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Palms, Peng and a North African Challenge


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You've entered the Peng Challenge Thread CMAK Edition, I might add.

If you're an SSN, just leave now and avoid the embarrassment of getting sand between your cheeks.

If you are the masochistic type....look around..admire the digs, check out the potted plants, not Seanachai , the potted plants you numbskull!!! Challenge someone, in a way that amuses and delights. Use the language as it was meant to be used. Challenge someone of your own miserable standing, and not a Knight or Olde One.

Use words as if you really had a pair...but please no references to your pair, we're a cultured lot in here.

Be polite and respectful of the Ladies or you might find yourself alone in the Qattara Depression without food, water or a good book.

Still here? Stop letting sand in will you!!

Why don't you just sod off then.

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Don't tell me this is really the new Peng Challenge Thread. Can't someone do a proper set of rules?

Nidan1 thou art a fig seed: tiny to the point of being inconsequential, and only to be found in one of three places 1) the qualmy depths of sweet fruits, or 2) the droppings of the animals that eat them, or 3) between my teeth. I haven't yet decided which of the three thy incarnation of the rules most resembles, but they're about as charming as a set of bleeding gums. May a jerboa infest your steamy privates, and a bouncing betty sever your midparts, your suffering is my delight, I wish thee ill, thou art a midgit. Pah And Feh. Do you dare retaliate with a setup? I should think not but if you wish to prove me a liar, then prove me a liar. My mailbox (newly fumigated for the occasion) lies open thy cheeseeating chump.

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Originally posted by CMplayer:

Don't tell me this is really the new Peng Challenge Thread. Can't someone do a proper set of rules?

Nidan1 thou art a fig seed: tiny to the point of being inconsequential, and only to be found in one of three places 1) the qualmy depths of sweet fruits, or 2) the droppings of the animals that eat them, or 3) between my teeth. I haven't yet decided which of the three thy incarnation of the rules most resembles, but they're about as charming as a set of bleeding gums. May a jerboa infest your steamy privates, and a bouncing betty sever your midparts, your suffering is my delight, I wish thee ill, thou art a midgit. Pah And Feh. Do you dare retaliate with a setup? I should think not but if you wish to prove me a liar, then prove me a liar. My mailbox (newly fumigated for the occasion) lies open thy cheeseeating chump.

Rules...schmooles...what would a pea-brained, poxy nong, such as yourself know about rules.

Stop imitating an invertebrate long enough to check your in-box, if your flippers are capable of operating the send-receive button that is.

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When the hell is the coronation? 300 posts, and you olde doddering fools can't schedule a simple crowning? I'm sure Boo is willing to contribute some shiny baubles to make it look impressive.

And when do we get to rip apart the old king? Nothing like fresh blood to stir things up...

In other news, my wife rejected my first two choices of names for the new arrival: "Obso" and "Comp". Go figure.

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Originally posted by R Leete:

When the hell is the coronation? 300 posts, and you olde doddering fools can't schedule a simple crowning? I'm sure Boo is willing to contribute some shiny baubles to make it look impressive.

Did we ever have a coronation for the other buffoon? No I say, and we probably will not have one for the new Queen either.

First of all you have to be up at three o'clock in the morning, to see the olde decrepit ones posting anyway. What good can come of anything, at three o'clock in the morning?

The only bauble Boo would donate is his shiney violet glass eyes, the ones he wears when he dresses up as Elizabeth Taylor.

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Originally posted by R Leete:

Yeah, but what do you think of the names?

I think that if it is a girl, you should name her Reba. Reba Leete just flows off the tongue. Say it with me.

Reba Leete, Reba Leete, Reba Leete. Nice, huh?

Either that or Nellie.


It even looks good.

Now, for a boy, either Billy Leete or Pantusso Leete. Sounds like something they teach you in French cooking class, doesn't it?

"Now we are taking our scallions and we are pantussoleeting them.

No need to thank me. I'm a problem solver by nature.

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Originally posted by R Leete:

In other news, my wife rejected my first two choices of names for the new arrival: "Obso" and "Comp". Go figure.

1) Go here for an hilarious and terrifying primer on baby names.

2) Not hailing from a land with any experience with royalty, I find myself at somewhat of a loss: what does one do when one finds oneself in disagreement with one's Queen?

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Originally posted by dalem:

2) Not hailing from a land with any experience with royalty, I find myself at somewhat of a loss: what does one do when one finds oneself in disagreement with one's Queen?
Well, dependent upon the amount of power wielded by said queen, one could;

A)forget the disagreement entirely. Be prepared for it to come up again at a later time however.

