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The Memorial Ascent of Peng Challenge (Elev. 40,000-1/2 ft.)

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Originally posted by Persephone:

</font><blockquote>quote:</font><hr />Originally posted by The_Capt:

Dear Peng,

I love you man..no I mean it ..I really love you...

Sorry Capt but you just aren't convincing enough...try again, and this time show that you REALLY MEAN IT. Here's a tip...you might want to add some smileys for emphasis. Smileys are great to use, especially if you want to make sure Peng really understands your true affection toward him.


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Posted by a Loser:

As you can see..here is an example of one of the misguided souls who live in your colon.

He clearly does not live in your light as any true disciple knows...SNIP.

Ooooh, Oooh, pick me miss !!!

Thankyou Miss.

Err, Capo, He is a She. Pillock

Now Sod off !

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Originally posted by The_Capt:

Dear Peng,

As you can see..here is an example of one of the misguided souls who live in your colon.

He clearly does not live in your light . . .

And this, boys and girls, is an example of what happens when The_Capt stays out at sea too long - he develops more than the usual level of problems determining the differences between MEN and WOMEN>

Sad, really.


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Originally posted by MrSpkr:

</font><blockquote>quote:</font><hr />Originally posted by The_Capt:

Dear Peng,

As you can see..here is an example of one of the misguided souls who live in your colon.

He clearly does not live in your light . . .

And this, boys and girls, is an example of what happens when The_Capt stays out at sea too long - he develops more than the usual level of problems determining the differences between MEN and WOMEN>

Sad, really.


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*gasp huff wheeze* Who the hyll put this all the way up here? Us poor flatlanders don't like heights at the best of times, but to have to crawl all this way just to find you lot are here is torture...

Originally posted by The_Capt:

A whole bunch of crap, over and over again.

Lookie here The_Useless, are you actually going to spew something that has any meaning, bearing or relevance to anything, or are you simply going to annoy the the living shyte out of everyone for the rest of the pathetic existance you call a life? Do you walk to work or take your lunch? If the answer is yes or no, fine. But....GO AWAY firstly, and for the third time GO AWAY. If you wish to challenge, then CHALLENGE. And then GO AWAY.

In other news, I have found the trap that Lurker has laid for my vairy hairy Canuks, and shall be strolling directly into it at my earliest opportunity.

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I'm sorry I decided to bring my diesel generator along, it gets heavy after the first 25,000 ft.

My thanks to Harv for complying with my sinister plans oh-so-completely. I forgot to factor in extra time for his been-in-the-woods-way-too-long Canucks to abuse and molest the wildlife they find on the way, so my timing has been thrown completely off. It could go either way. We have a set up where two rows of blind men facing each other have been handed chainsaws and told to walk forward. There will be some serious dying-a-lot™ very soon.

In other news I have to say that, that after much soul searching I am finding The_Crapt's posts much more tedious and annoying than Idjit's. Idjit has a similar tragic, pathetic quality of a Kafka hero. His task is hopeless, futile, and done in such a fashion where he is publicly humiliated at every turn. The difference is that sometimes I can feel sympathy for Kafka, and only contempt and loathing for the ooze formerly known as that ponce who used to be called that blathering, mindless, humorless, prattling muffin of a girly man who introduced himself as Idjit. Besides, I bet if someone told him that Seanachi was "over there" we might stand a chance at losing the git.

The_Crapt on the other hand, follows along, going on and on like all the stuff that Beckett edited out of Waiting for Godot. Is there some "Ignore everything this man posts" button I can push?

Hmmm, The_Crapt is as verbose as The Bard, only he says much much less. What are the chances we can convince Idjit that The_Crapt is really Seanachi? Might kill two birds with one stone...

Back to the chainsaws, I think I hear screaming...


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Originally posted by The_Capt:

</font><blockquote>quote:</font><hr />Originally posted by MrSpkr:

</font><blockquote>quote:</font><hr />Originally posted by The_Capt:

Dear Peng,

As you can see..here is an example of one of the misguided souls who live in your colon.

He clearly does not live in your light . . .

And this, boys and girls, is an example of what happens when The_Capt stays out at sea too long - he develops more than the usual level of problems determining the differences between MEN and WOMEN>

Sad, really.


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There is something about Lurker that I find...amusing, in a rabid puppyish sort of way. Also, as he is employed in the field of art, the worlds third oldest profession (prostitution and sheep buggering being the first two, repectively), I find him to be a kindred spirit( or willing accomplice...whatever).

