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Sir, the Traditions of the Peng Challenge Thread are Rum, Sod-Off, and the Lash!

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oh, how the gods have smiled upon me.

I know most of you could care less but this should make Gates-slut very happy.

3 days and counting until this arrives at my door.

Dimension® 8200 Series, Pentium® 4 Processor at 1.8 GHz

- 256MB PC800 RDRAM (2 RIMMs)

- 60 GB EIDE Hard Drive (7200 RPM)

- 64MB DDR NVIDIA GeForce3 Ti 200 Graphics Card with DVI

- Turtle Beach Santa Cruz DSP Sound Card

Oh joy..oh joy..oh joy..


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ahh dear Croda,

You don't understand my elvish brain!

My company has a very nice contract with Dell....

Lets just say I couldn't even buy the parts to build it for what I am paying.

Maybe the next time I fall I should aim for your foot.

Lorak the loathed

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<blockquote>quote:</font><hr>Originally posted by Stuka:

Gadzooks Lorak, you certainly know how to look after yourself don't you?

A rig like that could play just about any hi-res game couldn't it?

Even ones we can't talk about here.<hr></blockquote>

Just what makes you think Lorak the Limping can fly the darn things if he can't jump out of 'em without mangling himself?

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Since none of my other Cesspool opponents can be bothered to actually send a feckin turn, I’m ready for another assault upon my liver.

So if you have the time to pull the umbrella out of your latest dink drink, send a setup, your choice of whatever and the usual rules.

I have to get in fighting drinking trim for winter vacation. It’s an all-inclusive and I intend to put a hurt upon these third world people.

You’ll lose again, of course.

And Shandorf, you owe me a setup too, you utter waste of tournament ladder climbing space.

No Iskander rules for you, lightweight.

P.S. Thanks Lorak. And why the hell did you jump out of a perfectly good airplane?

{edited due to the U.S school system, not the Oh so Uber German one}

[ 01-10-2002: Message edited by: Lars ]</p>

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<blockquote>quote:</font><hr>Originally posted by Hiram Sedai:

Seanachai, you sad sack of silliness. They are called "Side straddle hops". When you did go to the "Y" (50 lbs and 40 years ago) you may have done those jumpy jack things, but we don't care about your antics with the boys. I searched through your verbosity for a scrap of cynicism or even a small portion of ire, but all I saw was a weak kneed approach to a reply. You were much more foreboding when I didn't know you as well. Come now, you can do better than that, old dude. I'll steal your teeth and you can chase me around the couch for a while.<hr></blockquote>

Does anyone else picture a bassett hound tugging on the pant leg of a gnome?

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<blockquote>quote:</font><hr>Originally posted by Berlichtingen:

Not much of a struggle... now if he were a Marine...<hr></blockquote>

He couldn't post more than a one line reply?

{edited to add TWO lines}

[ 01-10-2002: Message edited by: Lars ]</p>

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Time to keep you sad pack of PC wasters entertained so that you don’t turn this into another one of those imaloser tech support friends hotline threads. That’s right mongrels it’s time for an ÜberLizard Update!

And who’s on the barbie tonight? Let’s start with Moriarty since he’s clearly wasting time here playing with his mental blocks double posting when he could be sending me a turn. Our game was one of the enhanced QB’s that I love so much but with waaaaay to many points for a map that size. He decided to get cute and launch arty on the first turn, so on turn 2 the feldgrau were marching through unexpected rain on an otherwise cloudless day. Unfortunately for him, I made many of my forces reinforcements so his light arty took out nothing more significant a field kitchen and a hamster recovery team. He also brought a knife to what is definitely going to be a gunfight as I commenced on turn 4 to dump the combined contents of 3 nebelwerfers on his head. Casualties are unconfirmed but there was significant moaning and wailing coming from the likely hiding spots.