B) admit the cause of the disagreemnt is your lack of sense.

C) Beg forgiveness

D)All of the above

One usually opts for letter C, it's always proper etiquitte to grovel before royalty.

[ November 08, 2003, 05:27 PM: Message edited by: Nidan1 ]

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Originally posted by Seanachai:



Originally posted by Aces_and_8's:

Mentioning Seanachai and talent in the same short post is giving him waaaaayyyyy more credit than he is due, even when preceded by the words lack(ing), no, none, non-existant, disappointing, etc.


Originally posted by: Seanachi

You're flirting with me, aren't you?

God I hate it when Marines find the Thread.


Originally posted by: Kitty

And I LOVE it...maybe I'll take this lad as my squire.


Hell yea!...I'm all over this deal. rune , cant pass up the opportunity for automatic move up the chain to squire...plus, she smells better than you. I hearbye tender my resignation (jump ship) as your serf/squire in training and throw my lot in with her. Pack sand you smegmatic mass from betwixt a rats legs, I'm outta here.

Kitty , my liege, what is your bidding?

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Tonight I spent a bit over two hours watching Matrix: Revolutions. What a waste of time. A bit like reading Seanachai posts about his so-called hatred for Berli. Boring, lame and without a trace of a plot, just a lot of expensive fireworks. And when I say expensive, I really mean cheap, just like the author himself.

I don't hate you, Seanachoochie. You've never given me cause to. It's nice that my passing comments about your pathetic existence should bring some light into those dull eyes of yours, but I really don't give a Kitty toy's Yeknod about whether you hate me or not.

That crumbling cupcake you keep between your ears may be capable of dribbling out the odd amusing post, but it's hardly up to the task of insulting me in any meaningful way. So you just go back to your bar, your temple. I'll be in my massage parlour.


[ November 08, 2003, 07:18 PM: Message edited by: SirReal ]

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Originally posted by SirReal:

I'll be in my massage parlour.


Do you get paid hourly or by client?

(And in other news, I've been playing around with map making. I have a nifty medium sized rural-city-industrial ME map available for anyone who wants to try it. Lemme know.)

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Originally posted by Boo Radley:

</font><blockquote>quote:</font><hr />Originally posted by SirReal:

I'll be in my massage parlour.


Do you get paid hourly or by client?

(And in other news, I've been playing around with map making. I have a nifty medium sized rural-city-industrial ME map available for anyone who wants to try it. Lemme know.) </font>

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Originally posted by Aces_and_8's:

Hell yea!...I'm all over this deal. rune , cant pass up the opportunity for automatic move up the chain to squire...plus, she smells better than you. I hearbye tender my resignation (jump ship) as your serf/squire in training and throw my lot in with her. Pack sand you smegmatic mass from betwixt a rats legs, I'm outta here.

Kitty , my liege, what is your bidding?

Tsk, tsk. I know reading is a strain for you, but you really need to brush up on your MBT history. It would have told you a few things.

First, you would realize that once rune took you to serf, he had rights of first refusal -- you, of course, have no say in this whatsoever. You cannot simply go bouncing from leige to leige like that waterfront trollop you visited in Yokohama last year.

Two, the Justicar and Olde Ones have to sign off on you going to to squire. This is to prevent nongs, has-beens, and never-will-be's from polluting our fair Cess (of course, given that you're a jarhead, that would be a pretty fair concern).

Cee, you cannot simply abandon one quest in hopes of finding an easier way to gain ground. It simply isn't done.

Now, since you are a jarhead, I suspect you will attempt some sly remark, or perhaps an angry response. Just remember this truism (both here and in RL):

You're still wrong.

[ November 08, 2003, 09:15 PM: Message edited by: MrSpkr ]

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Originally posted by Boo Radley:

True words by MrSpkr, aka Justicar-Lite.

That's Inquisitor General to you (especially to YOU, Boo).

By the way, Seanachai, Lars, dalem, heck, everybody who's anybody owes me a turn.



[ November 08, 2003, 09:54 PM: Message edited by: MrSpkr ]

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Originally posted by MrSpkr:

Tsk, tsk. I know reading is a strain for you, but you really need to brush up on your MBT history. It would have told you a few things.

First, you would realize that once rune took you to serf, he had rights of first refusal -- you, of course, have no say in this whatsoever. You cannot simply go bouncing from leige to leige like that waterfront trollop you visited in Yokohama last year.

For a lawyer, you are surprisingly unaware of the fine print. Kitty, being a Lady of the Pool works outside the pointless rules, and so if she decides she wants this one, there really isn't much ol' Cap'n Bligh can do aboot it
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