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Are grogs snobs?

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Originally posted by Louie the Toad:

All grogs are not snobs.

Some snobs are grogs.

Some grogs are snobs.

All grogs grumble by definition.

snarly gnarly Toad

You have a contradiction there, Froggy...er, I mean Toady.

"All grogs are not snobs"=No grog is a snob.

But then you say, "Some grogs are snobs."


Thank you. It's nice to have a nit to pick. Gives my life meaning, you know.


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Originally posted by Priest:

Actually most boards have folks who patrol around and say "DO A SEARCH". It has nothing to do with being a grog and more to do with being on the boards too much!

Probably true, I think it's more a question of people being forum addicts than grognards.
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Guest Sgt. Emren

Yeah, and how does that saying go?

There are two kinds of people: Those who put people into categories, and those who do not. I belong to the second category.

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