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Originally posted by Stuka:


This is the kind of post one must strive for. A single word, and yet still edited! Succinct, full of subtle variations, but unopen to misinterpretation.

Masterful. Simply genius.

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Originally posted by Goanna

[qb]So, listen up you two pillocks. You have exactly 14 hours to provide me via e-mail list with 1500 pts worth of purchases that you would like me to place for you. If I have not received your purchases by 0700 AEST on 19 March, I will purchase for you. If you can't talk at one another in the meantime and both send me 1500 pts of Frenchies, I will pick. If you screw up your picks, or I can't figure out what you want to buy from your note, I will modify. You have one chance to get things right.

All you have to answer is: do you want an angry god, or a happy god?

Indeed, I'll have the swarthy ones. They please me when they strut around and die.

Oh, yes things that scamper around with no real purpose.

Ummmm, zooks / fausts to deliberately set alight their own buildings. Got to have at least a couple of those.

Do you do pizza?

Errrrm, think that's it... don't want to be too picky, but I'd like Julie Andrews hills.

{Doe, a deer, a female deer

Ray, a drop of golden sun...}

Yeknod Mono-drone de Lurk

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Originally posted by R_Leete:

</font><blockquote>quote:</font><hr />Originally posted by Stuka:


This is the kind of post one must strive for. A single word, and yet still edited! Succinct, full of subtle variations, but unopen to misinterpretation.

Masterful. Simply genius.</font>

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Obviously another serious reader here. The operative portion that you are so keen to overlook here DonkeyBoy is:

provide me via e-mail list with 1500 pts worth of purchases
Yammering on incessently here will do you no good what so ever, nor will imprecise descriptions such as "swarthy ones". Hell, 95% of the Commonwealth is could be classified as swarthy to the lot of pasty-faced, bad toothed MFers that live in Britain.

I see 5 heavy tanks and a dozen mortar crews in your future. Prove me wrong.

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Originally posted by Goanna:

Not likely, Mr. Xia. My dubiousnessosity is derived from the fact that neither of the two neophytes I am preparing a soiree for have provided their selections, one of them clearly can’t tell time and is from {shudder}Ohio{/shudder} (which likely explains the inability to tell time).

Since the Bard has once again chosen to focus on his last loss to this Australian (loss of employment tends to generate these sorts of spirals into negativity), I could be forced to address his more libellous assertions. However, I will not do so and instead reiterate my offer to him of a thread or so ago to setup a match of his choosing in which I will beat him like my favourite plastic drum of childhood. Now I recognise that his alcohol induced fugue may also leave him bereft of the motivation to generate a scenario of his choosing, so I have sent him a map from the Scenario Depot and a crayon drawing of what do with it. I expect a setup in time for the next ice age.

Sorry Goanna, it took longer to get rid of the stench emanating from a certain battle (that shall remain nameless) to leave my server.

Tell you what Goanna, may I call you Goanna? I feel as if I've known you ever so long. I dated a girl named Joanna once, but I don't suppose...no I really don't suppose.

Tell you what, I will leave the troop displacement entirely in your hands. Why? The knowledge that you are dispassionate in your hatred gives me courage. That and the three beers I've had since walking in the house, that is.

Almost forgot: CRODABURG The Saga continues: Most of my armor was able to pull out of it's humorous formation and has knocked out several pillboxes and gun emplacements while only losing a handful of Shermans. Most of my opponents troops are either hiding or have no stomach for a fight.

[ March 18, 2002, 07:03 PM: Message edited by: Boo_Radley ]

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Originally posted by Stuka:


[Edited to a complexity level more suited to the Just-a-skateboard]

You know Stuka I see you progressing lad, progressing down a long and tortuous path that must, in the end, lead to full enlightenment. First a one word post, now a one character post, next, I've no doubt, an empty post and finally, the complete transformation to NO POSTS AT ALL!

Yes, Stuka you're almost there. Don't give up lad, don't be swayed by the inner voices clamoring for attention (well, other than the one claiming to be Gawd, I'd be paying attention to THAT one if I were you) and demanding that you let them out to play. Make the final leap Stuka, post no more forever! We're all pulling for you, really, REALLY we are.


