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Why doesn't the Peng Challenge come with a printed manual?


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Originally posted by Boo_Radley:

</font><blockquote>quote:</font><hr />Originally posted by AussieJeff:

Fer GDAW'S SAKE Bereft Brew, please OD not post your weld PRON in the TMB!!


Calm down, Sausage Jeff, your dyslexia is running away with you again (though not far enough, dag nabbit!)

When you were a child at Halloween, did you run from house to house yelling, "Trick or Trout!"?

And of course the neighbors would say, "Oh, it's that weird Ossler Jeff bloke...better give him a fish."

On second thought, you probably never had Halloween when you were growing up. How sad.</font>

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I'm horrified that no-one has bothered to put little Leo out of his missery (and ours) by actually answeing the question he so plaintively asked in teh title!!

now, now - let us be charitable to those less fortunate than everyone else on the planet - it's not his fault he has the personality of a brain-dead amoeba1

So Limpid Leo - the answer to you plea is that there's no manual becuase you can't read and eth Cess pool is best learned by osmosis anyway - which should suit you!!

Now back to crying over my beer for some unknown reason.......

Oh, and if yuo're awaiting a turn from me then I don't fecking care - my computer went on strike for the weekend so I have no spare sympathy for you lot!

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Originally posted by Andreas in response to Ass Master:

Look, if you don't have anything witty to say, maybe you should just shut the... (what was that Berli? I can't say that? But... Oh... Hmmm, bother...).

While anyone with the common sense to tell Ass Master to stuff a cork in it can't be a complete imbecile, I feel compelled to point out that not having anything witty to say hasn't stopped you from posting in here yet, Andreas. I keep hoping though.

Originally posted by Andreas

Papa -

snippage of some of Andreas' soap opera pop psychology

Have a nice day.

Have we not covered this ground before? If I've told you once I've told you, well, twice now... Nice is not in our vocabulary.


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Originally posted by Goanna:

But you would figure that if you found something you didn't like on the bbs and it was clearly marked each and every time with the words Peng and Challenge that you could avoid it without too many worries.

My gods, man, what about the bandwidth?!?!?!?!?
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Originally posted by Boo_Radley:

I have to thank you for writing this.

I can accept cash, check, or money order.

I was feeling kind of depressed what with the Browns losing to the Titans this afternoon...

Remember Boo-Boo, no matter how bad it gets, at least you can still thumb your nose at we poor unfortunates up here in the great northland. Why, last I heard, Seanachai was considering trying out at cornerback. And even an old worn-out sack of bones like him has a real shot at making the starting lineup.

...and knowing that while I'm at work tomorrow, CMBB will show up and languish on my doorstep for several hours, but when I read the above, I just started laughing out loud. I mean, we're talking monster laughs here, tears streaming down my cheeks, thighs being slapped. It lifted me right out of my doldrums.

Are you off your meds again?

I ordered it the first day it was available, so you're probably the last to know, but you should be used to that by now, I'd think. By the way, your parents wanted me to tell you that you're adopted.

Thanks. I know you have my emotional well-being at heart. That's just the kind of guy you are, Boo.

And by the way, thanks for being such a good sport about being forced to move out of your room in Mom and Dad's basement to make room for my storage area. It doesn't upset you that I'm already calling them Mom and Dad, does it? I think the favoritism they're currently showing towards me will wear off in time. The guilt of losing me in the first place, etc.

So, how are things working out down at the trailer park?

I would never muscle in on your territory.

That's great news. Because I have a lot of stuff and now I'm thinking that I just might need that trailer of yours to stow some extra furniture. Don't you have a cousin in a van down by a river somewhere?


