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Why doesn't the Peng Challenge come with a printed manual?


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Have them uncouth aussies gone to bed yet? Is it safe to come on here? Right, WHERE'S MY FREAKING TURNS???. Just because some of you lucky people have got CMBB, is no reason to stop sending turns!! So:-

Gaylad get your finger out and hit the send button.

OGSF quit playing with your wee spaniel and send me a turn.

NobHead get your arse out of bed and sober up man, send a freakin turn.

Doug Beman Hmmmm, you DJB, just cos it's the last turn and you're going to lose, don't mean you can delay it, get with the programme man and admit defeat gracefully.

Everyone else can sod off in short bouncy steps, including you Bo Diddley you slimey grass eating surrender monkey!! Don't think I missed your feeble attempt at taunting me on the outer boards it was so poor I seriously thought about ignoring it, however, to celebrate the launch of CMBB I intend to bury your sorry ass deep in the snow of the Eastern Front (when I get the freakin game) so standby to recieve a setup on or around 4 Oct 2002. No doubt this will send you scurrying to the medicine cupboard or the drinks cabinet, to fortify your miserable excuse for a body to face up to a fight with a real opponent, do whatever you must do, but face facts, come October you will be grovelling at my feet, begging me to administer the coup de grace but I will laugh in your face and bury your rotting corpse amongst the pigs entrails and other messy gooey stuff in the paddock of my Lord and Master!

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Folks: Why doesn't this monotonous, pueril, barf get moved to the garbage can where it belongs rather than appear on this board in any form? At least, move it to the GDF so that some of us will not be bothered with its juvenile drivel! What is it that you don't understand about this humble request? Martin, Matt, Steve??? Please help. A3 :mad: :confused:

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Originally posted by athkatla:

Come on guys, 1 thread from page 2!!! *BUMP*

Look, if you don't have anything witty to say, maybe you should just shut the... (what was that Berli? I can't say that? But... Oh... Hmmm, bother...).

Why don't you just stay quiet and let this abomination of a thread die. It is not like there has been any intelligent life sighted in here, apart from myself and Berli.

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Originally posted by arax3:

Folks: Why doesn't this monotonous, pueril, barf get moved to the garbage can where it belongs rather than appear on this board in any form? At least, move it to the GDF so that some of us will not be bothered with its juvenile drivel! What is it that you don't understand about this humble request? Martin, Matt, Steve??? Please help. A3

My dear Arax3,

If you don't like the MBT, if you don't appreciate the MBT, if you are offended by what is contained in the MBT, then why not stay out of the MBT?

What is it that you don't understand?

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Originally posted by Persephone:

</font><blockquote>quote:</font><hr />Originally posted by Andreas:

Why don't you just stay quiet and let this abomination of a thread die. It is not like there has been any intelligent life sighted in here, apart from myself and Berli.

*Persephone walks into the room*

Hello Andreas!


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Originally posted by athkatla:

Everyone else can sod off in short bouncy steps, including you Bo Diddley you slimey grass eating surrender monkey!! Don't think I missed your feeble attempt at taunting me on the outer boards it was so poor I seriously thought about ignoring it, however, to celebrate the launch of CMBB I intend to bury your sorry ass deep in the snow of the Eastern Front (when I get the freakin game) so standby to recieve a setup on or around 4 Oct 2002. No doubt this will send you scurrying to the medicine cupboard or the drinks cabinet, to fortify your miserable excuse for a body to face up to a fight with a real opponent, do whatever you must do, but face facts, come October you will be grovelling at my feet, begging me to administer the coup de grace but I will laugh in your face and bury your rotting corpse amongst the pigs entrails and other messy gooey stuff in the paddock of my Lord and Master!

My oh my, how he do go on!

I'll be sure to pencil you in on my calendar for sometime in early October, you enormous cloud of walking B.O. So glad to hear your job is finally paying dividends. It's funny though, I didn't think Britain had rodeo clowns.

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Originally posted by arax3:

Folks: Why doesn't this monotonous, pueril, barf get moved to the garbage can where it belongs rather than appear on this board in any form? At least, move it to the GDF so that some of us will not be bothered with its juvenile drivel! What is it that you don't understand about this humble request? Martin, Matt, Steve??? Please help. A3 :mad: :confused:

Far be it for me to question your intelligence, but if it bothers you, why are you here?
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Originally posted by athkatla:

Come on guys, 1 thread from page 2!!! *BUMP*

Now there's a witty post. Did you perhaps work on this one for a long time? Long hours, many rewrites, that sort of thing? We are awfully glad that you shared this with us. Our lives are now complete for having read your insightful post.
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Originally posted by arax3:

Folks: Why doesn't this monotonous, pueril, barf get moved to the garbage can where it belongs rather than appear on this board in any form? At least, move it to the GDF so that some of us will not be bothered with its juvenile drivel! What is it that you don't understand about this humble request? Martin, Matt, Steve??? Please help. A3 :mad: :confused:

Wha' are yoo, Jimmy? Tha stankin' covenant commitee? Stay oot o mah thraid, ye mangle-grindin' tit-warbler.
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Originally posted by Boo_Radley:

Dear Pepper Corn,

I don't know what makes you such a git, but it sure works well.

Just to allay your girlish fears, know that as soon as I recieve my copy of CMBB, I intend to get positively Rococco* on yo' arse. So be sure to stock up on twice your usual allotment of industrial size Depends, cause you're gonna need em, laddie.

