in than yours, but when it comes to this matter of taunting, you're no more than a flyweight for what you've shown.

Dammit Goanna if we're going to fight try being mean! You got to swing the first punch and what did you do? Flicked a friggin bugger at me. Which missed. And so I have to sit here, still fully conscious, listening to puff the magic dragon waft up from the rent-a-stage on the street outside. I hold you responsible for that. You could've mercifully KO'd me. You truly suck.

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Originally posted by Boo_Radley:

So no one has an answer to my McTeague question? I expected this. It was never made into a Gold Key comic.

Oh come off it, Boo. We all know he was burdened by the souls of the men he shot. Their eyes followed him when he rode, and peered out of the darkness when he sat at the campfire. He also had a bad case of lasso elbow if I'm not mistaken.

So what do I win?

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Originally posted by CMplayer:

So give it up Goanna. You suck. As a liege that is.


the ÜberLizard is the bestest liege in the whole wide Cesspool. And don't you forget that!

You might have your boot...but I have my trusty swift sword!

Persephone a.k.a. the veterinary

[ May 30, 2002, 11:18 AM: Message edited by: Persephone ]

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Originally posted by CMplayer:

So what do I win?

Nothing, because your answer could not be more wrong. It could try, but it would not succeed.

Question: If you put 1,000 CMPlayers in a room for 1,000 years with 1,000 typewriters, would they write Shakespeare's plays?

Answer: No, because they would have all died out centuries ago.

The room would be filled with dust,smashed typewriters, scraps of polyester cloth, perhaps a much wrinkled recipe for lutefisk...a few gnawed bones left over from when the last of the aged, starving CMPlayers degenerated into cannibalism, not unlike the Morlocks. So as I see it, there is absolutely no downside to this problem.

p.s. You unlettered git.

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Originally posted by CMplayer:

Oh Christ, now a local band is trying to play 'the Final Countdown' at the block party outside. Where's al Quaeda when you need them?

Why don't you just save us all some grief and wander outside, wrap your mouth around a city bus exhaust pipe and inhale deeply for a while...
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Originally posted by Herr Oberst:

Why don't you just save us all some grief and wander outside, wrap your mouth around a city bus exhaust pipe and inhale deeply for a while...

Won't work, they run on ethanol. But thanks for the kind thought anyway.
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Originally posted by Lars:

</font><blockquote>quote:</font><hr />Originally posted by The_Capt:

(oh look an easy opening..KINDA LIKE YOUR MOM Lars !!)

He shoots, he scores!

Nice to see I got under your skin with that one, really makes my day. Notice I didn't mention your father (after all, the birth certificate didn't).

Good work on the [censored] thing. You don't need to spell it out for us. We all have been remiss in letting the stray F'enhiemer slip (Seanachai, edit your post), but it lacks wit, style, and panache, which is what we aim for here. A true professional has no reason to work blue. No need to use profanity to be profane.

"A reading from the Book of Armaments, Chapter 4, Verses 16 to 20:

Then did he raise on high the Holy Hand Grenade of Antioch, saying, "Bless this, O Lord, that with it thou mayst blow thine enemies to tiny bits, in thy mercy." And the people did rejoice and did feast upon the lambs and toads and tree-sloths and fruit-bats and orangutans and breakfast cereals... Now did the Lord say, "First thou pullest the Holy Pin. Then thou must count to three. Three shall be the number of the counting and the number of the counting shall be three. Four shalt thou not count, neither shalt thou count two, excepting that thou then proceedeth to three. Five is right out. Once the number three, being the number of the counting, be reached, then lobbest thou the Holy Hand Grenade in the direction of thine foe, who, being naughty in my sight, shall snuff it."

See? Piece of Cake.</font>
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Originally posted by The_Capt:

you and your ilk simply do not matter.

Pull down your pants captain, this is going to hurt you a lot more than it hurts me.

You DO NOT *boot* refer *boot* to the members of the 'pool *boot* *boot* as 'ilk'. Ever. Period.

As for the rest of you ilk, just keep out of my face tonight. I'm not in the mood.

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Originally posted by Hiram Sedai:

A really long and creatively constipated

thing which is best put to rest with a shovel and quicklime...

Although I did like this part..

"I shall now commit Seppuku""

The_Capt"...roomie, and what fun we shall have.

[ May 30, 2002, 01:21 PM: Message edited by: The_Capt ]

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Originally posted by CMplayer:

</font><blockquote>quote:</font><hr />Originally posted by The_Capt:

you and your ilk simply do not matter.

Pull down your pants captain, this is going to hurt you a lot more than it hurts me.

You DO NOT *boot* refer *boot* to the members of the 'pool *boot* *boot* as 'ilk'. Ever. Period.

As for the rest of you ilk, just keep out of my face tonight. I'm not in the mood.</font>

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Originally posted by The_Capt:

I am boring.

Boring, boring, boring.

I am boring squared.

I am boring personified.

I even bore sheep (down Mace) to sleep.

