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Can You See The Taunt? Peng, I Challenge You To See The Taunt!


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Originally posted by MrSpkr:

And for Andreas,. the special limited edition SS Dominatrix Barbie!

</font><blockquote>quote:</font><hr /> 29651_9993_main.jpg

Barbie® doll is both striking and sassy in her black satin bra and panty ensemble trimmed with black lace and pale blue bows, black stockings and garters. Her long jet black hair is styled in a sleek ponytail pulled up and away from her delicately featured face.

It's so lifelike -- as if she is looking around and thinking, "Where did I put that ball-gag?"


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Originally posted by MrSpkr:

Oh, well, how about this one?

Just trying to help, really.

Perhaps you could include it in a diorama scene with your Tamika models -- you know, G.I. Joe Rescues die Junge Fraulein.

Or whatever.



I could show her a thing or two that would melt her plastic!

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Originally posted by Boo_Radley:

</font><blockquote>quote:</font><hr />Originally posted by Panzer Leader:

Boo, please stop trying to post pictures. It never works.

Your kidding, right? You can't see the picture? It shows up fine for me. Are you running on a Coleco-vision, or somefink?</font>
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Originally posted by Boo_Radley:

</font><blockquote>quote:</font><hr />Originally posted by Panzer Leader:

Boo, please stop trying to post pictures. It never works.

Your kidding, right? You can't see the picture? It shows up fine for me. Are you running on a Coleco-vision, or somefink?</font>
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Originally posted by Seanachai:

No one can see your bloody pictures. No one has ever been able to see the pictures you supposedly link to. You are the only one that can seem to 'see' them, which goes along perfectly with the voices that only you can 'hear' telling you to run pantsless through the neighbours' yards at night barking, howling, and shouting 'Akron Rulez!'

My understanding is that most of your neighbours, gentrified descendants of the gap-toothed possum eaters that first arrived in decrepit automobiles in search of Firestone wealth, merely shrug and observe to each other "Well, it's annoyin', but he sure ain't no Panzer Leader. Gives the kids somethin' to watch rather than the Discovery channel."

Just for that, you can kiss your Christmas present goodbye, Seanachai!
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Originally posted by Boo_Radley:

</font><blockquote>quote:</font><hr />Originally posted by Panzer Leader:

Boo, please stop trying to post pictures. It never works.

Your kidding, right? You can't see the picture? It shows up fine for me. Are you running on a Coleco-vision, or somefink?</font>
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Originally posted by Boo_Radley:

Just for that, you can kiss your Christmas present goodbye, Seanachai!

Oh yeah? Well I just gave away Akron to the Slovenes on my 'Make Me Master of the Universe' thread (previously, 'Next CM: Nam', thread, shamelessly hijacked in the most vulgar way, but seriously, what kind of poor lackwit thinks that 'what's next for the CM engine will be determined by idjits voting?)
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Originally posted by Berlichtingen:

</font><blockquote>quote:</font><hr />Originally posted by Boo_Radley:

</font><blockquote>quote:</font><hr />Originally posted by Panzer Leader:

Boo, please stop trying to post pictures. It never works.

Your kidding, right? You can't see the picture? It shows up fine for me. Are you running on a Coleco-vision, or somefink?</font>
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Originally posted by Boo_Radley:

</font><blockquote>quote:</font><hr />Originally posted by Panzer Leader:

Boo, please stop trying to post pictures. It never works.

Your kidding, right? You can't see the picture? It shows up fine for me. Are you running on a Coleco-vision, or somefink?</font>
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Originally posted by Snarker:

No, Boo my toothless Noo Yark vision doesn't get your piccies either. Even with the 'copy link location' and paste trick. Says server not found.

You idiot! Don't screw around with digital tricks that could misfire and take you directly into the brain of Boo Radley.

My understanding is that it's like being trapped on the 'It's a Small, Small World' Disney ride for eternity.

Gods, how I hate New Yorkers. Always stepping forward with their fists clenched and their tongues out to: 'see if it's really urine'...

[edited to change one, simple letter that turned the whole post from 'merely weird' into 'unnaturally disgusting'}

[ December 23, 2002, 10:14 PM: Message edited by: Seanachai ]

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Originally posted by Panzer Leader:


I never planned on seeing it, but Death to Smoochie is the funniest movie I've seen in a lo-o-o-ong time. I'm still chuckling. Rent it NOW.

It's 'Death to Smoochy', you unbelievably inane pillock, and I'd rather swallow my own tongue than go with what you thought was funny.