After long and thoughtful deliberation and listening to the sage counsel of other worthy Kaniggets ( OK, I might have mentioned it to dalem while we were both cataclysmically hammered), I have decided to take this callow boy and beardless youth as my Squire. I trust they both will serve me well.

So, from henceforth the name of Lurker shall be bolded.

Arise, Lurker and know you are Squire to Boo_Radley of House Croda(sounds like some kind of Rockabilly/Heavy Metal band, don't it?).Croda, who commands the Nefarious Legions, who devised the atrocity known as Crodaburg, who knows that clog dancing is in reality, hillbilly tap dancing on amphetamines.

Likewise, following in the age old tradition of House Croda, you shall be required to perform a quest. This quest is obviously in addition to the annual Squirely dues and initiation fee and the sit-down buffet you must provide for all the kaniggets within your hemisphere (and none of that cheap, prepackaed stuff you get at the deli counter at the local Pick & Pay, either! I'm telling ya, I see ONE piece of white bread and your head's coming right off!).

For now, prepare yourself. Gird thy loins! You shall be advised of the requirements of your quest on the morrow! ( Or maybe later, depending on how much yard work the Mrs. has planned for me.)

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Originally posted by The_Capt:

A few imposters have tried to create phony sexes..troll, teenager, dog, cat, woman, Dorosh etc but we who live in your glory know them for the false prophets that they are...

It is a sad state of affairs, truly...

MBT female honour list: Kitty, YK2, Persephone.

Boy, if they ever catch upto you, you're going to be in for some hurtin', sunshine!


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Dear Peng,

I am greatly sorry that I have inflamed your nether regions. It would seem the creatures which live there have risen up and are mobbing.

So far, oh lord, their response has been predictable;


"The_Crapt" (A "clever" play on my name)

"Dork-a-Donk" (Boy that one stung, I can tell you..in fact I can hardly read these letters thru the veil of tears..sigh)

"Sod off" (Some local term having to do with grass I think)

One would normally have to travel all the way to a Grade 5 locker room to hear witty verbal responses of this magnitude.

I am sure we will be treated to the Army Airbourne Debate Team style shortly;

"**** you!"

"**** me?! **** you!!"

"**** me, **** you?!..No **** you!!"

"You and all your ****ing ****ers are all ****ed!!!!"


And so forth and so on...these are sad days indeed.

May I suggest you drink lava or perhaps post a link to an amateur porn site (a amateur gay porn sight for the "ladies" of course) so that their fingers may be occupied elsewhere. Also it may prevent them from breeding.

In other news...

I had a vexing dream last night;

Satan had killed Elvis,

For there can be only one King of Rock and Roll,

Ol Lucifer stepped out for coffee and cocaine,

Me and the boys cut off Elvis's hands, head and feet and hid them in the four corners of reality,

So that the Devil couldn't show off his unholy deed,

The Prince of Darkness got back around midnight and..

Well let's just say there was some "cryin n the Ghetto" that night...

Your Humble Servant

[ May 25, 2002, 05:40 PM: Message edited by: The_Capt ]

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Originally posted by The_Capt:

Dear Peng,

I am greatly sorry that I have inflamed your nether regions. It would seem the creatures which live there have risen up and are mobbing.

So far, oh lord, their response has been predictable;


"The_Crapt" (A "clever" play on my name)

"Dork-a-Donk" (Boy that one stung, I can tell you..in fact I can hardly read these letters thru the veil of tears..sigh)

"Sod off" (Some local term having to do with grass I think)

One would normally have to travel all the way to a Grade 5 locker room to hear witty verbal responses of this magnitude.

I am sure we will be treated to the Army Airbourne Debate Team style shortly;

**** NAUGHTY BITS *****

And so forth and so on...these are sad days indeed.

May I suggest you drink lava or perhaps post a link to an amateur porn site (a amateur gay porn sight for the "ladies" of course) so that their fingers may be occupied elsewhere. Also it may prevent them from breeding.

In other news...

I had a vexing dream last night;

Satan had killed Elvis,

For there can be only one King of Rock and Roll,

Ol Lucifer stepped out for coffee and cocaine,

Me and the boys cut off Elvis's hands, head and feet and hid them in the four corners of reality,

So that the Devil couldn't show off his unholy deed,

The Prince of Darkness got back around midnight and..

Well let's just say there was some "cryin n the Ghetto" that night...

Your Humble Servant

Dear Peng,

One would normally have to travel all the way back to Grade 3 class to be this naughty.

Spanky bottoms and more joindy-up writing lessons.

