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God Save the Peng and this Honorable Challenge

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Originally posted by Lurkur:

</font><blockquote>quote:</font><hr /> Mace wrote:

btw, wtf is a Millicent?

Obviously it's one-thousandth of a penny. Geeze, I thought you guys had converted to metric years ago.


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As a lowly squire, I would never presume to correct or contradict a Dame of the Pool, especially one with the terrible power to remove my head and place it on who-knows-what!

Bowing and backpedaling obsequiously.


Squire to Sir Boo_Radley

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Originally posted by Persephone:

</font><blockquote>quote:</font><hr />Originally posted by Lurkur:

</font><blockquote>quote:</font><hr /> Mace wrote:

btw, wtf is a Millicent?

Obviously it's one-thousandth of a penny. Geeze, I thought you guys had converted to metric years ago.


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Originally posted by chrisl:

</font><blockquote>quote:</font><hr />Originally posted by Persephone:

</font><blockquote>quote:</font><hr />Originally posted by Lurkur:

</font><blockquote>quote:</font><hr /> Mace wrote:

btw, wtf is a Millicent?

Obviously it's one-thousandth of a penny. Geeze, I thought you guys had converted to metric years ago.


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Originally posted by AussieJeff:

</font><blockquote>quote:</font><hr />Originally posted by OGSF:

Och! *patooie* Stankin' sewer grogs!!!

Sae, Mr Mcsomebodyorother, where's eh feckin' setup ye trysted mae 33 moons hence, eh? Hae yer spoor-r-r-r-an choocked a fit an' gobbled yer goolies ur whit? Ahm a'weetin' fer ye, wee laddy. Dinnae disappoint mae will ye ....tap, tap.....


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Hirsute Hiram’s Gamey Update

JDMorse I would like to meet whoever created this scenario and kick him in the butt repeatedly. I’m just hitting Go until it autosurrenders. He sure is taking his sweet time with his hoardes of Merkins. Bad barrister.

Elvis Second verse, same as the first. This guy is much more aggressive with his armor and his infantry. His band of car salesmen are pummeling my brave troops and this one should be over much sooner than my fight with the ambulance chaser.

Speedbump Things don’t look to good for the home team. He is sitting on the flags waiting for my conscript troops to do something. I’m waiting for an act of providence from above. Three PBEM’s so far, won’t win a single one.

Fionn Kelly He is dropping artillery on where he thinks I am. It is to laugh. *Snort* I wave my hirsute heiney in his direction and whimsically pass gas. I await his gamey rush of scoutey dudes so I might pummel him. I will capture his recon and make them dance for me. They will then be indoctrinated into the Feeble Forces of Hiram’s Mediocre Militia.

Goanna The reptilian engineer dude and I are starting a scenario created by Marlow called “Opportunity Knocks". I am actually Allies on this one. I will hang his carcass with my collection of gecko’s who were too slow. I promise to review this one after I lose pitifully…uh, I mean…spank that Lizard booty.

Croda & Slapdragon sitting in a tree. Both still owe turns to me.

Edited because heaven and earth will pass away but I will continue to be a product of the American School system. I will now call my 3rd grade teacher and verbally berate her for contributing to my glaring intellectual ineptitude.

[ June 21, 2002, 11:04 AM: Message edited by: Hiram Sedai ]

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Originally posted by Hiram Sedai:

Edited because heaven and earth will pass away but I will continue to be a product of the American School system. I will now call my 3rd grade teacher and verbally berate her for contributing to my glaring intellectual ineptitude.

I assume you have her on speed dial.
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Originally posted by Herr Oberst:

I do hope you'll both be ever so kind and forward your turn files so I can watch the torture...

hehe... hoho... snicker...

Yeah, you set up a gun-fight and gave me a knife. Thanks a truck-load. You'll get your files when I'm good and ready (and Shaw can get out of the Mormon Tub of Love long enough to send me a turn).
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Originally posted by Hakko Ichiu:

</font><blockquote>quote:</font><hr />Originally posted by Herr Oberst:

I do hope you'll both be ever so kind and forward your turn files so I can watch the torture...

hehe... hoho... snicker...

Yeah, you set up a gun-fight and gave me a knife. Thanks a truck-load. You'll get your files when I'm good and ready (and Shaw can get out of the Mormon Tub of Love long enough to send me a turn).</font>
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Originally posted by The_Capt:

</font><blockquote>quote:</font><hr />Originally posted by Harv:

Alrighty then.

<big>CMplayer</big> you worthless znert of a knaggit...IT IS TIME!!

Seeing as how your useless squirrel (you know the one...his cheeks are full of himself) refuses, ignores, and diregards my challenges I feel that You Sir should fleece me in such a way that I shall be satisfied. Or something.

