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The clock is ticking but PL Wont be hosting the Peng Challenge Thread....

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Originally posted by OGSF:

Di' Ah look lak Ah care? Tha "post-shootin' bad hair" may noo bae sae "Queensland hip", boot weildin' a 1942 dated Short Magazine Lee Enfield (SMLE) Mk. I No. III* Dispersal Rifle wi' a 1907 Wilkinson bayonet on tha aind *is* cool.

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Originally posted by OGSF:

a 1942 dated Short Magazine Lee Enfield (SMLE) Mk. I No. III* Dispersal Rifle wi' a 1907 Wilkinson bayonet on tha aind *is* cool.

Ye call tha ai Rifle??? Tha' ain' worth a wee spaniel's ass next to mah 1917 Brit, bolt-action rifle tha' mah gran-daddy carried in the great one. Still have a sling with 10 clips of original ammo ta boot!
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Better still -- anyone know an embassy official in Deutschland?

Have him grab a few copies, send it back home overnight in a diplomatic pouch, then fedex it from DC!

Unfortunately, my only friend in the diplomatic corps (a) is probably still irritate that his fiancee left him to date me (Hey! I didn't know they were even dating, let alone engaged at the time!) and (B) is stationed somewhere in the Caribbean.


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Originally posted by Lars:


sodding bastiches...

I hope BTS fixed it so the Russians are uber on their copies.

Salle cochons...

No uber-Russkies, but if there is justice, then the German version shipped with only the late war scenarios...

[ September 19, 2002, 12:05 PM: Message edited by: Herr Oberst ]

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I vote we pool our resources and buy Boo a ticket to Germany. A one-way ticket.

Come to think of it, there are more than a few of you I'd love to see accompany Boo on that flight. Mr. Peeper, could I borrow that list of yours? And oh yes, don't forget to include yourself, Peeper.

Hmmm.... And since we'd have you all on a single plane....

I wonder if BeerGut could accomodate the influx of that many souls at once. Bah! What am I thinking. None of you useless pillocks have souls.


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Unoriginally whined by IronChef4:

hi mom.

Rusty Frydaddy Mark IV, we'll send your mother home when Mace is finished with her.

She shouldn't have worn that wool sweater (or did you forget to shave her back this morning?).

In the meantime, why don't you and that Boo_Radley fellow go play in the traffic?

Better still, you could just SOD OFF!


[ September 19, 2002, 03:50 PM: Message edited by: MrSpkr ]

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Guest PondScum
Originally posted by dalem, the wandering minstrel of hate:



Mon petite commissar (for House Persiflage is being shipped to the eastern front even as we speak), I offer the following choice little thread to build your hatred to Peng-like levels:

$7 shipping?

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Originally posted by Boo_Radley:

{snippage of *whinge*, *moan*, *groan*, *general sufferance* at the inhumanity of it all - ie: WHY DIDN'T THE GOOD OL' BOYS GIT TH' DAMN FULL VERSION OF CMBB FIRST!} How Ozymandius-ish.

Nice to see you have learnt a leetle SOMETHING about what it means to be Oztraylian!

Suffer, baby Boo, SUFFER!!!


<SMALL><SMALL>(*sob...!!* I bet It'll be two weeks or more before us poor, downtrodden Aussies get CMBB. Sucks to be us... *waahh!*)<BIG><BIG>

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I'll not pay them bastiges $52 for the next installment of the greatest game ever.

Really, why don't they just frikken give it to me? I'm enough of a nice guy. Why should nice guys pay them any money? Certainly they are not as nice as I, and therefore should subsidize my gaming habit. And lord knows they don't need to eat. I've seen pictures of them, and I think Madmatt could survive quite comfortably off the rest of them for a few lunar cycles.

****e, why are more stupid people grown every minute? And don't even get me started about the gits and pillocks who want to know the hour and day when the game will arrive in their crippled little mouse-clenching hands. <big>GET A LIFE!</big>. I sort of have one, and though CM makes my life more enjoyable to a certain degree, I would enjoy my life whether or not I had a computer, let alone the best wargame of all time. Them BFC boys are cool, and a welcome addition to the planet, but they aren't the second frikken coming of Zoroaster.

When it comes right down to it, I think you lot are a ton of fun, and better than most peeps one meets in the daily aimless wandering along life's path. I'd like to buy you all a Beer, and teach you how to sing in perfect harmony (kinda like Zappa), but harmony to you blokes sounds a bit like a train wreck of inflated bagpipes.

Where was I? Where am I? Who cares?

The upshot is, that all of this, tank, gun, and spotter, matters not when you or your family members are waiting for the knife, or get told that they don't think it's worth fixing your teeth.

It ain't me, but it makes me hate the whiners all the more.

I work in a nice cushy office environment (for which I always hoped, not realizing it has its own drawbacks), and I get the urge to eviscerate and stangle with their own entrails those who bitch about "how cold their office is," or "why can't they let me choose the insurance carrier of my choice?"

Such are the spoiled detritus who have not had to work their way throug higher education, or had to write a bum check to get their child medical attention, or had to tell the government that they can "stop sending the checks now, 'cause I'm all better, and have a job" (and then have the pleasure of counting out many months of un-cashed checks out to the lady at the social security office after you've recieved a letter saying you've been ripping them off for several months, though you have copies of the letters you've sent asking them to stop sending you money), or to feed planer on graveyard shift when the temperature was 15 degrees, or having to chip the boards apart after an ice storm so they could go through a planer, or move hand-line irrigation pipe in tall corn.

Where the hell was I (tip of the hat to Berli)?

Oh yeah, those bitchin' folks are whiners, and whiners make me not like them from the get-go.

Or somefink like that.

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Originally posted by Leeo:

Oh yeah, those bitchin' folks are whiners, and whiners make me not like them from the get-go.

Or somefink like that.

Och, gi' us a wee hug ye big tart! Ah'll hae a sip o' Lagavulin tae ye hailth laddie!

Ah haid wondered wha ye haid gwin awah tae!

[ September 19, 2002, 11:00 PM: Message edited by: OGSF ]

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Originally posted by Leeo:

I'll not pay them bastiges $52 for the next installment of the greatest game ever...

...Where the hell was I (tip of the hat to Berli)?

Oh yeah, those bitchin' folks are whiners, and whiners make me not like them from the get-go.

Or somefink like that.

That was all rather nice, Leeo. A few tense parts, one or two forced bits, but in general, lovely.
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