If it truly is funny, do all the rest of us the favour of degrading it so we can actually feel good about renting it and enjoying it. Just knowing you found it funny cheapens it for me more than words can say.

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OK you lot - I've got an important announcement to make.

The good ladies may not get Smeagol for Christmas - but since I feature in the Twin Towers I thought that I would brighten up their day anyway 'cos I'm such a nice guy.

The rest of you may kiss my ring.

If you ask nicely.

Yes - that's right - yours truly - extra extraordinaire, is there at Osgiliath.

By some mistake of the director it's a bit difficult to say just exactly which of those Gondorian spearmen I am....but I know I'm one of them.

Bow down in the presence of greatness you scum and worse - your plaudits mean nothing to me - but send them on in anyway.

Oh - and Merry Christmas to you all - especially me, since unlike the rest of you I deserve it!

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Originally posted by Stalin's Organ:

OK you lot - I've got an important announcement to make.

The good ladies may not get Smeagol for Christmas - but since I feature in the Twin Towers I thought that I would brighten up their day anyway 'cos I'm such a nice guy.

The rest of you may kiss my ring.

If you ask nicely.

Yes - that's right - yours truly - extra extraordinaire, is there at Osgiliath.

By some mistake of the director it's a bit difficult to say just exactly which of those Gondorian spearmen I am....but I know I'm one of them.

Bow down in the presence of greatness you scum and worse - your plaudits mean nothing to me - but send them on in anyway.

Oh - and Merry Christmas to you all - especially me, since unlike the rest of you I deserve it!

That's the trouble with 'bit' part actors, or worse - "extras". They lose their "bits" over nothing.

That's all we get..."Read all about it ! Lookie here, i'm a star" or..."if you rent it on DVD and freeze the movie at 1hr 35min 6 seconds - you'll see me in the top right hand corner, waving a spear" (That's if the computer graphics people left your ugly dial in by mistake, of course).

We don't give a fat rats clacker if you were in the movie or not. You did nothing a computer couldn't have done better. In fact, you downgraded it by being there. Pillock.


ps,Due to the time zone difference; Merry christmas.

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Dear Berli

Being Xmas and all, I feel it appropos to bring to your attention something that will make EVEN YOU SMILE! Now THAT is uncommonly newsworthy!

Thus -


Ladies and Gentleworms! In the RED corner, I give you OGSF, the blundering, bloated, bewildered, blathering blaggard of the Clan McFuddle.

In the Blue Corner {so, the Axis truppenwurst are GREY - so SUE me - nyaaaah!} I give you the dashing, intelligent and oh, so very clever Sir Aussiejeff, master of tactical genius .... or somefink!!

Thence to battle they twixed, midst the vales and dales of the faer "Lonely Country",

OGSF twisted and fainted, thrust and parry with his horde of Uber T-34 MK III clanketty thingies....

Brave Sir Aussiejeff's poor, undergunned Stugpigs x 2 were wounded most mortally in a desperately UNLUCKY firefight with the uncivil-ised Rusk-eaters... the end seemd certain and bloody, for DID NOT OGSF possess an OVERWHELMING FIREPOWER SUPERIORITY with the demise of my 2 stuck swine??

But fear not, dear reader - when doom for Sir Aussie seemed nigh, he brandished his BIG SECRET WEAPON!! YES!!!! IT WAS THE WEAPON OF <BIG>TIME!!</BIG>

For little did the tactically inept nincompoop OGSF know, but that the sands of his hourglass were fast approaching - EMPTY! But NEIGH!! Did he urge his forces on? NO!!! and a thousand times, NOOOOO! He dids't TARRY and DILLY-DALLY, sniffing the daisies and poop, as it were. Or somefink harder, mayhap...?

And so it came to pass, that on the designated last turn, NO EXTRA TURNS WERE FORTHCOMING and with OGSF a-hooting and a-hollering about a sweet impending victory over the coming EXTRA turns, these shallow words were WRENCHED from his foam-spitted maw MOST VICIOUSLY and awarded instead to the BRILLIANT REARGUARD ACTION OF SIR AUSSIEJEFF, who inflicted a painful and COMPLETELY HUMILIATING MINOR VICTORY on the re-doubtable OGSF to the tune of 64 vs 36!!

Santa, on seeing the sarcastic value in this twist in the tale of woe for the sad and now hopelessly deflated bagpipes of the Aussie/Pom/Yank/Swedish/German/Finn/Scotsman {delete whichever takes yer fancy..}, felt only one word need be expressed forthwith .....




[Edited for political correctness]

[ December 24, 2002, 05:43 AM: Message edited by: AussieJeff ]

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