Yeknod o' tha Thistle

[ May 26, 2002, 03:00 AM: Message edited by: Yeknodathon ]

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So here we are again eh

my updates etc

Boo I beats him fair and square 89 to 11 hehe

A J He's going to win and ruin his prized record of defeats hehe

Lars tried to come to my church and didn't hehe

Noba He's winning too hehe

Lurker got made a squire hehe that is funny

ijut gone away hooray

The Capt even one of the gods told him hehe

So I still maintain my place as the SSN and Sherpa , good .

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Originally posted by Madmatt:

Capt, back off the FU-O-meter there mate. Even the Peng/Cesspool has rules and either you play along or can go run and play somewhere else. Comprende?



Now look wot you've done, Crap_pun {*BOOT!!*}. You've gone and gotten our Official MBT Moderator Matt REALLY MAD with all your pathetic, peurile panting and puffing..

May I suggest you:

(O) {*BOOT!!*} SOD OFF right now while you still have the chance to do so in one piece.

(k) <U>Grovel and apologise</U> to All and Sundry THEN {*BOOT!!*} SOD OFF right now while you still have the chance to do so in one piece.

(?) <U>Hoist yourself on your own petard whilst chanting "I'm a twit" 3,000 times</U> THEN {*BOOT!!*} SOD OFF right now while you still have the chance to do so in one piece.

With an uncommon amount of luck {with respect to yourself in particular} you might have recognised a common denominator within the above five points I just elucidated. Then again, I might be hoping for too much...

So, just in case you STILL don't get it...


Sir Aussiejeff

House of Berli and Proud of it!


You do unbend your noble strength, to think

So brainsickly of things.

Taken from: Macbeth

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Originally posted by Simon Elwen:

<snip> Lurker got made a squire hehe that is funny

Watch your P'eas and Q'ueues, lad. You could be next for the <FONT COLOR= RED>chop*</FONT COLOR = RED>!! (Mmmm...... speaking of chops and peas, some roast lamb and vegies for lunch sounds just the go..... mmmmmmmm..shlurrp...now if I could only get this damned kero burner to light at 27,000<SUP>1/3</SUP> feet..gasp!...)


Legend: <FONT COLOR= RED>*</FONT COLOR = RED> = with deference to Lady YK2 who lurvs the VERY occasional splash of color!


Take you me for a sponge?

Taken from: Hamlet

[ May 25, 2002, 09:05 PM: Message edited by: AussieJeff ]

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Originally posted by Simon Elwen:

So here we are again eh

my updates etc

Boo I beats him fair and square 89 to 11 hehe

Fair and square?


Oh sure, I guess you could call it fair and square when my troops are cut to ribbons and most of his squads have zero or one casualties. And I'm also quite positive that you will call it fair and square that he parked his armor atop the nearby hills, left them there and proceeded to pummel my StuGs into the ground without so much as a "by your leave" and I have no doubts that you will also think it fair and square that not ONE BLOODY SHELL of my artillery killed any of his cadre of mouth-breathing palookas.

Not only that, but...awww, who am I kiddin'? It's a fair cop.

Oh Lorak-y Poo, that's two big losses for yours truly.

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Oh there's more

I beat Boo 89-11

Ijuts come back grr , but he will go away or get made serf don't care which

did I mention I beat Boo 89-11

Little Bo Mace had a lamb and A J had it for lunch hehe

remind me to tell everyone about the time I beat Boo 89-11

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Originally posted by Simon Elwen:

Little Bo Mace had a lamb and A J had it for lunch hehe

You're an annoying little pom.

I'm going to make you my Serf so I can put that annoyance to good use.

Lorak, record this:

Simon Elwen, squire to Mace

That'll teach ya' to use my name.


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Just a heads up for my squire, Lurker. You know that quest I mentioned? There's a very good possibility that a part of it may include rending the flesh from Something Illwind, stuffing it with pot-pourri and using it as a decorative center-piece at our buffet.

Just thought I'd let you know. Carry on.

edited so's I could bold Pie-man's name. I'm nothing if not proper.

[ May 25, 2002, 09:31 PM: Message edited by: Boo_Radley ]

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Squire? Woot! I am unworthy, but that's hardly news.

I shall have my coconut halves ready, sire.

Small update: I am writhing in the crushing grip of the trap I sprang on Harv. Bastige!

Psst, Hey Idjit, isn't that Senachi over there by the edge of that crevasse?


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Originally posted by Mace:

</font><blockquote>quote:</font><hr />Originally posted by Simon Elwen:

Little Bo Mace had a lamb and A J had it for lunch hehe

You're an annoying little pom.

I'm going to make you my Serf so I can put that annoyance to good use.

Lorak, record this:

Simon Elwen, squire to Mace

That'll teach ya' to use my name.


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