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(Transmission begins)

This just in from the front:


Third move: One anti-tank bunker and an MB bunker have sustained numerous direct hits, but remain in operation. I've blanketed them with smoke until I can move myself into better positions. The rest of the hillside is strangely...quiet. Too quiet. There's got to be more than this and if there is, it's hidden away in the surrounding woods. God only knows what's waiting in the woods. Gaining the summit will only be the beginning.(Transmission ends)

Now for a song.

There were boids on the hill,

But I never hoid them singing.

No, I never hoid them at all...

Till there was youuuuuuuusssssss.....

My vocal coach was from the Bronx.

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Originally posted by Stuka in a state of high dudgeon though I certainly don't know why:Don't you have some Aluminum cladding to go sell you door-knocking Tin-man?
You're a fine one to talk, it's not as if YOUR posts were side splitters either there mate!

Oh ... in the States it's commonly referred to as "siding" that the Tin Men sell, not cladding which is technically defined as:

something that covers or overlays; specifically : metal coating bonded to a metal core
... all part of the service, no extra charge.

And you screwed up the UBB too, but I'm not going to mention that on account of how you're a buddy and all.


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Originally posted by Joe Shaw:

And you screwed up the UBB too, but I'm not going to mention that on account of how you're a buddy and all.

Joe, that was so noble of you....you chose not to humiliate your "best buddy" Stuka and point out his screw up to everyone. The Justiacar is so...just.


[ March 19, 2002, 12:15 AM: Message edited by: Persephone ]

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Originally posted by Joe Shaw :

... easy there young R_Leete, no tears in the CessPool lad.

And, from Lorak's page:

"A glob of spit heaped upon their heads would to them be a gift so great as to make them weep..."

As I haven't had to dodge any globs (yet), no weeping is forthcoming. But the spitballs Boo Radley has been hurling at my pillboxes have made quite the mess. This one's going to alert the EPA, with all those burning tanks of his.

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Hate to break up this purse fight between you and Jo Xia mate, but I wanted to let Boo and Yeknodathon know that they have a game in the mail.

The mission is the same for both of you - Secure the mountain pass before your armour arrives.

The Donkey fancies himself a stand in for Julie Andrews, so he is singing Edelweiss, while Boo gets to play for the pasty skinned lot.

Yeknod goes first.

[ March 19, 2002, 01:11 AM: Message edited by: Goanna ]

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Hey, you Haggis eating, scotch swilling, sasenach, OG-peeuuu!

WWB, CMBO scenario designer wonder kid, sent me 3 (read them 3) new scenarios for my collection. I helped him test one of these, but 2 I have yet to discover.

Let us do battle to determine who has the right to hate the Pommies more, Aussies or Scots!

Are you game(y)?


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Originally posted by Mace:

Hey, you Haggis eating, scotch swilling, sasenach, OG-peeuuu!

WWB, CMBO scenario designer wonder kid, sent me 3 (read them 3) new scenarios for my collection. I helped him test one of these, but 2 I have yet to discover.

Let us do battle to determine who has the right to hate the Pommies more, Aussies or Scots!

Are you game(y)?


Mace is drunk again (still?). Shouldn't that be WBW (for Wild Bill Wilder). And it's definitely 'Sassenach'.

Take a few deep breaths, Mace my happy little cockatoo, and try to recover yourself.

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Originally posted by Seanachai:

Mace is drunk again (still?). Shouldn't that be WBW (for Wild Bill Wilder). And it's definitely 'Sassenach'.

WWB, aka WWB-99 here on the board, is a fine designer NOT to be confused with Wild Bill.

Sasenach? Sassenach? My spell check only works on english.


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Guest PondScum
Originally posted by dalem:

OGSF: not-win, not-loss

dalem: not-win, not-loss

Ain't that satisfying?

You are, my liege, a wimp. Now this is satisfying:

Noba: lost 41 vehicles, including many Panther-type thingies. Lost in a major way.

PondScum: lost 4 vehicles and 1 piddly little aircraft. French, and therefore did not lose.

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