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Are grogs snobs?

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Well? You tell me. Every time I post a subject I get half a dozen constructive replies and twice as many holier than thou ones......

Can't we all just get along and have a group hug? ;)

I can cope with different opinions but condescension is something else.

So what if the a particular topic or issue has been done to death. Amazingly enough there are some people out there who do not know this, let them have their say please.

I always thought wargamers were a friendly bunch (except for arguing about interpretations of ambiguos rules in those distant days of figure gaming!) :D

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I've noticed that at least half of the 'snippy' replies are usually wrong, to boot. A good rule of thumb is if you want a correct answer to a question it's best to just read the polite ones.

And, about being peeved at a repeat question. As I said before, if we limit ourselves to one thread for each topic it'll soon be a mighty quiet board!

[ October 28, 2002, 05:59 PM: Message edited by: MikeyD ]

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Naah, grogs aren't snobs. Besides, what you've encountered has nothing to do with grogs at all, really.

This community has been around for over two years now. We take good natured shots at each other quite frequently. The fact you got six serious answers to your questions shows we're really a friendly community. Ignore any perceived condescension and make sure you give the search function a fair try. There's a decent chance the answers to your questions can be found by searching.

This forum is very active. It's difficult to keep up, and some would probably rather not see the same questions asked several times. Do a few searches, then ask away if you can't dig up what you want.

Treeburst155 out.

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Nah, grogs aren't snobs. It's easy to generalise about any group and in the grog community, just as you'll find in any small overly specialized community, there are very vocal individuals who have zero tolerance for folks with diverging views or questions they feel have already been resolved. The 'RTFM' phenomenon and disdain for the 'unwashed masses' pose didn't arise with grogs and isn't limited to them. Likewise some of the coolest and best informed folks I know are self-described grognards as well.

I don't think CM would be the product we love so much if there wasn't a community of well studied, perfectionist, grognards out there but there are times individuals within that community really annoy the heck out of me with their tunnel vision and shrill, combatative, self-righteousness.

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Actually most boards have folks who patrol around and say "DO A SEARCH". It has nothing to do with being a grog and more to do with being on the boards too much!

The only time I have really been frustrated was when 3 million threads started up about the CDV release which was IMO (just an opinion) pointless.

Anyhow in general I think most are well recieved or at least told to read the FAQ. But every board has those.

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Two thoughts:

1. One can ask just about any question while avoiding a large percentage of snippy replies by posing questions in a clear, pleasant and non-confrontational manner. Few individuals in the know will take offense at a tone of honest, straightforward curiosity or sincere puzzlement.

2. If you do get a snippy reply, simply ignore it and focus on those answers that are genuinely useful and valuable....

[ October 28, 2002, 08:04 PM: Message edited by: CombinedArms ]

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Originally posted by Treeburst155:

We take good natured shots at each other quite frequently. The fact you got six serious answers to your questions shows we're really a friendly community. Ignore any perceived condescension and make sure you give the search function a fair try.

Ah the memories of my first posts. I posted one question and got so many smart alect responces that I did not post again for some time. Then I realized that it was all in good fun, and now I am usually the one marking snide remarks!! smile.gif


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Damn right they're snobs! Every last single one of them!

When I posted my 'send Seanachai a letter, card, or postcard telling him how much you hate him', did I get one bloody card from a Grog? I did not!

Jason Cawley, Rexford, wwb, that guy John Waters who's screenname is escaping me right now, Jeff Heidman, and all that lot: Not a single, bloody postcard! Not even that swine Dorosh! And I know he hates me!

So no question about Grog snobbiness, lad!

simple sodding postcard...how much time can that take...not one bloody ounce of grog-hate...wankers...grumble...grumble...

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you have to understand the terminology to appreciate the question....

~ David Attinbrough voiceover... ~ Are Grogs snobs?

G = Grumpy

R = Real

O = Old

G = Guys

S = Snobbin

So yes .... in their natural habitat a Grog when woken can display severe signs of snobbiness. They say this is best treated with a display of 'glazed eyes and a solitary yawn'

~/end voiceover~

hope this helps mate ;)

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Originally posted by Kanonier Reichmann:

Hey, I've got a great idea about a new Hollywood film.











GRUMPY OLD GROGS starring Jeff Heidman & Michael Dorosch with the love interest being Kitty. I think it may just work!

Kitty leaves halfway through the first reel when Jeff and Michael get into an argument over how far away soldiers of the Gross Deutchland regiment could be spotted in tall grass in poor light.

Jeff and Michael, not noticing that Kitty has left, continue the argument, citing obscure authors and quoting pamphlets and monographs of which only a dozen copies were ever printed, the last remaining one of which was discovered by occupying troops in the basement of a bombed out building on Neckerstrasse in Güntzenheim, for the next six reels. The audience—that is, those who haven't already slid into a deep coma—leaves by the beginning of the second reel. Critics proclaim it a post-modernist masterpiece.


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Originally posted by Kanonier Reichmann:

Hey, I've got a great idea about a new Hollywood film.

GRUMPY OLD GROGS starring Jeff Heidman & Michael Dorosch with the love interest being Kitty. I think it may just work!

Jim R.

Hopefully they spell my name correctly in the credits. ;)

Unfortunately, I never found Kitty the least bit attractive. Perhaps Jeff and I could agree on another costar?

I'd rather see rexford and JasonC - the true grogs - in such a feature. cosine! tangent! The excitement!

[ October 28, 2002, 10:14 PM: Message edited by: Michael Dorosh ]

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