[ September 23, 2002, 12:28 AM: Message edited by: Papa Khann ]

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yOu pEEplE are orl sick. THis thrEad is stewpiD. *drool* tHis thrEad shud moov to the Gener....*scrabble* *scamper*

Gi' oot o' at ye mangey bugger!! Bleedin' span'l! Ah turrn mah back fer wun minute an she's a' tha keyboard agin. At's noo enough tha' she walloped Joe Shaw ain a QB, noo she thinks she's a bleedin' social critic! Waill she kin jus' gi' her ain poxy forum account...

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Well well, apart from a bunch of blathering by the Mindless Mongrels of Morosity™ (and you know who you are), is there any taunting going on here? I mean, have I come to the wrong thread?

Now, Amsterdam Leather Press™ - are they busy with the hookers down the road or why is their publications department slacking? Get on with it.

In other news SovInform tells us that Berli's forces in a little-known place called Stalingrad are dying heroically for Herr Führer. Lots of dying, too. I always knew that Berli would not be able to withstand a tactically well-executed close in attack. Lots of medals coming in for my Heroes of the Soviet-Union. Watch this space.

In a travesty of balance created by said Mr. Berli, my scum-SS defenders have been routed and killed a lot by hordes of tanks by the Master CMBB Uniform Creator™. I thought I was reading a Carell book when watching the movie - it made me feel all warm and happy to see the SS-Totenkopf scum ground to bits unter T34 tank tracks.

Please join me in wishing Wally a nice day.

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Originally posted by Andreas:

Well well, apart from a bunch of blathering by the Mindless Mongrels of Morosity™ (and you know who you are), is there any taunting going on here? I mean, have I come to the wrong thread?

There was precious little taunting in your post as well.

Btw You're a German residing and working in England, correct? It look's like after waiting patiently for revenge some 50 years, Germany finally pays back on England.


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Originally posted by Mace:

There was precious little taunting in your post as well.

Btw You're a German residing and working in England, correct? It look's like after waiting patiently for revenge some 50 years, Germany finally pays back on England.


Well well, see who the shoe fits. If you're so smart, why don't you send me a setup you sorry excuse for a Koalafondler, and then I would have somefink to taunt you about.

Make it smallish QB, I don't want to tax your attention span too much, and it would not do to make Dolly feel all lonely in your bedroom, eh?

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Originally posted by Berlichtingen:


Less taunting and more turn sending.

If you had seen what I just saw in the movie, you would be less eager, let me tell you that. it is amazing how RL tactics work in CMBB, eh wot.

Irrepressible in action mate, irrepressible. My lot, not yours. They seem to be hankering for Mutter's Rockzipfel.

Edited to provide a link to an article that will be educational for the sourly one.

[ September 23, 2002, 07:40 AM: Message edited by: Andreas ]

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Originally posted by Andreas:

[QBit is amazing how RL tactics work in CMBB, eh wot.[/QB]

What's amazing is how long it is taking you to advance in a scenario YOU CREATED! Now, I would never stoop so low as to accuse you of being <font size="+4">a gamey bastich</font>, but it does seem somewhat irregular

[editted to add...]

Great article! I'm impressed with your sources

[ September 23, 2002, 07:49 AM: Message edited by: Berlichtingen ]

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Originally posted by Berlichtingen:

</font><blockquote>quote:</font><hr />Originally posted by Andreas:

[QBit is amazing how RL tactics work in CMBB, eh wot.

What's amazing is how long it is taking you to advance in a scenario YOU CREATED! Now, I would never stoop so low as to accuse you of being <font size="+4">a gamey bastich</font>, but it does seem somewhat irregular

[editted to add...]

Great article! I'm impressed with your sources[/QB]</font>

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Originally posted by Andreas:

</font><blockquote>quote:</font><hr />Originally posted by Berlichtingen:


Less taunting and more turn sending.

If you had seen what I just saw in the movie, you would be less eager, let me tell you that. it is amazing how RL tactics work in CMBB, eh wot.

Irrepressible in action mate, irrepressible. My lot, not yours. They seem to be hankering for Mutter's Rockzipfel.

Edited to provide a link to an article that will be educational for the sourly one.</font>

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