He speaks the truth. Or sumfin...zzzzzzzzzzzzzzzz.
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Originally posted by Harv:

I am threatened by an intellectually superior squire.

They might notice I have the taunting prowess of peach juice.

Perhaps if I call him "boring" one more time I can hold off the wave of insecurity gripping me until I can come up with something witty.

Hey wait I know I'll steal a Monty Python reference...where did I put my "Life of Brian" tape?

Take it easy my six foot floopy-eared friend...we will have great fun, you and I.

[ May 30, 2002, 01:57 PM: Message edited by: The_Capt ]

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Originally posted by The_Capt:

OK I knew I left one out there in the backfield....

We actually prefer it when you do your business out there.

Now listen sport, the day any of the carbon based life forms infesting this particular dark corner of the Internet can actually get under my skin. Well let's just say a bullet shaped piece of steel will quickly follow to erase the shame of it.
Ah! An incentive plan! I like it!

You must be pretty popular with the ladies.
True, true. There just isn't enough of me to go around. I feel sorry for the poor girls at times. What can I do? I'm only one man. But I'm thinking of having myself cloned to ease their distress.

Note the small dot at the bottom end of that last sentence. It would be a "period" meaning "all stop" or the conclusion of a complete thought. It is truly amazing how this one mark can sum up so perfectly the entire idea.
Glad to see you have a grasp of the concept (or any concept for that matter). Now, why don't you act upon it and go to "all stop". And why you're at it, take note of this. " ". That's called the "space bar" key. There's one on your keyboard (Hint: It's the big one). Go fix your handle.

Now that is quite possibly The funniest thing I have ever read...
It'll be even funnier when you learn to quit moving your lips while reading. And don't shift, dang it, don't shift. Wow, I didn't even know you could double-clutch a keyboard. Unless you meant "The Funniest Thing I Have Ever Read". See what kind of fun you can have when you learn to type too?

Now scurry on back to whatever gutter you call home and do not lift your piss leg in my direction again...go on boy...there is a good little creature.
So sad. Obviously you're suffering from "short man syndrome". But if you're going to walk under the Big Dog, don't be surprised if it starts raining. Oh, and don't look up either, you slack-jawed yokel.
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Originally posted by OGSF:

And noo a General Annoncemaint!!!

Ah might gi' tha chance tae let mah stankin' PBEM opponenets *snigger* knoo bah e-mail, boot tae cover tha caber sae tae speak...

Ah am awah tae England on Friday, an' Ah widnae bae back fer two weeks. Noo feckin' turrrns ye pillocks.



My dear SirJimmyMackWhyDon'tYouHurryBack

So like you to run away like the big girls blouse that you are just when our game is getting interesting. That's OK. No ill feelings on my part. As a matter of fact. I'd even be willing to look after your "wee span'l" for you. While I'm at work, I'd have to leave him with the Viet Namese family down the street, but I'm sure he'd be well. Or well done.

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Originally posted by The_Capt:

</font><blockquote>quote:</font><hr />Originally posted by Harv:

I am threatened by an intellectually superior squire.

They might notice I have the taunting prowess of peach juice.

Perhaps if I call him "boring" one more time I can hold off the wave of insecurity gripping me until I can come up with something witty.

Hey wait I know I'll steal a Monty Python reference...where did I put my "Life of Brian" tape?

Take it easy my six foot floopy-eared friend...we will have great fun, you and I.</font>
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What the hell is this green ****e nonsense! Well, not that, sometimes ****e IS green, particularly when the little ones have been feasting on strained peas again, but THIS =======>

Damnit MadMatt,

I've grown accoustomed to my screen,

I know it's every out and in,

From the sandbags at the door,

To the color that it's in,

The menu bars that really bore,

To change it is a SIN!

I've grown accoustomed to its ways,

Accoustomed to it's look,

Accoustomed to my nook!

Say it AIN'T SO MadMatt {Sob!}


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Monkey, Monkey, Monkey...

In the trees and on the ground...


Lars , not worth the effort to continue to humiliate.

"Your Dumb!" "No you are" "Am not!" "Are to" thanks I can get this for free at home and pay for college tuition. At least we agree on your species (i.e. Dog) it is the matter of mass which seems to be the sticking point.

My big fluffy friend.. Harv. That's right you aren't pathetic just misunderstood. Like all truly cool people who "hang" at wargaming boards you are an enigma, wrapped in a riddle, wrapped in bacon, dipped in batter and deep fried. Best served with spicey plum sauce. Now you can go back to carving OZZY RULEZ in your forearm with that Mickey Mouse compass.

GROG!! Ok that did hurt. I, sir, am a GOON and proud of it!! I posses the prohibitive "life", have the forbidden "sex" and therefore lack the required "time" to reach the level of a Cawley or Dorosh Grogishnesses..s.

Sorry charlie but you are baiting the wrong tuna here. Time to back to the drawing board and bang your dial against it until you figure out how to come up with something good..for a change.

Oh wait, I know "I am boring" yes, yes, run along now. You have gotten the required mileage out of that "zinger"..oh my!

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