The Bard has started his mewling disinformation campaign on turn 4 of our regular computer picked QB (note to self – stop playing these). Seems that the computer, like most sentient being, hate his guts and he was given too many soft squishy things and not enough sharp pointy things. All of his complaints will be drowned out in 2-3 more turns of the application of copious amounts of direct fired 105 HE. Las Vegas currently has the Bard as a 60-1 longshot in Aussie Quest Battle #547. Better luck to the tree huggers next time.

Stuka on the other hand is a comrade, fellow bike nut and all around fair dinkum mate, so I am killing him slower and with less reckless abandon. Apparently he was given all of the allocated reckless abandon for our game as he (§) attempted a bridge crossing with no covering smoke or fire and, (*) broke a Cesspool commandment: "Thou shalt not take one shot at a tungsten equipped AT gun then traverse directly across its path."

mrspkr is on his way to the collection of several wuss points by not returning a file to complete the last two turns of our three month old battle. Perhaps I should send him the current file for a third time and see if that does the trick? I am expecting an "I forgot my password" e-mail any time now.

Then last and certainly least, we have St. bauhaus. He obviously hasn’t been doing his reading or following the instructions of mentor Berli since he interpreted "defence in depth" on a large map to mean stack all the Germans that you can get a hold of vertically within 150m of the one large VL. We’ll be picking chunks of his troops out of our hair for months after my arty is through with him. He’ll be lucky to have a not-so-immaculate thingy left in a couple of turns.

Lorak has been cursed as a dwarf, gobbed on and had smelly emissions wafted in his general direction to no response. No matter, he will likely be working on setting up his latest P(iece) of C(rap) beyond the time CMBB comes out anyway.

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<blockquote>quote:</font><hr>Originally posted by Berlichtingen:

Does anyone else picture a bassett hound tugging on the pant leg of a gnome?<hr></blockquote>


(Hey it's an image I have to maintain. Not a nice image but there you go)


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<blockquote>quote:</font><hr>Originally posted by Goanna:

Apparently he was given all of the allocated reckless abandon for our game as he (§) attempted a bridge crossing with no covering smoke or fire and, (*) broke a Cesspool commandment: "Thou shalt not take one shot at a tungsten equipped AT gun then traverse directly across its path."


Yeah, well........feh!

That A/T gun was identified as 'light' so I took a chance. My intelligence officer has been executed as a result.

Mind you, I see you forgot that other bridge, you know, the one that I have motored about 4 divisions of troops across in armoured comfort with their feet up, their seats reclined and a spot of Bomben Auf Lizard pounding away on the H/T sound systems. You can hear the 'doof' of the subwoofers from suburbs away.

And all without a single casualty.

Mind, its probably a nasty trap but it looked good.

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Fine, fine, fine and extra fine for you meticulous types, here's some CM Updates to prove that I don't play IL-2 exclusively ... mostly.

Stuka is getting surrounded and getting low on much of anything to stop my advance. So far his best units are a couple of wire units.

Bauhaus is all upset because I didn't obligingly place my troops right on the road he'd put a TRP on (probably, he may have had an FO) so he wasted a few rounds on an empty road. He'll have a chance to waste more rounds.

Mace is apparently taking time to stop and smell the roses, it's in turn 6 or so and I've seen nary a hair ... not that that's a bad thing mind.

Agua Perdido is STILL whining about the number and quality of his troops while conveniently negelecting to mention his ally bocage. We've all got our problems Agua, deal with it.

Moriarty and I are about done with the Hell Spawned MrSpkr trudge through the snow ALL THE FREAKING WAY TO THE OTHER SIDE OF THE FREAKING MAP scenario. I can't think, right off the bat, of a scenario I've hated more.

And in IL-2 related news, the Cess Squadron is coming along nicely ... now if I could just hit something ... anything ... I'm not picky.


[ 01-10-2002: Message edited by: Joe Shaw ]</p>

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<blockquote>quote:</font><hr>Originally posted by Joe Shaw:

And in IL-2 related news, the Cess Squadron is coming along nicely ... now if I could just hit something ... anything ... I'm not picky.