So say you what to this? No, no...not "what", I didn't mean it literally... I mean do you accept?

Nevermind. Just send me a setup. Whenever. But no more than 2000 points and no snow.

I hope Jimmy's Rabbit is not speaking of me! I am afraid I have yet to see a challenge from the chicken tasing Cess treat.

I assure you Harv ol buddy that if you wish to challenge me, that I will make soup from your innards and a puppet from your skin.</font>

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Originally posted by Harv:


Gee Harv, I thought you were just flirting with me.

Don't try to be clever or deep lad, you simple haven't in you.

If all THAT spread about like so much manure on a newly sewn field is what constitutes a challenge these..well no wonder this poor thread is fading into irrelivance.

Come out and just say what you mean! I am not going to have sex with you so no need to be alluring or "hard to get".

How about "Hey The_Corporal, why don't you shut the large opening which God seems to have placed 3 ft too high for it's obvious purpose. Stop picking on old Joe cause that is just cruel.

I think it is high time somebody rounded off that pointy head and since the virtual chainsaw has not been invented yet, CM will have to do. Perhaps when I leave you sobbing in a pool of your own tears, blood and other un-named fluid, we can get back to loathing at a post-elementary school level."

Or words to that effect. Look I am flattered and maybe a little curious but I don't go for those back door shinnanigans (nod to Homer here). Now if my kniggit wants to seperate your cinderblock from it's shoulders and make you his "Rabbit" so be it but don't go wining like some artsy-fartsy "Modern Humanities Major" who simply can't be "understood"...if you want deep go buy some Doors tapes.

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Originally posted by Berlichtingen:

</font><blockquote>quote:</font><hr />Originally posted by Joe Shaw:

Berli, you wanted evidence that we need a gatekeeper to keep unqualified Squires from being appointed?

No, no, no. That is not the question. The question is do we want YOU to be the gatekeeper? Convince us</font>
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Originally posted by Joe Shaw:

Boo_Radley and I are playing a 300 point QB ME in the dark on a small map with the computer buying the troops. I've high hopes that my Elite assault boats will win the day for me.


Whereas the AI in it's infinite wisdom, has seen fit to give me a cadre of clerk typists and an adolescent wombat with a club foot named Neville. (The wombat is named Neville, I have no idea what the foot goes by)
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It's Gamey Update Friday!!!

Those Who Are Dying:

Agua Perdido: Not really dying yet. But he will be as soon as CMBB comes out. You're on the top of the list, Mr. Yellow Perrier. You will be poured down the throats of my men for a victory celebration toast on the banks of the Volga and then sent downstream the usual satisfying way after internal processing.

Iskander: I think I'm winning. Then again he could be. When he sends the file we'll both know.

MrSpkr: My hatred for lawyers grows every time one of his turns shows up. What was it that Socrates said? "Lawyers are the meanest and smallest of men. They never talk about what they are interested in, but only what others pay them to". Wise man, Socrates. Might be why the lawyers killed him off. I'm going to lose this one, but I'm going to lose it with more skill than a mere paid talking head could ever muster.

OGSF: Back from vacation and still P.O.'d about the Assault Boat. Has sent a squad with ONE man left and a sharpened ubersticker to dispatch it. Isn't that gamey?

Noba: Going to lose. Have I mentioned lately that he's played this scenario before?

AussieJeff: I like AJ. He dies well. And in great masses.

Simon: He likes stone walls. I hate them. I would have stamped something rather rude on his carcass if there wasn't a wall around the churches on the map. And if his tanks weren't there either, I suppose.

Off to the lake for the rest of the weekend. You know the drill by now. You'll get your turns when the beer runs out.

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Originally posted by Berlichtingen:

I really don't think I can add anything to Hiram's post.

[sneer]A typical Berli response![/sneer] Faced with the inescapable logic of my proposition he falls back on the response of another ... pity that Hiram was the best he could do.

Admit it Berli, the job needs to be done and I'm the best one for the job!

Oh ... and Hiram, the grown-ups are talking here lad, go outside and see if you can find Jimmy Hoffa's body or something.


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Originally posted by Boo_Radley:

</font><blockquote>quote:</font><hr />Originally posted by Joe Shaw:

Boo_Radley and I are playing a 300 point QB ME in the dark on a small map with the computer buying the troops. I've high hopes that my Elite assault boats will win the day for me.


Whereas the AI in it's infinite wisdom, has seen fit to give me a cadre of clerk typists and an adolescent wombat with a club foot named Neville. (The wombat is named Neville, I have no idea what the foot goes by)</font>
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