(* That's like Medieval, but with more flourishes.)

My dear Boo-Boo, I would be more than happy to exercise my superior tactical awareness upon your most flamboyant self. When you manage to cajole enough nickels out of poor unsuspecting innocents to place an order for CM:BB, please make sure I'm the first to know.

Do try to assemble the requisite funds in a timely fashion, Boo. I know you won't let me down (mainly because I couldn't possibly have less faith in you). In fact I'm certain that even now you've adorned yourself with makeup, wig, and tawdry apparel and are currently working your stool down at the local rum-hole.

And by the way, you misspelled "rococo". Git.


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Originally posted by Andreas:

Technical writer eh? So you're a Wally. That explains it.

I take offense at your slanderous utterance, whelp. I am NOT "a Wally". Around these functionally illiterate parts, I am the preeminent Wally.

Let that be a lesson to you.



By the way, Androida, I visited your "Der Kessel" and perused your crappy scenarios. Did I overlook the forum or bulletin board where visitors are encouraged to tell the scenario designer (hint: in other words, you, pillock) to 'Git stoofed'?

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Papa - believing that one (you - for the slow of mind) is pre-eminent is a good sign that one (you, oh feeble-minded) should go and spend $20 on a shrink. I suggest you'd better do it today than tomorrow.

Regarding feedback - yes indeed, you have overlooked the place where one (or even you, brainert) can give feedback. It is the Scenario Depot.

Mind you, my most likely reply to your peeved reviews would be 'Don't blame your tactical ineptitude on the scenario designer - it is like a 3rd rate German general blaming Adolf for all his losses. Not pretty, redundant, and oh so obvious.'

Have a nice day.

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Originally posted by Andreas:

Papa - believing that one (you - for the slow of mind) is pre-eminent is a good sign that one (you, oh feeble-minded) should go and spend $20 on a shrink. I suggest you'd better do it today than tomorrow.

Regarding feedback - yes indeed, you have overlooked the place where one (or even you, brainert) can give feedback. It is the Scenario Depot.

Mind you, my most likely reply to your peeved reviews would be 'Don't blame your tactical ineptitude on the scenario designer - it is like a 3rd rate German general blaming Adolf for all his losses. Not pretty, redundant, and oh so obvious.'

Have a nice day.

Someone must have spilled your pint this evening. Don't be such a sourpuss. Consider the village idiot to be local color. You'll reduce your stress level.
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Originally posted by Hakko Ichiu:

Someone must have spilled your pint this evening. Don't be such a sourpuss. Consider the village idiot to be local color. You'll reduce your stress level.

Stop blathering and get on with some East Front Grog Ponr™.

I am waiting...

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Originally posted by Papa Khann:

My dear Boo-Boo, I would be more than happy to exercise my superior tactical awareness upon your most flamboyant self.

I have to thank you for writing this. I was feeling kind of depressed what with the Browns losing to the Titans this afternoon and knowing that while I'm at work tomorrow, CMBB will show up and languish on my doorstep for several hours, but when I read the above, I just started laughing out loud. I mean, we're talking monster laughs here, tears streaming down my cheeks, thighs being slapped. It lifted me right out of my doldrums.

When you manage to cajole enough nickels out of poor unsuspecting innocents to place an order for CM:BB, please make sure I'm the first to know.

I ordered it the first day it was available, so you're probably the last to know, but you should be used to that by now, I'd think. By the way, your parents wanted me to tell you that you're adopted.

Do try to assemble the requisite funds in a timely fashion, Boo. I know you won't let me down (mainly because I couldn't possibly have less faith in you). In fact I'm certain that even now you've adorned yourself with makeup, wig, and tawdry apparel and are currently working your stool down at the local rum-hole.

I would never muscle in on your territory.

And by the way, you misspelled "rococo". Git.


I felt the need to throw you a bone in there somewhere. Being a hack plagiarist, I mean technical writer, I know it must hurt you to the very quick to have to read the gems that trip lightly off my keyboard.
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Originally posted by Boo_Radley:

... streaming down my cheeks, thighs being slapped... muscle in ... I felt the .. bone in there somewhere...I know it must hurt..


Fer GDAW'S SAKE Bereft Brew, please OD not post your weld PRON in the TMB!!


[ September 22, 2002, 07:45 PM: Message edited by: AussieJeff ]

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French tires...that figures.

Hey, did you know that they immediately go flat if you put them on a German car?

Ha. Liar liar, pants on fire...!

My car is a Belgian built, German designed Astra.

Not true.

They do squeal nicely when you corner quickly, though. :D


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Originally posted by AussieJeff:

Fer GDAW'S SAKE Bereft Brew, please OD not post your weld PRON in the TMB!!


Calm down, Sausage Jeff, your dyslexia is running away with you again (though not far enough, dag nabbit!)

When you were a child at Halloween, did you run from house to house yelling, "Trick or Trout!"?

And of course the neighbors would say, "Oh, it's that weird Ossler Jeff bloke...better give him a fish."

On second thought, you probably never had Halloween when you were growing up. How sad.

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You know, for a retired attorney, that Arax isn't the sharpest tack in the box is he? Not that being an attorney means you have any base intellegence at all, mind you, just look at mrsqkr for example of that. But you would figure that if you found something you didn't like on the bbs and it was clearly marked each and every time with the words Peng and Challenge that you could avoid it without too many worries.

Unless you are adumbass cowboy I guess. Must come from living in WY and sucking in all that industrial waste so readily.

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