Try the ground.

You should be able to manage that.

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<blockquote>quote:</font><hr>ALL THE FREAKING WAY TO THE OTHER SIDE OF THE FREAKING MAP scenario. I can't think, right off the bat, of a scenario I've hated more.<hr></blockquote>

Then you obviously haven't played any of mine lately, Jo Xia. May I recommend "Where Eagles Dare" as the allies against your favourite SSN.

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Originally posted by Lars.


So if you have the time to pull the umbrella out of your latest dink drink, send a setup, your choice of whatever and the usual rules.


Does this include an invite to a humble SSN...who by the way is absolutely kicking the backside out of the poncie poem writers' troops ? The fact that the spotty little dwarf couldn't organise a piss-up in a brewery, let alone organise a decent fight in his "kill all Aussies" tirade, makes your offer most intruiging. It could be the start of a decent fight...!

It could also give me something to do whilst waiting for that lowlife-laggard, HANNS. He who can't find the 'send' button.

Still, the chance at some decent combat would be most welcome, and not to be sneezed at around this sad sorry place.


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If I haven't proposed it yet, and I thought I had, I would like to propose that Knoba be promoted to the rank of Serf! I like the cut of his gibe as we say here in the CessPool. In fact, if he could manage to post here more than once an epoch he might well be taken to squire by some down on his luck, drink befuddled, addle witted knight ... so basically just about any of us.

On a side note, while I can't condone recruiting within the CM community, I would like to point out the steller Foreign Relations work done by several of our members (not least mine own humble self) on the IL-2 forum. The following is from Franny, one of the Administrators of their forum: <blockquote>quote:</font><hr>By golly, you guys are the biggest bunch of weirdos I've ever had the dubious pleasure of meeting. Wanna come to the JF18 forum and share your infectious with with us?

Good thread peeps, good to see you guys actually can keep it going without someone taking something the wrong way



Francis "Franny" Mulhern



This airstrike has been brought to you by the letters F and A, and by the numbers 1 and 8.

======================= <hr></blockquote> I really like the sig.


[ 01-11-2002: Message edited by: Joe Shaw ]</p>

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<blockquote>quote:</font><hr>Originally posted by Joe Shaw:

If I haven't proposed it yet, and I thought I had, I would like to propose that Knoba be promoted to the rank of Serf! I like the cut of his gibe as we say here in the CessPool. In fact, if he could manage to post here more than once an epoch he might well be taken to squire by some down on his luck, drink befuddled, addle witted knight ... so basically just about any of us.


OK Joe you talked me into it. I will accept the Gonaff as my Squire.

By the way, they are changing my wheezy Windows laptop which can't play CM with a shiny new candy like Titanium laptop, so all suspended CM games will restart this weekend. Of course I will be home in two weeks, so it is not mine for long, but it is such a pretty thing that it will probably make me play 10 times as well (meaning I will win 10 % of my games from now on).

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<blockquote>quote:</font><hr>Originally posted by Slapdragon:

OK Joe you talked me into it. I will accept the Gonaff as my Squire.

By the way, they are changing my wheezy Windows laptop which can't play CM with a shiny new candy like Titanium laptop, so all suspended CM games will restart this weekend. Of course I will be home in two weeks, so it is not mine for long, but it is such a pretty thing that it will probably make me play 10 times as well (meaning I will win 10 % of my games from now on).<hr></blockquote>Nice try Slapdragon, but squires don't have squires and since you are still a squire you don't get a squire ... any questions SQUIRE Slapdragon?


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<blockquote>quote:</font><hr>Originally posted by Joe Shaw:

Nice try Slapdragon, but squires don't have squires and since you are still a squire you don't get a squire ... any questions SQUIRE Slapdragon?


Sorry, Berli elevated me to a knight long long ago. Do a search or somefink.

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