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Originally posted by MrSpkr:

Lars, Seanachai, dalem and Berli enjoy a bit of childhood trouble.

As produced and directed by Boo, the Cess-tech geek.


Wow...that was lame...I usually stay out of the cesspool , but I just have to say...lame...

Steve...you just wasted 5 minutes of my life :D .

Now carry on with your bickering and treat my fellow swedes nice !


[ November 11, 2003, 07:19 PM: Message edited by: Salkin ]

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Originally posted by Elvis:

Dear Buzzard,

The numbering or non-numbering of turns has nothing to do with whether an email was received or not. If we had been numbering turns and I hadn't received the email how would numbering have helped me determine that you had sent it and I hadn't received it? It is flawed logic like yours that reinforces my stance that onlt dimwitted knuckleheads need to number files...and most of the time they don't even know why they are doing it (other than the "everyone else is doing it so I guess I should too" reason).



Listen, numbskull, I know that you are getting all of my emails, and they are simply getting overlooked as they are crowded by all the viagra adds, porn solicitations, and Eagle fanboy emails in your inbox. If each of my emails contained a file with a new name there would be a least a chance of sparking a little bit of intelligence -- a chance that you would realize you should acutally load and play the newly arrived file instead of sitting at your computer plucking nose hairs and wondering why you haven't heard from me in a few days.
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Originally posted by v42below:

Interesting logic, SSN. Let me chew this up for you before you sod off.

I send a turn with a set up (turn played) - 1.

I get one back with a set up - 2

I make my moves and send a turn (turn played) - 3

I get one back with moves made, the computer processes the results and I send the video back (turn not played, only sent) - 4

My oponnent watches the playback and sends it back to me - 5

I watch the play back and make my moves (turn played) - 6

Thus, I am now playing the even turns, until the circle completes again.

Now be a good lad and SOD OFF ... there's a good boy... go on now... that's the way... out the door... just another step...

<font size=7>SLAM!</font>

Let's hope that's that.


Gee, Berli, why you callin' me a twit?

Number 4, twit

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Aussie rules #8088.932.1: Never get caught.

As produced and directed by Boo, the Cess-tech geek.[/QB]
What quality! What fine acting! What an excellent plot!

I'm sure the youth of America will give that bit of animation the sort of attention it rightly deserves.

Now if you excuse me, I have houses to egg.


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Originally posted by tiny_tanker:

Hey Lars what kind of trucks are they?


Hmm, maybe if I take the tires, master cylinder and tailgate off the white one and put them on the blue one...

Or should I pull the gas tanks and engine out of the blue one and put them on the white one?

Decisions, decisions....

SSN Hint Of The Day: Put your initials in wet concrete.

Now sod off.

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Originally posted by rune:

Lars has two beat up Ford pick-ups...

Berli , when did you re-locate Lars to South Carolina?


What the heck do you need a 4x4 for in South Carolina?

Not only does it not snow, even if you make a break for the border, you're just going to end up in North Carolina or {shudder} Georgia...

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Lars ,

For all the mud from the hurricanes that blow ashore every other week? However, with your two ppick-ups is such a state, if either one had a gun rack, I would of accused you from being from Texas. perhaps, even, Mr. Spkr's good twin.


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Originally posted by Lars:


Hmm, maybe if I take the tires, master cylinder and tailgate off the white one and put them on the blue one...

Or should I pull the gas tanks and engine out of the blue one and put them on the white one?

Decisions, decisions....

Lars, here's a smart career changing move:

If you're going to run a successful chop-shop, steal a better class of car.

Or rather, in your case, have your innumerable criminal cousins steal a better class of car.

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Originally posted by MrSpkr:

</font><blockquote>quote:</font><hr />Originally posted by Lars:

What's the matter, MrSpkr, couldn't afford a REAL law library?

Well, my latest attempt to explain to Frunze that the U.S. Constitution does not say what he believes it does was, unfortunately, unsuccessful. So, I decided to seek resources more developmentally appropriate for neo-Marxist stooges.

Steve </font>

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Originally posted by CMplayer:

A noun is anything you can put 'god-damned' in front of. That's the proper definition. Do you have the phone number to that teacher?

The guy who fielded the call didn't get their phone number. He didn't even have the good sense to learn the little 'frown is not a noun' song down by heart so I could reproduce it for you here. I told him he was foolish. That woman spent God knows how many minutes immortalizing the fact that she was a halfwit in song. The least we could do is learn her song and sing it forever after as cruel mockery.

She was, I'm sure, the kind of person so busy learning Neurobiology that they think AFV fired rounds sometimes just turn around and explode behind the firing tank.

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The Gnome

Late one night, in a southern town

A gnome appeared, without a sound

He walked into the Dixie Grill

and ordered wine, some time to kill

But as he sipped his Chardonay

his pointy hat began to sway

As Bonnie Sue was walking by

His pointy hat brushed inner thigh

The southern belle let out a moan

The gnome stood up, his hat hit home

Poor Bonnie Sue both laughed and cried

As she let that hat give her a ride

Now husband Earl was 6 foot four

He kicked that gnome right out the door

He chased that gnome all through the night

In his F-150 painted white

So what, you ask, is the moral here?

When in Dixie, please drink beer.

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Originally posted by Jim Boggs:

The Gnome

Late one night, in a southern town...

Awful. Simply awful. Doggerel standing on the shoulders of a limerick to get a look up out of the sewer into the gutter of bad versification.

Do another one. This time make it about CMPlayer's wolf-fondling.

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Originally posted by Seanachai:

That woman spent God knows how many minutes immortalizing the fact that she was a halfwit in song.

And this woman is responsible for leading children through the hallowed halls of learning.

But, as it's the children of Minnesota it's not as if anything's being lost now, is there?

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